Relatable Joys
Describe something you genuinely enjoy. The “simple pleasures” Hinge prompt showcases the little joys you find in the mundane. Think of what really makes you happy. Try to bring up the feelings your simple pleasures give you—the sights, smells, bodily sensations, emotion, etc.—then describe them. Rolling down the windows of my car on a cold night and blasting the heat. Walking through the forest in early spring, especially after it rains. The trees turn black, and the moss and lichen are spectacularly green. Cooking with friends, the way smoke catches in your hair after a fire, the sound of frogs at night. The way the sun cuts through the tree outside my window as it’s setting. The clicking of my keyboard when I get into a good workflow. Tennis shoes squeaking on a basketball court, making a shot on the first try, beating (and being beaten by) my friends in pick-up games. Getting such a funny text that I actually laugh out loud, and the people around me are like, “What?” Stretching my legs in a new place after being on the road all day. Watching my dog rip up a new toy two seconds after getting it.
Getting Creative
Use descriptive language to wow potential matches. Your prompt answers show people what kind of person you are and can be a great tool to advertise your thoughtfulness. Make the most of the prompts by exercising your creative writing skills and avoiding one word answers and generic responses. The cardinal building a nest on my front porch. He’s my breakfast date every morning. Diving into a good show. I get so immersed in the plot that I feel like I’m in the writer’s room. A long, hot shower after being out in the cold all day. Bonus points if I was out on a winter hike. Seeing the ridges on the top of my cat’s mouth when she yawns. Why do they look like that?? Color coding my calendar so it turns into a beautiful mosaic of activity ????
Silly Answers
Use your sense of humor. One of the most important things people look for in a partner is a good sense of humor. Make potential matches smile by using wordplay, irony, or flipping common answers on their heads. When my dog actually brings back the frisbee. Getting myself out of bed before 11 am. The smoothness of my teeth after I floss. Spilling a scalding cup of coffee on my shirt ???? Growing a full beard, ripping off my chains, and howling at the moon. Talking during movies ???? Taking increasingly cold showers so I’m ready if I get thrown into a frozen lake. Drinking the best darn cup of coffee I’ve ever had.
Word Play
Put your own spin on classic answers. If you pursue Hinge long enough, you’re bound to see a few “simple pleasures” over and over again: drinking coffee, sunsets, watching Netflix, etc. While there’s nothing wrong with these answers, adding a clever twist can make your profile pop. Watching the earth dip below the sun’s horizon. Tuning into my favorite livestream at the riverbank. Perking up after my piping hot morning cup of Benadryl (I am allergic to coffee). Sharing an inside joke with someone I just met.
Standing Out From the Crowd
Show off what’s unique about you. The best way to attract someone is by being your authentic self—and there are things about you that make you like no one else. Talk about your niche interests, hobbies, and passions, especially if you haven’t seen them on other people’s profiles. Making fresh chocolate syrup for my morning mocha. Looking into my towel after taking off my eye makeup. Headbanging until I get whiplash at a grindcore concert. Documenting a new animal that I’ve never seen before (salamanders, muskrats, etc.) Painted ceilings, ladders on wheels, family crests. Entering my energetic body during meditation and traversing the astral plane. Eating a sandwich with bread I made and drinking a glass of kombucha that I brewed. When my turn signal matches the beat of my music.
Flirty Answers
Spice up your prompts with something a little sensual. While the average person on Hinge is more likely to be looking for a relationship than a hookup, there’s no denying that people go to the dating apps for physicality. Tastefully let people know what you want with these responses. Brushing up against someone’s skin for the first time. Soaked clothes, summer rain, and sweet kisses. The comfortable intimacy of pillow talk. Showing off my breakfast-making skills. Learning how other people want to be touched, feeling like I’m of service, mutual self discovery.
Poetic Flare
Play with word choice and punctuation to make your answers art. Since you have to write three separate prompts, Hinge gives you room to experiment in your expression. Draw people in by treating your prompts like poems and getting creative with punctuation, meter, and word choice. Ice cutting-cheek tears in the bright sun, move back behind my ears, settling in the hollows of head-meets-neck. Sunlight. Long, long sunlight hitting the window across the street and doubling back into that dark, open, unlit space in the east facing parlor. Sweet yapping dogthat I could not live withoutapple of my eye
Inviting Responses
Write about activities people may want to do with you. A great prompt gets someone to think, “Wow, I’ve never met someone like that,” as well as, “Wow, we have so much in common!” Write about activities you enjoy that encourage people to comment, “Okay, so when are we doing this ????” on your prompt. Finding a new cafe to work in...or really any cute coworking spot. The adrenaline rush I get falling off a rock wall I can’t climb to the top of (yet). Bumping elbows with people in the kitchen: the best meals are made together. Taking a day trip on a whim. Choosing places to go by looking at bodies of water on Google Maps. The resistance of throwing a huge block of clay, wet slip on my hands, slowly making the walls of a pot. Going to my book club! I love hearing what other people got out of reading something.
Attracting Someone Right for You
Show off your values and character. People often want to be with someone they share values with. You can use this prompt to let people know what’s important to you and what you want your life to be full of. Working on an art project with someone else—building on each other’s abilities and supporting each other’s weaknesses. Seeing my friends show up for the causes I care about. Organizing with my peers. Learning traditional recipes from my family and cooking them for my friends. Finishing a book and feeling like it changed me. Stepping back from a project and seeing how all my work falls into place. The look on someone’s face after I’ve served them a good meal. Taking a well-deserved break so I can build up energy for my next big move.
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