Haryana (BSEH) is all set to conduct the secondary and senior secondary regular/self-study annual exams. Candidates should note that the board will soon release the BSEH Admit Card 2024 for classes 10 and 12. Once the admit cards are made public, the affiliated schools will be able to download the BSEH Class 10 and 12 board exams admit cards by visiting the official website of the Board of School Education, Haryana at bseh.org.in. The affiliated schools should key in the user ID and password on the portal to download the admit cards.
It is important to note that access to download the BSEH hall tickets will be permitted to school heads only. Both school heads and self-study students must take a coloured printout of the hall ticket on A4-sized paper. The BSEH admit card is an important document; no student will be permitted to enter the exam centre if they fail to bring their admit card.
The Haryana Board Class 10 board examination is scheduled to commence on February 27 and run till March 26, 2024. However, the Class 12 board examination will be held from February 27 to April 2, 2024. The board examination for both Class 10 and Class 12 will take place in a single shift, that is, from 12:30 PM to 3 PM.
This year, a total of 5,80,533 candidates will appear for the Haryana Board Examinations at 1,482 examination centres across the state. Out of this, 3,03,869 students will appear for Class 10 board exams, and 2,21,484 students will appear for senior secondary examinations.
In addition to that, around 55,190 candidates will sit for the open school board examination across the state, among which 23,270 are for the Secondary (Open School) class and 31,910 candidates for the Senior Secondary (Open School) class.
Upon downloading, school heads must check the following details that are likely to be provided in the HBSE Admit Card 2024 for Classes 10 and 12. This includes the name of the student, roll number, student’s photograph and signature, name of the examination centre, address of the examination centre, school name, subject names and code, and guidelines for the exam day.
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