How to Calculate the Distance from Lightning
How to Calculate the Distance from Lightning
A thunderstorm is approaching, and suddenly you see lightning followed by a deafening clap of thunder. It sounded close -- really close. Calculating the distance from lightning can just give you peace of mind if you're in a safe location, or it can help you know if you need to find a safe path as soon as possible. So how close were you to the lightning strike? Read on to find out.

Watch the sky for a flash of lightning.

Count the number of seconds until you hear thunder. If you have a digital or analog watch, begin timing as soon as you see the lightning and stop as soon as you hear the thunder. If you don’t have a watch, do your best to count the seconds accurately. Say "One one thousand, two one thousand..." in your mind as you count.

Calculate the distance from lightning in miles or kilometers. Sound travels one mile every five seconds and one kilometer every three seconds. Therefore, if you want to find out how far you are from lightning, divide the number of seconds by 5 if you want the answer in miles and divide it by 3 if you want the answer in kilometers. The delay between when you see lightning and when you hear thunder occurs because sound travels much more slowly than light. Here's what you do: Let's say you counted 18 seconds. To find your distance from the lightning in miles, divide 18 by 5 to get 3.6 miles. To find your distance from the lightning in kilometers, divide 18 by 3 to get 6 kilometers. Though you won't be able to get a completely accurate result because the weather may vary in temperature and humidity, which will slightly affect the speed of sound, this is a good way to estimate how far you are from the lightning.

Calculate the distance from lightning in feet or meters. Sound travels at a speed of about 344 meters, or 1,129 feet, per second. To calculate your distance from the lightning in meters, just round 344 down to 340 and multiply the number of seconds by 340. To calculate your distance from the lightning in feet, just round 1,129 up to 1130 and multiply the number of seconds by 1130. Here's how you do it: Let's say you counted 3 seconds. Multiply that number by 340 to get your distance in meters. 3 x 340 = 1020 meters. Multiply that number by 1130 to get your distance in feet. 3 x 1130 = 3,390 feet.

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