How to Create a Strong Password Using a Book
How to Create a Strong Password Using a Book
With the problems of spam and hackers everywhere on the internet, it is best to learn how to equip yourself with armour against them. This article will help you create a virtually unbreakable password, all in a matter of just a few minutes.

Choose a book of your own choice. A book of fiction works best, however, a textbook will suffice. Pick a book that is generally text-based.

Close your eyes and open the book to a random page. Then, place your finger on a random word (with your eyes still closed!) This word will be the first part of your secure password. Repeat the process two more times.

Capitalise the first letter of each word. If you feel like this would benefit the security of your password, capitalize the last letter of each word too.

Choose your favourite double-digit number. If your password contains simple words (the, it, or, and, so, in, etc.), add an extra number.

Add a random punctuation mark. This will add the final amount of security needed for a strong password.

You have created an unbreakable password!

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