Common Signs and Symptoms of Hair Loss (and What to Do About It)
Common Signs and Symptoms of Hair Loss (and What to Do About It)
Hair loss is a natural part of the aging process for many people, and while it’s nothing to be ashamed about, it can be distressing. Sometimes, if you notice hair loss early enough, it’s possible to treat it or prevent it from getting worse. We interviewed professional hair stylist Courtney Foster to teach you all the early signs of hair loss, as well as common causes, prevention tips, and treatment options. Plus, find out when you should see a doctor if you’re worried about your hair loss and what puts you at a higher risk.
What are the early signs of balding?

Common Signs of Hair Loss

Thinning at the temples When you first start to lose your hair, it often starts thinning around your temples. You may also notice thinner hair at the crown, or back, of your head. Use a mirror to check the back of your head if you aren’t sure.

Thinning on top of the head Another common place for hair to start thinning is on the top of your head. In this case, you may not notice thinning or receding hair at your temples or the sides of your head. This type of hair loss typically progresses slowly and it may take years before you develop a bald area on top of your head. According to a scientific study, Asian men are more likely to experience this type of hair loss than a receding hairline.

Receding hairline A receding hairline is when the hair on the front and sides of your head begins to thin and move away from your face. Those with receding hairlines often notice their hairline makes an “M” shape because the hair on the side of their head is receding faster than the hair in the middle. This type of hair loss is common in males.

A widening part Sometimes, you may experience hair loss along your part line, or the line where your hair splits on top of your head. In this case, your part will begin to widen and pull apart. This type of hair loss is common in females. Foster says there’s “a misconception that [hair loss] is only for men. There is female pattern baldness and male pattern baldness. It can come from any gene of the family. It doesn’t have to be the male gene; it can be the female gene as well.”

Thinning across the whole head Sometimes, hair may thin equally with no noticeable patterns or shapes. When this happens, you may lose hair all over your head rather than in one specific place. This hair loss pattern is more common in females than males.

Hair loosening or falling out in clumps While hair loss is normally a gradual process, it may come out in clumps, like when you comb or wash your hair. This may occur after a physical or emotional shock or because of an underlying health condition. If your hair comes out suddenly, it’s a good idea to see a doctor to find out what’s causing it. This type of hair loss may be temporary, depending on the cause.

Circular or patchy bald spots Your hair loss may also result in patchy bald spots on your scalp, your beard, or even your eyebrows. When this happens, your skin may also become itchy or painful. Because this could be the result of an underlying health condition, see a doctor for treatment.

Losing hair all over your body As you age, you may notice hair loss on body parts other than your head, such as your legs and arms. The hair on these body parts may thin or not grow back after shaving. Some medical conditions and treatments, like chemotherapy, may also cause you to lose hair all over your body. In this case, the hair usually grows back.

Common Causes of Hair Loss

A family history of balding Genetics are the most common cause for hair loss. Hereditary hair loss is known as androgenic alopecia, which includes both male and female pattern baldness. This type of hair loss typically occurs gradually and happens as you age. Foster says, “If hair loss starts because of hereditary issues, there’s really nothing you can do to avoid it because it’s starting within the body.”

Certain medical conditions Many medical conditions can cause hair loss, either due to the disease itself or the medications used to treat it. You may experience hair loss if you have diabetes or lupus, a scalp infection such as ringworm, or trichotillomania (a hair-pulling disorder). Here are some other common medical conditions that cause hair loss: Alopecia areata: A small, circular area of sudden hair loss with no other symptoms. This type of hair loss may also impact facial hair, like beards and eyebrows. Telogen effluvium: A reversible type of hair loss that occurs after a particularly stressful event, like hospitalization, or as a result of a new medication. Tinea capitis: A fungal infection on your scalp that can cause scaly spots and pustules on your scalp and may result in permanent scarring hair loss. Cicatricial alopecia: A general term for hair loss that creates permanent scarring. The hair follicles left behind are destroyed and form scar tissue rather than growing more hair. This term covers several conditions that permanently damage hair follicles.

Hormonal changes Your hormones help regulate many of your body’s systems, including hair growth. If your hormones change or become imbalanced, you may experience hair loss, which could be permanent or temporary depending on the condition. Some conditions that may affect your hormones and cause hair loss include PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, and thyroid problems.

Stress If you’ve experienced an extreme physical or emotional shock, there is a chance you could experience hair loss from the sudden stress put on your body. When the body is stressed, it releases hormones like cortisol, which can impact hair follicle stem cells. Hair loss caused by stress is usually temporary.

Excessive hairstyling or hair treatments Hairstyles that pull the hair tight, like cornrows or pigtails, put strain on the hair follicles and can sometimes cause a type of hair loss called traction alopecia. Hot oil treatments and perms can also cause hair to fall out. If scarring occurs, this hair loss can become permanent. Foster says, “In the African American community, we do a lot of weaves and braids. [There’s] a lot of pulling, tight ponytails, tight styles, and a lot of chemicals. Avoid a prolonged or excessive use of that to minimize the possibility of hair loss.

Medications and supplements Hair loss can be a side effect of certain medications and supplements. This is often more common in drugs used to treat cancer, arthritis, depression, heart problems, gout, and high blood pressure. If your hair loss began after you started taking a new medication, it could be related.

Poor nutrition Having a deficiency in one or more micronutrients can sometimes lead to hair loss. Like all parts of your body, your hair needs the proper nutrients to grow. If you’re experiencing hair loss, get tested to see if you’re deficient in iron, vitamin D, zinc, or other nutrients. Additionally, low calorie diets and protein restriction may also lead to hair loss because your hair isn’t getting the amino acids it needs to grow properly. Foster says, “Have a healthy diet. Increase green leafy vegetables and water to make sure the scalp is healthy.”

Physical injuries If your hair follicles get damaged due to a physical injury, like a burn, they may no longer be able to produce hair. The scalp may become scarred, which prevents new hair from growing. This is common with deep burns, like second- and third-degree.

Radiation therapy Radiation therapy is a medical treatment used to kill cancer cells that often results in hair loss. While hair usually grows back after radiation, the amount of regrowth depends on the radiation dose and the area treated. Your hair may grow back thinner or in a different texture, or if you had a very high dose, it may not grow back at all.

Risk Factors for Hair Loss

Genetics You may be more likely to experience hair loss if it runs in your family. If you’re male and your maternal grandfather (your mother’s father) has male pattern baldness, there’s a strong chance you’ll experience male pattern baldness, as well. There is also a link between male pattern baldness and your father; if your father is bald, you’re twice as likely to have male pattern baldness. Women are more likely to experience female pattern baldness if a first-degree relative has hair loss.

Advanced age As you age, especially if you’re genetically predisposed, you’re more likely to experience hair loss. While hair loss can start as early as your teen years, many people begin to notice signs of balding in their 30s or 40s. More significant hair loss usually occurs once you’ve reached your 60s or later.

Significant weight loss If you’ve lost a large amount of weight, especially through restrictive dieting or weight loss surgery, you may be more at risk for hair loss. Stress on the body and/or nutrient deficiencies are often the cause. This type of hair loss is neither dangerous nor permanent. It typically occurs 3-4 months after weight loss and can last for up to 6 months.

Preventing Hair Loss

Treat and style your hair gently. If your hair loss is caused by tight hairstyles or hair treatments, be as gentle as possible when caring for your hair. Use a detangler and avoid tugging when you brush or comb your hair, especially when it’s wet. Using a wide-tooth comb may help prevent your hair from getting pulled out as you comb it. Avoid harsh treatments like hot rollers, curling irons, hot oil treatments, or perms, and try to avoid hairstyles that use rubber bands, barrettes, braids, or anything else that puts tension on your hair. Be aware that not all types of hair loss are preventable, like baldness caused by genetics. To improve your hair health, Foster says to “maintain moisture and shampoo often.” This won’t bring back the hair you’ve lost, but it can help you maintain the hair you have. EXPERT TIP Courtney Foster Courtney Foster Licensed Cosmetologist Courtney Foster is a Licensed Cosmetologist, Certified Hair Loss Practitioner, and Cosmetology Educator based out of New York City. Courtney runs Courtney Foster Beauty, LLC and her work has been featured on The Wendy Williams Show, Good Morning America, The Today Show, The Late Show with David Letterman, and in East/West Magazine. She received her Cosmetology License from the State of New York after training at the Empire Beauty School - Manhattan. Courtney Foster Courtney Foster Licensed Cosmetologist Avoid tension around sensitive areas. This includes the edges of the head, the nape, and the back. Avoid harsh chemicals, heavy products, sulfate, parabens, excessive pulling, excessive heat, and damage from the elements, like overexposure of sun.

Protect your hair from the sun and harmful UV rays. Excessive exposure to the sun can damage your hair and scalp, causing temporary or permanent hair loss. Protect your hair from harmful UV rays by using hair sunscreen and wearing a hat or using an umbrella whenever you go outside. Avoid bright afternoon sun by going out early in the morning or late in the day when possible. UV light can damage the cells that make up the hair shaft and change your hair’s growth cycle.

Stop smoking. Some studies have shown that smoking can lead to early on-set baldness, especially in men. Smoking constricts blood vessels, which reduces blood flow to the scalp and prevents hair follicles from getting the oxygen and nutrients they need to grow properly. Nicotine can also build up in the follicles and hair shaft, and smoking can cause inflammation in the follicles, all of which may lead to hair loss.

Make sure your hair loss isn’t caused by medication. If you notice hair loss after you start taking a new medication or supplement, talk to your doctor to see if it’s a side effect. If it is, your doctor may be able to put you on a different medication, and if it isn’t, they can work to figure out what’s causing it.

Ask for a cooling cap if you’re being treated with chemotherapy. A cooling cap (or cold cap) is a medical device worn during chemotherapy to reduce hair loss. The cap constricts blood vessels on the scalp, limiting the amount of chemotherapy medication that reaches the hair follicles. This potentially prevents them from being damaged and falling out.

Medical Treatments for Hair Loss

Minoxidil (Rogaine) Minoxidil (better known by the brand name Rogaine) is an over-the-counter medication used to prevent future hair loss. Follow the instructions on the package to rub the medication on your scalp regularly. It may promote some new hair growth, but it is mainly used to prevent more hair loss. Rogaine is generally most effective for people with hereditary hair loss or thinning on top of the head. Other drugs like finasteride and dutasteride are sometimes used alongside minoxidil to help treat hair loss, as well. There are several medications that can be used on- or off-label to help treat hair loss, so talk to your doctor to find one that works for you. Foster says, “Visit the dermatologist to determine the type of hair loss you have. They can administer steroid shots or topical steroid creams like Rogaine or minoxidil.”

Spironolactone (Aldactone) While spironolactone is used to treat high blood pressure, it is sometimes prescribed for off-label use to treat hair loss in women. The medication binds to receptors for androgen hormones (like testosterone) in your body to keep them in check and prevent hormone imbalances that could lead to hair loss. Off-label means that the drug has been approved to treat a condition different from your condition. This is entirely legal, and 1 in 5 prescriptions are written for off-label use.

Topical retinoids Some dermatologists recommend specially compounded hair topicals that contain a small amount of topical retinoid. Known as tretinoin, these retinoids stimulate cell proliferation and increase blood flow to hair follicles to promote hair growth. Follow the medication’s instructions to apply it correctly.

Hair transplant A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that removes hair follicles from one part of the body and transfers them to a bald or balding area. This procedure is usually used to treat male pattern baldness but can be used for any form of permanent hair loss. In general, people only get a hair transplant if they’ve already tried other treatments. Transferring hair follicles from one part of the body to another is also called follicular unit extraction.

Micro pigmentation “A non-invasive [treatment] is scalp pigmentation or micro-scalp pigmentation, which [consists] of hairline strokes that are drawn in the areas of hair loss.” Micro pigmentation is a cosmetic procedure in which tiny dots are tattooed onto the scalp to create the appearance of hair. Because this treatment is non-invasive, it doesn’t require surgery or anesthesia. The effects are semi-permanent, typically lasting 4-6 years.

Laser light therapy Laser light therapy uses a low-level laser to irradiate photons into scalp tissue. The photons are then absorbed by weak cells to encourage hair growth. Laser light therapy is less invasive than a hair transplant, but it is inconsistent—it works for some people, but not others.

Platelet-rich plasma therapy Platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP) is a non-surgical hair loss treatment that uses your own blood to promote hair growth. Your blood is processed into platelet-rich plasma, which is then injected into your scalp to stimulate hair growth. This procedure is often used to treat male pattern baldness and can aid in the stimulation of hair growth after hair transplants.

Stem cell therapy Stem cell therapy is a treatment that uses your own stem cells to restore your hair follicles. Unlike hair transplants that relocate hair follicles from another part of your body, this treatment is designed to restore the growth of natural hair follicles at the balding site. Stem cell therapy is a new and experimental procedure that requires further study to fully understand its efficacy and long-term benefits.

When to See a Doctor

See a doctor if your hair loss is accompanied by painful or uncomfortable symptoms. While hair loss on its own usually isn’t dangerous, talk to your doctor if you experience other symptoms such as swelling, excessive itchiness or scaling, a burning or stinging sensation, or pus discharge around the balding area. Contact a medical professional if you have sudden hair loss on other parts of your body, a recent high fever, sudden changes in weight, or adverse effects from a recent surgery. It’s also okay to see a doctor if you are distressed by your hair loss and want to pursue treatment. If you’re a woman experiencing a receding hairline, talk to your doctor about early treatment to avoid significant permanent baldness. If you or your child has sudden or patchy hair loss or you notice more hair loss than usual when combing their hair, talk to a doctor. Sudden hair loss often signals an underlying medical condition.

Hair Loss: Final Thoughts

Hair loss is a natural process and nothing to be ashamed of. Hair loss is very common and affects more than 80 million people—male and female—in the United States alone. It is a natural part of aging for many people. While it’s okay to treat your hair loss if you don’t like it, never feel pressured to do something about it if you don’t want to.

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