Beckham, Theron to grace 2010 World Cup draw in S Africa
Beckham, Theron to grace 2010 World Cup draw in S Africa
There are 32 countries participating in the football extravaganza in 2010.

New Delhi: All eyes will be on the 2010 World Cup draw ceremony in Cape Town that starts at 2230 hours (IST) on Friday.

The ceremony will be hosted by Oscar winning South African native Charlize Theron with stars like David Beckham and Haile Gebrselassie expected to be in attendance.

There are 32 countries participating in the football extravaganza from June 11 to July 11 next year of which just 8 are seeded for Friday’s draw.

To add to the attraction, FIFA has announced that a record $420 million will be given away as prize money.

FIFA Secretary General, Jerome Valcke said, "The champion will receive $30 million, the runner up $24 (million), the third place, $20 (million), the fourth place, $18 (million). The fifth to eighth place, $14 (million), the ninth to sixteenth place, $9 (million), and the seventeenth to thirty second place, $8 millions. To all these amounts you have to add $1 million because we will pay immediately and we have even already transferred the money $1 million to all 32 teams. It is what we call a million for the preparations of these teams before the World Cup."

Real Madrid star David Beckham is already in Cape Town getting set for the Friday night draw. He spent Thursday meeting young children at a football training camp near Cape Town. Beckham, who is also a UNICEF goodwill ambassador then proceeded to UNICEF supported clinic where he met and spoke to HIV positive mothers and educated them on ways to prevent passing HIV to their unborn babies. Beckham is in Cape Town to support London's bid for the 2018 World Cup.

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