How to Get a Bikini Body Fast
How to Get a Bikini Body Fast
Ready to hit the beach and soak in some rays? There are plenty of ways you can look and feel your best while kicking back in the summer sun. If you’d like to get ready for your next trip to the pool or shore, we’ve got you covered. Here are some tips and tricks to help you get a little closer to the bikini body of your dreams, one day at a time. Just remember: any body in a bikini is a "bikini body"—what matters is that you feel comfortable and confident in your own skin!

Work out for at least 30 minutes each day.

Exercise is an essential part of looking good and feeling your best. Exercise is a really important part of weight loss—plus, it’ll help you slim down before bikini season. According to experts, aerobic exercise, like jogging or power-walking, is a great way to shed a few pounds. There are lots of different aerobic exercises to choose from! If jogging or walking isn’t your cup of tea, you might enjoy swimming, biking, rowing, jumping rope, or using an elliptical machine.

Try HIIT exercises up to 2 times a week.

High Intensity Interval Training is a unique alternative to your usual cardio. These workouts are all about intense, fast-paced reps, broken up by short breaks. While HIIT exercise involves a lot of hard work, it’s also a quicker, more efficient way to burn extra calories. For example, you could do pullups for 30 seconds, complete 60 jumping jacks, and do 20 reps of burpees. Then, let yourself rest for 1 minute. Repeat this circuit 3 more times to finish your workout. You could also do 45 reps of mountain climbers, 20 push-ups, 1 minute of planking, and 1 minute of jump roping. Then, take a break for 1 minute, and repeat the cycle 3 more times.

Tone your arms for a day at the beach.

You don’t need any equipment to tone your arms at home. In fact, you can complete a great arm workout in about 10 minutes! After a 5-minute warm-up, experts suggest doing 10-15 reps of traditional push-ups, 10-15 reps of wall push-ups, 10-15 reps of bench dips, and 10-15 reps of tricep kickbacks. To do a wall push-up, stand about 1 arm’s length in front of an open wall. Then, pretend you’re doing traditional push-ups, pressing up against the wall instead of the floor. To do a bench dip, sit in a stable chair and grab the sides of the seat with both hands. Then, lift and lower yourself in front of the chair, sinking down until your arms are bent at a 90-degree angle. Push yourself back up, and repeat the exercise again. To do a tricep kickback, start in a kneeling position with your right knee touching the ground and your left leg extended forward at a 90-degree angle. Lean forward, and then lift your left arm behind you, keeping your elbow straight. Once you’ve done 10-15 reps, switch positions and work your right arm instead. Feel free to cool down and stretch once you’ve finished your workout.

Do exercises that target your thighs, stomach, hips, and butt.

Start sculpting your bikini body with an easy, 10-minute circuit. After a quick warm-up, start your workout with two 15-24 rep sets of squats. Then, transition to doing 15-24 reps of lunges on each leg. Move on to two 15-rep sets of calf raises, two 15-20 rep sets of bridges, and two 15-24 rep sets of crunches. Finish off your circuit with 12-24 obliques, along with two 15-24 rep sets of back raises. To do a bridge, lie face-up on a comfortable surface. Then, lift your hips off the ground, anchoring your feet shoulder-width apart on the ground. Lower yourself back down, and keep repeating the exercise. To do back raises, lie face-down on your stomach. Set your hands above your ears, leaving both elbows bent and pointed in opposite directions. Hold your legs together and anchor them on the ground. Then, lift your shoulders about 3 in (7.6 cm) off the ground. Lower yourself back down the ground, and repeat the exercise once more.

Switch to a healthy, sustainable diet plan.

Choose a diet plan that will help you lose 1 to 2 lb (0.45 to 0.91 kg) each week. Although crash diets may seem really tempting, they don’t lead to long-term results. In fact, many people gain back the weight they lose once they stop dieting. Instead, stick with safe, healthy diet plans that help you lose small, consistent amounts of weight. The Mediterranean diet is a smart and healthy option to consider. On this diet, you can still eat poultry, fish, seafood, olive oil, whole grains, and low-fat dairy. Believe it or not, grilled salmon, veggie calzones, bean stew, braised kale, and poached pears are just a few delicious recipes you can try on this diet. Intermittent fasting is another healthy diet you could try. With this option, you vary your calorie intake throughout the week. You might try the 5:2 method, where you follow a traditional meal plan for 5 days, and follow a 500-600 calorie schedule on the 2 off days. You could also give 16/8 fasting a try, where you eat all your daily calories in an 8-hour period and fast for the other 16.

Lower your daily calorie intake.

Cut 500-750 calories from your daily diet as a simple but difficult weight loss option. Lower your calorie count by making healthy replacements in your diet, and use a calorie counter to keep yourself on track with your new goal. Decreasing your portions is another great, easy way to cut down on calories. You might sip a cup of black coffee instead of drinking a latte, or eat a cup of strawberries for dessert instead of a bowl of ice cream.

Eat healthy food from all food groups.

Swap out processed foods with fresh ones. In general, health experts suggest eating 4 servings of veggies and 3 servings of fruits each day. You can also boost your diet with quick, easy, and healthy substitutions, like enjoying a slice of wheat bread instead of white, or sipping a glass of skim milk instead of whole. One cup (100 g) of leafy greens qualifies as 1 serving of veggies, and 1 medium-sized fruit counts as a single fruit serving.

Get a good night’s sleep.

Research shows that a lack of sleep can lead to weight gain. In some studies, people who got around 4 hours of sleep were a lot hungrier than those who got a good night’s rest. Some experts believe that when you don’t get enough shut-eye, your body may not produce the correct amounts of leptin, an appetite suppressing hormone, and ghrelin, an appetite boosting hormone. Instead, experts recommend getting at least 7 hours of sleep each night, if possible.

Strut your stuff in a brand new bikini.

Shop for a bikini that you feel super comfortable and confident in. If you’d really like to stand out, pick a swimsuit that complements your body shape. V-wire swimsuits look great if you have an apple shape, while high leg bikinis will really highlight an hourglass figure. Retro-style bikinis are a great choice for athletic body shapes, while ruffled bikinis really complement a pear-shaped figure. At the end of the day, your personal preferences matter most. Pick out a bikini or swimsuit that makes you feel like a million bucks, whether it’s striped, solid, ruffled, or somewhere in between.

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