How to Cope With Stress at School
How to Cope With Stress at School
No matter if you’re in grade school or grad school, it’s natural to experience school-related stress. But school stress is also something you can successfully manage. This article lists several strategies for coping with school stress, starting with the “4 As” of stress management, then moving on to quick stress-reducers and longer-term adjustments. So, instead of letting school stress control you, take charge of your stress and enjoy your school experience!

Use the “4 As” to bust stress.

Avoid, alter, adapt, and/or accept your sources of school stress. When you know a stressful situation is about to happen or you feel your stress building up inside, take stock of the situation and try one or more of the following stress management options: Avoid. Steer clear of people or situations that cause you stress as much as possible. Take a different route between classes, for example, or pack up your school stuff the night before so you’re not freaking out trying to get everything ready in the morning. Alter. Change the circumstances that cause your stress. If you’re stressed out because your schedule is too overloaded, for example, see if you can either cut back on some of your extracurriculars or adjust your academic schedule. Adapt. Adjust your response when you can’t avoid or change the cause of your stress. For example, work on reframing your perspective so you don’t get overly stressed about a single quiz that isn’t a huge deal in the larger picture. Accept. Don’t try to change the reality that school always causes at least some stress. A manageable amount of stress can in fact be a good thing if it drives you to succeed. Remind yourself that your goal is to keep your stress manageable, not completely eliminate it.

Get to know your stress response.

You can react to stress faster when you know it’s coming on. Each person responds to stressful situations differently. Your shoulders might tighten, your jaws might clench, your palms might get sweaty, your stomach might feel knotted up, your body might start shaking, and so on. Listen to your body so you know when stress is coming on—that way, you can better identify what’s causing your stress and more effectively manage your stress.

Identify your school stress triggers.

It’s hard to manage stress when you don’t know what’s causing it. It’s not enough to say that “school” is causing you stress—dig a little deeper! Is it too much homework, worries about grades, lack of sleep, lack of free time, peer pressure, bullying, some combination of these, or something else entirely? Once you’ve identified the culprit(s), you can come up with targeted stress-management solutions. If you’re experiencing stress due to bullying, seek help from a teacher, administrator, counselor, or other trusted adult. Don’t try to manage the problem on your own.

Replace negativity with positive self-talk.

Quietly repeat positive affirmations to calm and refocus your mind. It may feel a little silly at first, but repeating positive affirmations can really give you a boost and help bring stress under control. Speak quietly to yourself if you can, or just do your self-talk in your head. Use short, focused, and relevant affirmations like “I will give my best effort on this test” and “I am a good person just the way I am.” Try both scheduled and unscheduled positive self-talk. For instance, take a few minutes in the morning and in the evening to make positive affirmations, and also use them when you start feeling really stressed about the book report that’s due on Friday.

Make a schoolwork schedule.

Good time management and good stress management are connected. It’s really tough to stay calm when you have piles of homework staring back at you! Instead, plan out your time to help prevent your work from piling up. Stick to a daily schedule to keep things manageable so you're never left with a tower of work to conquer by tomorrow. You might set aside a daily block of time right after school for homework, and right after dinner for studying, for example. Stick to your schedule, but also take little opportunities to get work done. If you're waiting for the bus, pull out your flashcards. Get a head start on your planned study session for later in the evening. EXPERT TIP Rebecca Tenzer, MAT, MA, LCSW, CCTP, CGCS, CCATP, CCFP Rebecca Tenzer, MAT, MA, LCSW, CCTP, CGCS, CCATP, CCFP Clinical Therapist & Adjunct Professor Rebecca Tenzer is the owner and head clinician at Astute Counseling Services, a private counseling practice in Chicago, Illinois. With over 18 years of clinical and educational experience in the field of mental health, Rebecca specializes in the treatment of depression, anxiety, panic, trauma, grief, interpersonal relationships using a combination of Cognitive Behavioral therapy, Psychodynamic therapy, and other evidence-based practices. Rebecca holds a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Sociology and Anthropology from DePauw University, a Master in Teaching (MAT) from Dominican University, and a Master of Social Work (MSW) from the University of Chicago. Rebecca has served as a member of the AmeriCorps and is also a Professor of Psychology at the collegiate level. Rebecca is trained as a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist (CBT), a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP), a Certified Grief Counseling Specialist (CGCS), a Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional (CCATP), and a Certified Compassion Fatigue Professional (CCFP). Rebecca is also a member of the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Society of America and The National Association of Social Workers. Rebecca Tenzer, MAT, MA, LCSW, CCTP, CGCS, CCATP, CCFP Rebecca Tenzer, MAT, MA, LCSW, CCTP, CGCS, CCATP, CCFP Clinical Therapist & Adjunct Professor Manage school stress with good time management. To manage stress from school, it's really important to manage your time well. Break big assignments down into smaller steps, do things to take care of yourself, ask for help when you need it, and use mindfulness techniques like breathing exercises or yoga. Setting realistic goals and balancing school and fun personal interests can also help lower your stress.

Divide your work into manageable pieces.

Set aside blocks of time for each thing you need to do. If you have a 10-minute presentation on Romeo and Juliet due next week, for example, you might feel like it’s an impossible task. Instead of stressing over the entire thing, break it up into smaller tasks you can knock out one at a time. Spend one day making an outline, for instance, then another making your poster. Keep reminding yourself that it's not one giant project—it's a bunch of little, manageable ones. Break up your study time as well. Instead of trying to study for your history test for 3 hours straight the night before, break it up into 30-minute sessions each day that week. This makes it easier to process the information and keep up your morale at the same time.

Keep your school stuff organized.

Lower your stress level by keeping things easy to find and accessible. In school or out of school, it’s really stressful when you can’t find something you need! Help prevent this stress by taking some time to organize the main areas where you keep your school stuff and do your studying. Designate specific spots for things like books, folders, and office supplies, and get into the habit of putting things where they belong as soon as you’re done with them. When organizing your desk, for instance, put the things you use most often within arm’s reach and store things you need less often in drawers or on shelves. If you always use highlighters but rarely use white-out, put the highlighters in a cup on your desk and the white-out in an organized drawer.

Exercise to reduce stress.

30 minutes of daily exercise can alleviate stress and increase happiness. For the best results, combine moderate-intensity aerobic exercises like biking, swimming, and speed walking with resistance training (such as weight lifting) and flexibility exercises. In addition to being good for your overall health, exercise releases endorphins, the little “happy-makers” in your brain that keep you feeling good. When you feel the stress building up inside you, take a break and go for a jog or dance to your favorite tunes. Invite a friend to join you for an even bigger stress-busting boost! Put exercise time into your daily schedule so you don’t get stressed out about finding the time to do it. Chores and other mundane tasks can also count as exercise. Take your dog for a long walk, wash the car like you’re in a hurry, give the bathtub a vigorous scrubbing, and so on. Anything that gets your heart pumping and increases your breathing rate can help you handle stress.

Set aside time to relax.

Work relaxing activities into each day so you don’t get burned out. It’s okay to run at high gear to get stuff done and succeed in school, but you also need to balance it out with time spent in “low gear!” Build relaxation time into your schedule, but also take a few minutes here and there as needed during schoolwork sessions. Choose relaxation activities that make you feel good: listening to relaxing music, taking a long bath, watching a romantic movie, doing yoga, meditating, doing some quick stretches, taking a few deep breaths, and so on. So what’s the line between relaxation and procrastination? Each person’s needs are different, but you might aim to schedule an hour of dedicated relaxation time per day, along with 5-minute relaxation breaks during each hour of schoolwork. There’s no “right” way to relax. If playing an intense, zombie-destroying video game helps you relax, do that. If reading a chilling horror novel gets you in the zen zone, do that. If you enjoy it and it makes you less tense, go for it!

Improve your sleep situation.

Follow a consistent sleep schedule and aim for 7-9 hours per night. It can feel like you’re stuck in a trap—stress makes it hard to sleep, and not getting enough sleep adds to your stress. But you can escape this trap by prioritizing your sleep needs so you feel less stressed and more alert. To give yourself the best chance of getting the shut-eye you need, create a good sleep environment and allow enough time for a full night’s sleep. As much as it’s possible for you, sleep in comfortable bedding in a comfortable, dark room with limited distractions. Avoid caffeine, vigorous exercise, and screen time before going to bed. Set a consistent sleep schedule and stick to it—even on the weekend! Aim to go to bed and get out of bed at the same time each night and day. Resist the urge to stay up all night and “cram” for a test. You’ll almost certainly do worse than you would if you studied a reasonable amount and got a solid night’s sleep.

Take a few calming breaths.

Trigger your body’s calming response with 3 slow, deep, breaths. When you’re entering a stressful situation or feel the wave of stress hitting you, try this: take a deep breath in through your nose, hold the air deep in your belly for a moment, then slowly breathe out from your diaphragm and through your mouth. Repeat this at least 2 more times. Your body will naturally chill out with a relaxation response! It might also help to roll your shoulders or turn your neck as you breathe, as the muscles in these areas tend to tense up and hold in a lot of stress.

Talk to someone you trust.

Discuss your stress and possible solutions with someone like a school counselor. No matter what stage of schooling you’re in, your school’s counselors are well-trained to help you manage your stress. Make an appointment and talk about your stress triggers, how your stress makes you feel, and healthy ways to respond to stress. A school counselor can also serve as a go-between for you and your parents or teachers. If you don't have a relationship with your school’s counseling office already, there's no better time than the present! Stop in and say hello even if you’re feeling good today—start building that connection so they can better help you when you need them. In some situations, talking with a teacher, coach, administrator, parent, adult friend, or other trusted figure can also be a really helpful choice. It’s important to share your feelings with someone who will truly listen and really want to help. Never feel ashamed to talk about your school stress—everyone experiences it, and you can successfully manage it!

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