6 Ways to Troubleshoot Your Delicious Muffins
6 Ways to Troubleshoot Your Delicious Muffins
Ugh! Your muffins definitely aren't going to be winning any awards—but where exactly did they go wrong? We're here to help you solve the mystery. After taking a close look at your muffin, use our guide below to figure out what you can do better in the future.

Rose Too High

The muffins were overmixed or baked in an oven that was too hot. If the muffins had peaks like Everest with too much color, this is known as "peaked..


The muffin cavities in the pan were overfilled. Don't fill the holes more than two-thirds full in the future.


The oven wasn't hot enough or the muffins weren't baked for long enough. An undercooked muffin will have a center that is too moist and it doesn't peak enough.

Flat Surface

The raising agent wasn't effective or the muffins weren't missing an ingredient or two. Poorly risen muffins with a heavy, dense texture usually means that the raising agent was insufficient or ineffective (stale) or that the muffins were missing ingredients. If you've made substitutions to the muffin, this may also be another reason for poor rising.


The oven temperature was too high or the muffins baked for too long. Use a timer if you're forgetful.

Good Muffin

Good muffins have an even texture and rise evenly in the center. Overall, the colour will appear golden. When looked at in the pan, the muffins will be starting to come away from the sides of the pan holes of their own accord.

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