MP Police Constable Result 2024 Released at For 7,411 Vacancies
MP Police Constable Result 2024 Released at For 7,411 Vacancies
Candidates who appeared in the written exam can visit the official website of the Madhya Pradesh Employees Selection Board at and check their results

The Madhya Pradesh Employees Selection Board (MPESB) announced the results for the MP Police Constable written examination 2024 on March 7, 2024. Candidates who appeared in the written exam can visit the official website of the Madhya Pradesh Employees Selection Board at and check their results.

To access the result, candidates need to key in their application number, date of birth, and the first two letters of their mother’s name plus the last four digits of their Aadhar number in the spaces assigned on the portal. The Madhya Pradesh Employees Selection Board aims to recruit a total of 7,411 candidates for the post of constable through this recruitment campaign.

The MP Police Constable 2023 written examination took place from August 12 to September 18, 2023, in 13 districts of Madhya Pradesh. Now, the selection board has declared the list of candidates who qualified for the MP Police written exam and are eligible for the Physical Efficiency Test (PET).

MP Police Constable Result 2024: How to Check?

Step 1: Candidates are required to go to the official website of the Madhya Pradesh Employees Selection Board at to download the result.

Step 2: Look for and click on the MP Police Constable Result 2023 link available on the website’s homepage.

Step 3: Then, candidates will be redirected to a new page, where they have to enter their Application Number and Date of Birth.

Step 4: Once done, hit the submit button, and your MP Police Constable Result 2024 will be displayed on the screen.

Step 5: View the result carefully and save a copy of the same on your device.

Step 6: Candidates are advised to take a printout of the result for future use.

MP Police Constable Recruitment 2024: Selection Process

Candidates will be selected for the MP Police Constable posts after undergoing various selection stages. MP Police Constable recruitment consists of a five-tier selection process, including a written examination, a physical fitness test (PET), a physical standards test (PST), document verification, and a medical examination.

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