Do Voodoo Dolls Work? Everything You Need to Know to Use a Voodoo Doll
Do Voodoo Dolls Work? Everything You Need to Know to Use a Voodoo Doll
Voodoo dolls get a bad rap. Thanks to horror movies, many people think they’re primarily used to torture people. However, voodoo dolls can also be used for good! We’re going to tell you everything you need to know to make a voodoo doll represent someone—whether you made the doll or bought it. Additionally, we’ll explain how to use your voodoo doll to create positive changes or to get a little revenge.
Things You Should Know
  • Make your doll represent someone by attaching their photo, a lock of hair, a piece of their clothing, or their name.
  • Stick pins into your doll to represent your intentions and what you want to happen to this person—which could be yourself or someone else.
  • Place your voodoo doll on a personal altar and light a candle.
  • Ask the voodoo spirits, called Loas, to help you with your voodoo doll, or petition your ancestors for help.

Making a Voodoo Doll Represent Someone

Envision the person you want to affect. Make a voodoo doll to represent yourself or someone else. Voodoo largely depends on your connection with voodoo spirits, so you need to have a clear picture in mind of who the voodoo doll will represent. Think about this person as you assemble your voodoo doll, and repeat their name in your mind. If you’re not crafty, buy a premade voodoo doll.

Use a picture to personalize the voodoo doll. Start with a full-body photo of the person you want to represent. Cut out the person’s picture, trace it on a piece of felt, then fold the felt over to create 2 sides. Once you cut out the felt, use a needle and thread to sew the picture to the felt backing. Before you close the final few stitches, fill the doll with stuffing. Complete the stitching to finish your doll. As another option, make a paper voodoo doll by gluing a printed out photo to a piece of paper. Use cotton balls, paper scraps, or a paper towel as stuffing.

Add a personal object to your voodoo doll. Maybe you’ve already made a voodoo doll or purchased a premade doll. To represent the person you’re targeting, use something you got from the person. With a pin, attach something like a piece of hair, a piece of their clothing, or a paper with their handwriting. You could even just use their name. Make sure whatever you use came from the person you want the doll to represent. Otherwise, your voodoo doll might not work.

Cleanse your voodoo doll of energy. The materials you use to create your voodoo doll have lingering energy. Start with a clean slate by neutralizing the energy attached to your voodoo doll. You have several options for cleansing your doll, like covering it with incense or sage or rinsing it with salt water. As another option, leave it out in the sunlight or moonlight for several hours. If you don’t cleanse your voodoo doll, lingering energy from other people will mess up or misdirect your voodoo spell.

Creating Positive Change

Concentrate on your desires. First, meditate for a few minutes to clear your mind of distracting thoughts. While holding your voodoo doll, focus on the desired effect you hope it will bring. Set an intention for your doll, such as: Healing Fertility Love Success Money Growth Power Protection

Insert colored pins to represent your desires. Traditionally, there are 7 colored pins you can use on a voodoo doll. Pick the colored pin that matches the intention you have for your doll. Here are the colors you can use and their meanings: Yellow: success and confidence Green: growth and money White: positivity and healing Red: love and power Purple: spirituality and wisdom Blue: peace and love Black: repelling negative energies

Petition the spiritual beings of Voodoo, called Loas. The Loas (also called Lwas) aren’t gods—they’re spirits who act as intermediaries between people and God. To appeal to the Loas, set up an altar and place your voodoo doll on it. Then, light a candle and offer a small sacrifice to the Loas, like a snack, drink, or flower. You could also appeal to your ancestors to help you. In voodoo, your deceased ancestors can bring about change in your life and provide you with other types of aid. Your altar can be any flat surface. Items you can put on the altar could include a candle, incense, a bowl of salt water, crystals, and a representation of your chosen deity or your ancestors.

Harming Someone

Insert colored pins with an intention to harm. In voodoo, pins can be used for good or evil. For instance, a red pin can help you gain power in your life or get power over someone else. Pick the colored pin that matches your intention, and really focus on what you want as you insert it into the voodoo doll’s head. To control someone, insert a red pin in their head. To block someone, you might use a black pin.

Appeal to a spirit to act on your behalf. Place your voodoo doll on an altar, then light a candle. Ask the Loas or one of your ancestors to harm this person on your behalf. Then, offer a sacrifice, like food, a drink, coins, or a crystal. After you sacrifice something, bury it in the earth or leave it on your altar if it’s nonperishable. Never use the item for your own benefit, since it’s a sacrifice. You don’t need to sacrifice living beings to do voodoo. Sacrifices are often things like money or food.

Use pins, rope, and water to release your rage on the doll. You’ve probably seen the classic movie depiction of a voodoo doll with pins and needles stuck all over it. If that’s your jam, unleash your rage by sticking pins into the doll, tying a rope around it, submerging it in water, or anything else that makes you happy. As you do it, imagine these things affecting the person you’re targeting. Stabbing a voodoo doll can actually make you feel better, even if harm doesn’t come to the other person. Make sure you clear the doll of all previous energies. If the doll is in any way associated with someone else, they may experience the harm as well and you wouldn't want that! Most experienced practitioners of Voodoo suggest only to use your doll for good, because as the saying goes "what goes around comes around."

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