How to Draw a Shaded Sphere
How to Draw a Shaded Sphere
The secret to making a two-dimensional circle look like a three-dimensional sphere is the shading. A light will create a bright spot, with a gradient to darker shadows on the opposite side. Read on to learn how you can master this technique for yourself.

Draw a hollow circle with a light line. You can use a pair of compasses or trace a round object or circular template to get a clean circle.

Choose a light source for this sphere. The light source in this example is on the upper left, somewhat in front of the page (or behind the viewer).

Begin shading. Start opposite the light source and move inwards. The darkest area will be furthest from the light source. Create circles or partial circles of equal value (darkness). The darkest part is not all the way to the edge, but in the middle of the shaded side of the sphere. The sphere is round, and as it turns back towards the light, it picks up some of the reflected light again and gets lighter. Try to make your transitions as smooth as possible. Using the side of the pencil can be an easy way to do it.

As you move towards the light source, fill the circle with less and less pressure, heavier on the dark area, lighter on the light area. You can leave a round spot nearest the light source the color of the white page.

Use your finger or a tortillon to blend the shading and add a shadow. Notice how the circle now appears spherical, with depth.

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