How to Convince Your Parents to Let You Buy a Horse
How to Convince Your Parents to Let You Buy a Horse
Riding a horse can be an amazing experience. There's nothing quite like leading a magnificent animal in a gallop through a green pasture under a blue sky. If horses are your passion, you may eventually want to own your own. Horse ownership is an extremely expensive and time-consuming hobby that is not to be taken lightly. Unless you're extremely wealthy, you’ll most likely need help.

Proving Your Commitment

Read everything you can find about horse care. You need to understand how and when to groom them, the best options for boarding them, how to muck out their stables, how to use and clean tack equipment and how and what to feed them. You should also understand how to maintain a horse's health what vaccinations it needs and when. Study multiple sources. Technical and medical advances revolutionize the horse care industry periodically. Learn what plants are poisonous to horses and how to avoid horse ailments.

Volunteer at a local stable. Let the stable owner know that you plan on owning a horse. Try to do every job you can. You'll gain valuable hands-on experience caring for horses while learning from an expert. Work often, the more experience you have, the more comfortable you'll be taking care of your horse. Ask the stable owner any questions you may have. They'll likely have great insight.

Take your parents to the stable. Show them everything you've learned. Let them see you perform daily tasks related to horse care. Have them speak to the stable owner. A good recommendation from him could ease your parents' concerns.

Stay devoted to horses. Show your parents your dream of owning a horse is more than a passing thought. Keep working with horses as much as possible. Be consistent. It may take time before your parents understand that you truly want to own a horse. Bring your work to your parents' attention. Remind them of your goal to own a horse often. Say things like: "Today I mucked the stalls for all the horses in the stable. I can't wait to clean up after my horse." or "I helped hold a horse still while it got vaccinated today. Did you know horses need to be vaccinated for tetanus every year?"

Making your Pitch

Explain why you need your horse. Let them know how owning a horse will help you grow as a person. Teach your parents about the benefits of horse ownership. Educate your parents by saying things like "I'll be more relaxed. Horse ownership has been known to reduce stress." "The challenge involved in training my horse will drastically improve my creativity." "Being responsible for my horse will help me build character." "Bonding with my horse will help me form a kinship with nature." Having a good reason for wanting something can help convince your parents to get it for you.

Outline your immediate plans for your horse. Tell your parents where you will keep your horse. Also, make them aware of everything you'll need to get started. Tell them about options for storing your horse. Say "Keeping my horse at home would reduce my travel expenses and allow me to spend more time with it but boarding my horse would mean that I could leave town and know that a professional would be there to take care of it." Include supplies like hay, tack, and grooming equipment. Include medical care and vaccinations.

Have a long-term plan. Tell your parents what you plan to do with your horse. Will you be showing your horse? If so, let your parents know what that entails. Say "If I show my horse, I'll need to travel with it and groom it more often which could add to my expenses. However, I could take care of other people's horses at shows to help pay for my own."

Designate a backup care plan. If you plan on keeping your horse at home, decide who will take care of it when you inevitably have to leave town. Show your parents that you've covered all your bases. Look up horse care providers in your area.

Negotiate with your parents. Say "I may not have enough money to maintain my horse on my own but I would be glad to do extra work around the house to help pay you back." Mow the lawn. Walk the dog. Take your siblings to school. Paint the house.

Have an exit strategy. Let them know that if owning a horse proves to be unworkable, you can always sell the horse. Show your parents you understand how to sell your horse. Describe how factors like age, height and temperament affect the value of your horse. Say things like "A young athletic horse could fetch a good price from someone looking to take it to shows, but an older even-tempered horse could be worth more to someone looking for a reliable horse for their children to ride." Assure them you know about advertising horses and how to talk to potential buyers. Tell them "If we do have to sell the horse, I know how to groom it and take the best pictures and videos of it to advertise it to buyers and get the best return on our investment possible."

Ask what it would take for your parents to agree with you. Find out what their worries are and see if you can put their minds at ease. Put the ball in their court. Ask them "What are your main concerns about me owning a horse? Is there anything I can do for you to make you feel more comfortable helping me purchase one?" Try to have an open mind as you listen to your parents' response.

Planning the Finances

Make a proposal. Write down everything you'll need to purchase and maintain your horse. Include every responsibility you'll have as a result of owning a horse. Include what expectations you'll have of your parents. Include what expectations your parents should have of you.

Shop around for horses. Look for horses that will meet your personal needs. Find the best prices on those horses in your area. Avoid free horses, as they often have medical or behavioral issues. Learn the history of horses you may buy to guarantee their quality.

Figure stable and grooming expenses. Find out how much it will cost yearly to keep your horse. Include equipment and medical costs. Leave room for the unknown. Include possible setbacks in your budget. Give them a plan for storing your horse. You can cut into the cost of showing your horse by learning to braid professionally for other contestants at shows.

Determine your contribution. Decide how much of your own money you can spend on your horse. Prove that you'll take horse ownership seriously by putting your cash towards it.

Following Through

Give your parents time to consider. Don't be pushy. Deciding whether or not to buy a horse is a big decision. Your parents will likely need time to think it over. Show them you can be patient. Take the extra time to prepare yourself and continue to study.

Follow through on other responsibilities. Do your best in school. Finish all your chores. Stay out of trouble. Show your parents you can handle responsibility and are ready for more.

Continue to show commitment to horses. Continue working with horses. Gain all the experience you can. Show your parents how passionate you are about working with horses.

Act mature. Even if your parents end up saying no, thank them for their consideration. If you handle the disappointment well, they'll be more likely to change their mind later. Don't blame them. Say "I completely respect your decision. I realize owning a horse is a huge commitment. I'm still passionate about horses and I hope someday I can prove to you that I do deserve the honor of owning one." Understand that they may not currently have the means to support a horse. Don't give up. Keep trying to convince them that you can handle horse ownership.

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