Upgrading Dark Step to Death Step
Have at least 400 mastery in Dark Step, $2,500,000, and 5,000 fragments. You need all of these to upgrade Dark Step to Death Step. You only need to defeat enemies using moves in the Dark Step fighting style to get enough mastery. To get mastery faster, you should consider grinding bosses. If you don't have Dark Step already, find the Dark Step Teacher in Pirate Village in the First Sea, at Hot and Cold in the Second Sea, or inside Castle on the Sea in the Third Sea. Raids will get you fragments quickly, but you can read more about farming fragments in this wikiHow article.
Get a Library Key. You can get the key to drop from the Awakened Ice Admiral or have a smaller chance by defeating Ice Castle enemies. Note the Awakened Ice Admiral (lvl 1400) is not the same NPC as the Ice Admiral boss that's level 700.
Use the Library Key to open the Ice Castle door. You cannot talk to the NPC to get Death Step even if you use a skill to enter the door without the Library Key.
Talk to the NPC and purchase Death Step. Once you meet the above requirements, Phoeyu will offer to teach you Death Step. Using a skill, like Flash Step, to get inside the locked room without the Library Key prevents you from talking to Phoeyu.
Death Step Abilities
Rocket Kick/Z. 100 mastery. Dash forward and knock back any enemies in the way. Hold Z to charge your attack, up to 5 seconds. A charged attack deals more damage. This skill has a short cooldown, which means you can use it more often!
Wind Bullet/X. 200 mastery. Kick the air, creating an air bullet that dives through the air. On contact, the bullet explodes, dealing knockback and AoE damage. This skill deals damage and breaks Observation even if it does not land a direct hit. If Maximum Overheat is active, this skill does more damage and adds a flaming trail.
Vermillion Drill/C. 300 mastery. Unleash a barrage of kicks that resembles a drill towards your cursor. If an enemy is caught in the attack, the barrage of kicks ends with a downward kick. This is a great stunning skill. Holding C down increases the duration of this attack. If you are on the ground when you initiate this move, your avatar will jump into the air first. With Maximum Overheat, the final downward kick lights the ground on fire and deals extra burn damage.
Maximum Overheat/V. 400 mastery. Set your legs on fire and increase Death Step's damage by ~15% for 40 seconds. All attacks in Death Step deal additional fire damage and deal ticking damage to other players inside those attack areas. Activating this skill also deals a small amount of ticking damage to nearby enemies and players. Skills with Maximum Overheat active also break Instinct. Read this wikiHow article to learn how to get Instinct V2.
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