How to Bathe a Dog in a Shower
How to Bathe a Dog in a Shower
Bathing your dog in a shower is a great way for them to create a positive association with getting washed due to the warm water. Get the shower ready first by choosing the right shampoo, having all of the supplies that you need close by, and placing a non-slip mat in the shower. Wash your dog next by soaking their coat thoroughly before massaging in shampoo and rinsing it out. Dry your dog using a towel or a blow dryer, and then enjoy your beautifully clean canine! Make sure to include plenty of treats and affection during the showering process so that both you and your dog have a good experience.

Getting the Shower Ready

Choose the right shampoo for your dog. Look at the different types of dog shampoo at your local pet store and pick the one that is right for your dog and their coat. There are a wide variety of dog shampoos available including breed specific types, different coat types, and allergy-friendly types. Talk to your veterinarian if you are unsure about what type of shampoo is best for your dog. Never use human shampoo on a dog as it can irritate and damage their skin.

Stock the shower station with towels and shampoo. Get everything that you will need in the shower area ready before you begin the process. This makes it less stressful for both you and your dog. Place an old towel by the entrance to the shower to prevent the floor from getting slippery. Have 1-2 towels next to the shower ready for when you are ready to start drying. Make sure that the dog shampoo is in the bathroom too and that it's within reaching distance. It’s easiest to get all of the supplies ready before you bring your dog into the room.

Place a non-slip surface on the shower floor. A rubber, non-slip mat prevents your dog from slipping in the shower and helps to keep the experience calm. Make sure that the non-slip surface covers the whole area where your dog may stand. If you don’t have a non-slip mat, place an old towel down in the shower instead.

Brush your dog before you start showering them. Use a dog brush to gently work your way through your dog’s coat. This will remove any debris that may clog the drain. It will also prevent any knots from getting set in by the water.

Washing Your Dog

Use a detachable shower nozzle if you have one. Detachable shower nozzles are the best way to bathe your dog in the shower because you can easily aim the water. Have the detachable shower nozzle within easy reach before you put your dog in the shower and test the water pressure first to make sure that it is low.

Adjust the temperature to lukewarm if you're using a detachable shower nozzle. It's important to get the temperature correct before you start rinsing your dog. Wet your hand in the water to test that the water is lukewarm and not too cold. Turn the shower off before you place your dog inside so that it doesn't overwhelm them.

Fill a bucket with lukewarm water if you don't have a detachable shower nozzle. You will need to use a large bucket with a smaller plastic cup or jug to rinse your dog, as this will allow you to direct the water onto the dog's coat. Avoid using just a regular shower head to bathe your dog with, as you won't be able to direct the flow of water and they could get shampoo in their eyes. If your dog has a particularly long coat or if you have a large dog, fill up 2-3 buckets of water before you begin so that you don't run out.

Place cotton balls into your dog’s ears to protect them. A dog’s ears are very delicate and water getting into them can cause health problems. Prevent the water from getting into your dog’s ears by gently stuffing 1 cotton ball into each ear before you turn the water on. Make sure to remove the cotton balls once the shower is over. If your dog doesn’t let you put the cotton balls in, then just be very careful not to spray water into the ears during the shower.

Place your dog into the shower and bend in from the entrance. Coax your dog into the shower or pick them up and place them inside. Pick a position for you to stand or bend in that will be the most comfortable for you and your dog. Make sure that you can easily reach your dog while it's in the shower.

Offer your dog a treat to create a positive association with showering. Dogs are often stressed during bath time, however, using treats, play, and affection can help to make the experience more positive to them. Give your dog a treat once they are in the shower and offer lots of affection. Try to use a gentle tone during the showering process to help make the process positive for your dog. With many repeated, positive experiences, over time they will become more comfortable with getting into the shower and being bathed.

Rinse your dog with lukewarm water from the neck down. Use the detachable shower nozzle to thoroughly rinse your dog all over the chest, legs, paws, and torso. Be careful not to get water in their eyes or ears. Make sure that you use a light or low water pressure only. This helps to keep your dog calm. If you don't have a detachable shower nozzle, fill a plastic cup or jug with water from the bucket. Rinse your dog by pouring the water in the cup or jug over their coat.

Massage the shampoo into your dog's coat. Begin with a small spoonful of shampoo and add more if necessary. Alternatively, follow the instructions on the shampoo bottle label to find out how much to use on your dog. Start shampooing the neck and work your way down to the chest and legs, before moving onto the torso. Massage the shampoo in thoroughly so that it is sudsy. Make sure to not get the shampoo into your dog's eyes, nose, and ears.

Rinse your dog thoroughly. Once the shampoo is all sudsy, begin rinsing it away using the detachable shower nozzle. Alternatively, fill up the plastic jug or cup with water to rinse your dog with. Make sure that the water is still lukewarm and set to a low pressure. Rinse your dog over their whole body until no more suds remain, excluding the face and ears, and then rinse your dog again to ensure that all of the shampoo is gone. It’s important to wash away all of the shampoo so that it doesn’t irritate your dog's skin. If you are using a cup or jug rather than a detachable shower nozzle, you will have to fill it several times through the rinsing process.

Use a damp cloth to gently wash your dog's face. Get a small, clean cloth and wet it lightly with lukewarm water. Gently wipe your dog's face and around its eyes. Make sure to wipe the muzzle and chin too. Rinse the cloth out while you are using it if necessary.

Drying Your Dog

Hold your dog’s muzzle gently to prevent it from shaking. Use your thumb and forefinger to gently hold onto the muzzle if your dog starts to shake its head. Dogs always begin shaking with their head first and then their body second, which means that preventing their head from moving will stop you from getting soaked. You don’t need to hold the muzzle during the whole drying process. Just when your dog looks like it’s about to start shaking is all that’s necessary.

Dry your dog using a clean towel. Place a large towel over your dog’s back and gently pat the coat to remove the excess water. You may need more than 1 towel if your dog has a lot of fur. Don’t worry about drying your dog completely with the towel, as once the excess water is removed they can air dry.

Use a blow dryer to speed up the drying process if you prefer. If your dog isn’t afraid of the noise, blow drying their fur will help to dry get their coat faster. Set the temperature to the lowest possible to avoid burning their skin. Alternatively, you can also get blow dryers that are specially designed for dogs, which only use room temperature air. Blow drying your dog’s fur will help them to air dry more quickly. Dogs with long coats especially benefit from a blow dryer rather than a towel.

Reward your dog with play or a treat once the shower is over. Praise your dog for their good behavior during the shower. Give them another treat or make a special effort to play with them to help create a positive association with the experience.

Keep your dog inside until they are fully dry. Dogs that have just been bathed tend to roll around if they are let loose outdoors. Keep them away from mud and other debris until they are dry to prevent your hard work from being ruined.

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