How to Attract an Aries Man As a Gemini Woman
How to Attract an Aries Man As a Gemini Woman
If you're a Gemini woman who wants an Aries man to look your way, you've come to the right place. To be fair, it's usually not that hard to capture the attention of an Aries—the challenge is to hold onto it. Gemini is a mutable sign, though, which means you're highly adaptable. If anybody has what it takes to snag that riveting Ram, it's you. Read on to learn everything you need to know to attract the Aries man you've been longing for.

Engage him in light-hearted conversation.

An Aries man is known for his quick wit and loves to chat. Geminis are among the greatest conversationalists of the zodiac, so you've definitely met a good match here. You can talk about any topic under the sun and your Ram will relish the opportunity for some verbal sparring. He's a smart guy and he's looking for his intellectual match, but he can also get pretty passionate about things. If the conversation starts to get too heated, don't be afraid to change the subject.

Tease him playfully.

The typical Ram can be mischievous and enjoys a little flirty banter. Do you see that sparkle in his eye? That tells you he's up for a little silliness. But be careful—a couple of playful punches can easily turn into a spirited wrestling match. On second thought, maybe you don't want to be too careful. It's also okay to get a little boisterous. He can get rowdy and doesn't care about making a scene, so if you want to run over and tackle him out of the blue, he'll probably be into that. If you tease him, expect him to tease you back. You two will likely feed off each other's energy, so this is a battle that may never end. Not that you want it to!

Play a little hard to get.

An active Aries enjoys the thrill of the chase. If you throw yourself at him, he's likely to get bored pretty quickly and move on. Fortunately, Gemini ladies tend to be pretty spirited and unpredictable, so it's unlikely that you'll settle down with him super fast. You like a good romantic chase too, so give him a little flirty tease and then flutter off to play with someone else. For example, if the two of you are at a party, you might dance with him for a song or two, then head off to hang out with someone else. If he asks if you want to go somewhere quieter with him, you might just give him your number instead and tell him to text you sometime.

Ask for his advice on something.

Your typical Ram is generous with his advice and loves to help people out. It doesn't even matter if you've already made up your mind about something—just present it to him as though you haven't. When you ask him for advice, you're telling him that you believe he knows best what you should do, and there's nothing he loves more than being considered the best. Maybe you're contemplating a career move or trying to decide where to go on vacation. He'd love to weigh in and it'll please him that you want his input. If you're still in school, you might be trying to decide which classes you should take next semester or whether you should change your major. Tell him what your goals are and he'll steer you in the right direction.

Play up your femininity.

Aries guys are usually most attracted to ladylike women. Wearing a graceful dress in a soft, flowing fabric with heels is a great way to catch his eye. If you're the typical Gemini, you probably have a closet overflowing with different looks and styles, so you're sure to find something light and alluring that will pull that Ram in. Even if you're going with a simple look, such as jeans and a T-shirt, add a little feminine flair with an arm full of bracelets or a sparkling necklace. Pay attention to the little details as well. While an Aries guy might not necessarily notice a fresh manicure, he will appreciate how it pulls your whole look together.

Get to know his friends.

Aries guys are pretty social and tend to have a lot of close friends. As a Gemini, you're known for being a social butterfly yourself, so this shouldn't be any problem for you. When he sees you making an effort to get to know his friends, it shows him that you want to be an active part of his life. Once you've met them, ask him about them periodically to show that you're interested in them as well. For example, if one of his friends recently started a new job, you might ask how he's liking it so far.

Be a little spontaneous.

Men born under this sign tend to crave excitement. A Ram is willing to try anything once and is always on the lookout for new things to try. You could even say he gets bored easily—which should be just fine for you because Geminis are the same way. If you're looking for somebody to go skydiving or bungee-jumping with you, he's definitely your guy. When you're out with him and notice that he's starting to look around the room or glance at his phone a lot, that's the time to take action. Suggest something else to do and he'll be happy to tag along.

Pay him a lot of attention.

When he talks, make eye contact and actively listen. Ask questions to let him know that you were paying attention and are interested in what he was saying. When the two of you are hanging out with other people, speak directly to him every few minutes to let him know that you've only got eyes for him. He'll love that, as he loves attention. Saying his name is another good way to let him know you're paying attention to him. For example, if you're browsing in a store and you see something you think he'd dig, you might say, "Oh, Mark, this shirt is totally your style—you should try it on!"

Take him out dancing at a hot new club.

Your Ram will feel at home in the loud, dynamic atmosphere. Gemini ladies are known for being social butterflies, so of course, you know the hippest places to see and be seen. And an Aries does love to be seen out and about, so this date is ideal for both of you. He likes doing active and adventurous things too, so if a night out dancing isn't your style, maybe you could go on a bike ride or rock climbing together. If there's a hot local brewery or distillery nearby, chances are he'll like hitting them up for a tour (and some free samples at the end).

Wind down in a popular café or bar.

Even if he's relaxing, the typical Aries still wants to be part of the action. Rams are pretty go-go-go, so he's not much for a quiet evening at home. A bustling café or bar is chill enough for him. These are also good options to meet up and then decide where to actually go. Since you're both pretty spontaneous, it gives you the ability to pick something to do on the fly that perfectly matches your mood at the moment.

Give him a tough problem to tackle.

The typical Aries is always up for a challenge. He loves nothing more than to succeed where all others have failed, to be your "knight in shining armor," to come to the rescue. If you have something tricky you've been stressing over, ask him if he wants to take a stab at it and he'll rush to fix it for you. Does your computer keep freezing up? If he's a tech guy, take it to him and tell him everything you've done so far. He'll do everything he can to get it running smoothly again. If he's a car guy, he can probably diagnose that weird sound your car's making and get it fixed for you cheaper than if you took it to a mechanic.

Let him have time alone to pursue his own interests.

Rams cherish their independence and need their alone time. Geminis tend to be pretty independent as well, so this shouldn't be a problem for you. Sure, you have a pretty social nature, but your sign's inherent duality means you have no problem switching directions and going your separate ways. An Aries guy tends to be pretty direct, so don't worry—he'll let you know when he needs to go do something on his own. Just give him a smile and wish him luck.

Draw him closer by revealing your sensitive side.

This helps your Aries guy feel safe opening up to you. Aries guys aren't known for expressing their emotions and can have a hard time opening up. As a Gemini, you tend to lean on your logic more than your emotions, but if you show him a softer side you'll connect with him more. Telling him how something makes you feel encourages him to share his feelings as well. You could just say something like, "I feel so warm and cozy with you," or, "You always make me feel so safe and protected."

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