Head Injury; Everything You Need To Know
Head Injury; Everything You Need To Know
Dr. Krishna Chaitanya, Senior Consultant-Neurosurgery at Kauvery Hospital in Electronic City, Bengaluru, talks about a few head injuries that have occurred and how they might be avoided by taking a few preventative measures

Brain as we all know, is the master control organ, orchestrating the physical, physiological and emotional routine of daily life. Consequently, brain injury has serious consequences on life and living. In my sojourn as a Neurosurgeon, I have been witness to countless fatal head injuries.I follow with a few real life examples that demonstrate the burden imposed by Head Injuries on daily life and society at large.

“Prevention is better than Cure”, goes the adage. Avoiding a head injury is paramount.

  1. A carefree young man in his twenties, on his new bike, got involved in a near fatal vehicle collision. Having suffered extensive brain injury, if it wasn’t for the quick response ambulance, it would have been too late. The damage to his brain was so severe that he still continues to recover and after 6 long years, with multiple surgeries, he is still bed-ridden, unable to talk, walk or think and entirely dependent on his family.
  2. A 5 year child, while playing happily in the balcony of a flat, lost its balance and fell from 3 floors. The injury was severe enough to be fatal. The lack of safety measures entailed a young flower to be crushed in its bud.
  3. A noted cardiologist was driving home after a weary day at the hospital. He was at speed, eager to get back home. Blame it on him being weary, he failed to notice an obstacle on the road and the car toppled after a lunge in the air. The head injuries were near fatal and after a long rehab he continues to stay bed-bound. What a loss to society !!
  4. A man, was getting his car by reverse out of his garage. In his haste, he failed to notice his kid playing directly in line with the car. The kid got ran over fatally, due to sheer negligence and callousness resulting from haste.
  5. A cab driver, gets busy on his phone while negotiating heavy traffic. An elderly driver behind him, being irked by the tardy driver, starts honking at him. This tips off the cab driver, who picks up a stone and hurls it at the elderly man, causing a near fatal head injury. Road rage is fast becoming a very common cause of head injuries.

The above instances showcase everyday examples of head injuries, which could very well be prevented by following some simple precautions. These are some of my observations:

  1. Following traffic rules and being tolerant towards our co drivers will go a long way in reducing accidents
  2. Being attentive with small kids, especially in places like balconies and terraces or any heights. Ensure having safety gates or safety nets to prevent any mishap.
  3. When driving do not resort to multitasking. Split seconds can change lives.
  4. Haste makes waste. Do not overspeed.
  5. Never mix drinking and driving. You may endanger more lives apart from yours.

The Government equally has a Responsibility towards preventing head injuries:

  1. The Government, by providing quality infrastructure plays a major role in preventing head injuries. On world head injury awareness day, the government and concerned implementing authorities should take a step towards laying quality infrastructure for avoiding accidents.
  2. Ensuring proper condition of roads without potholes and unscientific humps. Ensuring proper co-ordination between departments to avoid repeated digging up of roads.
  3. Proper direction signboards, traffic signals and strict traffic rules implementation
  4. Providing wide and accessible footpaths, underground / over head pedestrian crossings and maintaining it.
  5. Stringent physical and mental health checkup while providing driving license for individual and cancellation of license on repeated traffic rules violations.

The rat race of urbanization and globalization is increasing the risks of accidents and fatal head injuries. We have to draw a line at some point, put a cap to our stress and live for the moment. Choose your health and happiness over stress and accidents. Head out to a better life.

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