How to Clean a Toilet or Bidet Using Bleach
How to Clean a Toilet or Bidet Using Bleach
No one likes to clean the toilet or bidet, but this chore should not be neglected. Toilets and bidets need to be cleaned and sanitized weekly. Instead of purchasing multiple products, use bleach, since it cleans and sanitizes. Before using bleach on your bidet, contact the manufacturer to determine if it is safe to use.[1]
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Scrubbing and Sanitizing the Inside of a Toilet or Bidet

Gather the cleaning materials and prepare the toilet or bidet. To clean your toilet or bidet, you will need bleach, a measuring cup, and a toilet brush. Using the measuring cup, pour out 1/4 cup of bleach. Before cleaning, flush the toilet or bidet. If your toilet or bidet has rust stains, do not use bleach. Bleach will set the rust stains, not remove them. To remove rust, apply 1/2 cup (64 g) of baking soda to the spot and spray it with white vinegar. Let it sit for 30 minutes before flushing. Before using bleach on your bidet, check with the manufacturer to determine if it safe to use this cleaning product. Many bidets are made out of materials that may be damaged by bleach.

Add bleach to the toilet or bidet and scrub. After lifting up the lid and seat, carefully pour the 1/4 cup of bleach into the toilet bowl or bidet. Immediately wipe up any bleach that splashes onto the rim or floor with a clean rag. Scrub the interior of the toilet or bidet with the toilet brush. Scrub under the entire rim of the toilet or bidet. Gradually spiral the brush down towards the waterline, scrubbing as you go. Once you reach the chute, insert the brush into and out of the chute several times. Bleach can cause damage or irritation to your eyes, skin, and or lungs. Take precautions to protect yourself from the corrosive substance—wear gloves, protective eyewear, and work in a well ventilated area. Immediately wash any areas of your body that come into contact with bleach.

Flush the toilet or bidet and clean the brush. After scrubbing the toilet or bidet, place the toilet brush under the rim. Flush the toilet or bidet and allow the fresh water to rinse the toilet brush. Gently tap the brush on the side of the toilet and return it to its holder.

Removing Built-Up Stains from Your Toilet or Bidet

Choose a time of day to clean your toilet or bidet. When left for several hours (or even days) in a toilet or bidet bowl, bleach can cut away at harsh, built-up stains. While the bleach is in the bowl, you cannot use the toilet or bidet. For this reason, it is best to deep clean the toilet or bidet when you are out of the house or asleep. Choose a time when your roommates and or family members are also out of the house. Let your roommates or family members know when you are leaving bleach in your toilet.

Measure and pour bleach into your toilet or bidet. Locate a measuring cup and a bottle of bleach. Using the measuring cup, pour ¼ cup of bleach. After opening the lid and seat of your stained toilet or bidet, carefully pour the bleach into the bowl. Bleach is a corrosive substance. It can damage your eyes, skin, and lungs. It is also harmful if swallowed. When cleaning with bleach, work in a well ventilated area and immediately wash any parts of your body that come in contact with the bleach.

Let the bleach sit overnight or throughout the day. Once the bleach is in the bowl, close the seat and shut the door to your bathroom to prevent children and pets from coming into contact with the bleach. After a coming home from a busy day or waking up from a great night’s sleep, return to the bathroom and flush the toilet. Lift up the lid to reveal a clean, stain-free toilet or bidet. If the toilet or bidet still has stains, try this method again. Allow the bleach to sit in the toilet or bidet for a longer period of time.

Sanitizing the Outside of a Toilet or Bidet

Mix bleach and water to make a cleaning solution. Diluted bleach is a highly effective sanitizer. In order produce an effective sanitizer, you must carefully mix the solution. When cleaning bathroom surfaces, the proper ratio of bleach to warm water is 4-6 tablespoons bleach to 1 gallon (3.8 L) warm water. If you are making a quart of sanitizer, the ratio becomes 1 ¼ tablespoons bleach to 1 US-quart (950 ml) of warm water. Locate a clean 1 US-quart (950 ml) spray bottle and take off the top nozzle. Measure out 1 ¼ tablespoons bleach. Carefully pour it into the spray bottle. Measure out 1 US-quart (950 ml) of warm water. Carefully pour it into the spray bottle. Screw on the top nozzle and shake the mixture. Since bleach evaporates quickly, it is important to mix a new batch of sanitizer every time you clean. When bleach comes into contact with your eyes, skin, or lungs, it can cause damage or irritation. You can protect yourself from the corrosive substance by wearing protective eyewear, gloves, and working in a well ventilated area. Rinse off any body part that comes into contact with bleach. Do not ingest bleach. Keep out of the reach of children and pets.

Wipe down the toilet or bidet to remove traces of urine. When urine evaporates, ammonium salts are left behind; when ammonia interacts with bleach, a poisonous gas is formed. As a result, it is highly recommended that you do not clean the exterior of your toilet or bidet with bleach. Instead, first clean the surface with a mild cleanser and then sanitize with a diluted bleach solution. Wipe down the surface of your toilet or bidet with a damp sponge and an all purpose cleaner. Don't forget to clean these areas: Front and back of the lid Top and bottom of the seat Rim Pedestal Outer bowl Tank

Spray your toilet or bidet with the diluted bleach solution. Use the spray bottle to spritz the entire surface of the toilet or bidet with the diluted bleach solution. Allow the product to sit on the surface for at least 1 minute. After 60 seconds, you may wipe down the surface of the toilet of bidet with a clean towel. For the most sanitary results, allow the diluted bleach solution to air dry.

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