How to Play Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock
Stand across from a partner. Find another person to play with you, and stand an arm's length apart. Like playing standard Rock Paper Scissors, you can play the game for fun, to make a decision, or to settle a simple dispute. Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock has more possible outcomes and results in fewer ties.
Hold your fist out in front of you and count to 3. Have each player make a fist with their dominant hands. Pump your fist at a steady rhythm so each player can count at the same time. Say the numbers out loud so you both play at the same time.
Make one of the 5 hand signals when you say 3. Right as you each say the number 3, change from a fist into one of the 5 objects–either rock, paper, scissors, lizard, or Spock. Each object wins against 2 others. Determine who the winner is based on the object each player made. Alternatively, you can both chant “rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock” and reveal your hand signal on “Spock” rather than 3. Make a different object with your hand each time you play so your opponent can't predict your next move. If players make the same object, it's a tie. Play again to determine the winner. If you want to make the game fairer, play the best 2 out 3 rounds. A Simple Way to Remember Who Wins Scissors cuts paper. Paper covers rock.Rock crushes lizard. Lizard poisons Spock. Spock smashes scissors. Scissors decapitates lizard.Lizard eats paper. Paper disproves Spock.Spock vaporizes rock. Rock crushes scissors.
Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock Rules
Throw rock to crush scissors or lizard. To make a rock, keep your hand in a fist as you say 3. Rock wins against scissors or lizard, but loses to paper or Spock. Rock is the most common object to throw in the game. If you want to win, avoid throwing rock the first time you play with another person.
Use paper to cover rock or disprove Spock. Fully extend your fingers and hold them together so your palm faces down to form paper. Paper wins a game against rock and Spock, but loses to scissors and lizard.
Play scissors to cut paper or decapitate lizard. Stick out your index and middle finger to make a pair of scissors with your hand. Scissors wins the game against paper and lizard, but loses to rock and Spock. If you notice a player throwing paper or lizard often, try switching to scissors to beat them.
Choose lizard to eat paper or poison Spock. Lizard is one of the new additions to this version of the game. Put your 4 fingers together and make a “mouth” with your thumb. Lizard wins games against paper or Spock, but loses to scissors and rock. Pretend your hand is inside a sock puppet to easily remember what the lizard looks like.
Use Spock to vaporize rock or smash the scissors. Make the Vulcan salute by holding your index and middle finger together. Hold your ring finger and pinkie together, leaving a space between your middle and ring finger. Spock wins against rock or scissors, but loses to lizard and paper. Practice making the Vulcan hand sign before you play. Spock wins against rock and scissors because he uses his phaser to destroy them.
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