How to Get a Job at Disneyland
How to Get a Job at Disneyland
Working at Disneyland is a dream job for many people. Disney parks are full of imagination, fun, and your favorite characters--what’s not to love? Of course, you’ll have to work hard, but if you know what to expect you’ll still enjoy working at Disney. Learn to recognize what Disney looks for in an employee, how to navigate the application process, and how to do well at your interview, and you’ll be working for the Mouse in no time!

Learning About the Workplace

Make sure you're old enough to work at Disneyland. Disney has work programs for high school seniors, but you have to be 18 to work most other jobs. If you want to work somewhere that serves alcohol, you'll have to be 21.

Check your work documentation. If you're a US citizen, you'll need to show your social security card. If you aren't, don't worry! Disney hires lots of foreign workers, and for some jobs they'll even sponsor you.

Check your availability. Disneyland is open all day, every day--including holidays and overnight shifts. There's room for any schedule, but if you can be available all the time, that might help you get hired!

Consider applying to lots of different jobs. Disneyland hires for a huge variety of jobs--janitors, waiters, cashiers, costumed characters, engineers, and artists can all find jobs there. Apply to anything that appeals to you--the more applications you have, the more likely you are to be hired. If you’re shy, consider working the night shift or backstage. “Backstage” means behind the scenes, away from the park guests. Jobs as characters or performers are in high demand, but don't let that scare you!

Look at the personality requirements. Disney employees work hard and have high standards for cleanliness and customer service. They need to be detail-oriented and act cheerful and enthusiastic all the time. Practice responding cheerfully to everything for a few days to get in the Disney mood!

Learn about the worker’s union. Full-time workers at Disneyland join a union and pay dues towards it. If you don’t want to pay the dues, you should apply for part-time jobs.

Applying to Disneyland

Make sure you have all your application information. Before you begin the application, make sure you have everything you need. Disneyland might reject your application if it's missing information! You’ll need your social security number or visa number. If you’ve had other jobs, you’ll need to know when you worked there, the phone number and address, and the name of your supervisor. Specialized jobs like engineers or artists might require a portfolio or school transcripts. Audition jobs require a written resume and a professional head shot--make sure you have those!

Check the careers website. Go to the Disney careers website and search for jobs that fit your interests. Be sure to choose the right location--you don't want to apply to the wrong Disneyland park! Use broad keywords like food, customer service, or characters if you aren’t sure what you want to apply for. You can also just look at every available job in the area. If you already know the official title of the job you want, search directly for it.

Check to see if you need to audition. Some Disney jobs, like character performers and singers, require you to audition first! If the job you want is audition-only, don't apply through the website. You can just register for the audition linked in the job posting. Some auditions are walk-in. All you'll need to do is show up to the audition!

Apply to your favorite positions. Fill out the online application form. Make sure you fill in all the required information. Leaving things blank can make them reject your application! If something doesn’t apply to you, you can type NA (for “not applicable”) in the field. Some job applications include a 20-30 minute personality test. Answer this as honestly as possible. Don't send in an application for audition jobs! Go to the audition first. They'll call you back for an interview.

Proofread your application before sending it. Make sure that your phone number and email are correct, that everything is spelled correctly, and that you didn’t leave any information out. Ask a friend or family member to read through it one more time before you submit the application.

Save your application records. Be sure not to delete any emails you get from Disney! Save your application login information and your application confirmation. You’ll need to know how to log back into the jobs portal if you’re asked to come in for an interview.

Check your email filters. As soon as you finish your application, check your email settings. Make sure that any email with a Disney address will go to your inbox instead of a spam or junk folder.

Wait for a callback. Keep yourself busy after your application--if there are lots of applicants or if the perfect job for you isn’t available yet, it might take a while to hear back. You can also check the job website for updates on your application. Avoid calling to ask about your job application unless it’s absolutely necessary. They'll just ask you to check the website for updates. This might give the impression that you have trouble following directions!

Reapply after six months. Disneyland will keep your application on file for six months. They'll match it to any openings that fit your application. If you don’t hear from them after six months, you can reapply!

Acing Your Disneyland Interview

Prepare to audition if your job requires it. If you have to audition for your job, make sure you're ready! You'll need a professional head shot and a paper resume for performance jobs. Be sure to check the job posting for any other requirements. You might need to bring sheet music or prepare a monologue. Don't forget to practice your audition routine! Depending on what your auditioning for, this could be a song, a dance, or a monologue.

Go to your audition if you have one. If your job requires auditions, make sure you know the time and date. You don't need to be called in to audition for most Disney jobs. All you need to do is check the audition schedule and arrive in time to sign up! Don't be nervous--the Disney cast is just as excited as you are!

Get all the details you need for your interview. When you’re asked for an interview, make sure you have all the information you need. You should know when the interview will take place, whether it will be a single or group interview, where to go and how to get there, parking information, and whether or not you need to bring any additional paperwork. If they person calling you doesn't just tell you this information, ask them--they won't mind! If you applied for more than one job, be sure you know which position you are interviewing for. It’s okay to ask!

Study the job and the company. Read the job posting again, and spend some time reading through the Disneyland website. You don't need to memorize the website, but you should be able to talk about what the job requires and what kinds of values Disneyland appreciates.

Practice being enthusiastic. Disneyland employees need to be very enthusiastic about their jobs! If you aren’t a naturally enthusiastic person, practice a little before your interview. Smile whenever you speak, put a positive spin on all your answers, and don’t be afraid to sound a little goofy when you talk about how much you want to work at Disney! For example, if the interviewer asks if you have any previous experience, don’t just say “no.” Say “Not yet, but I’m excited to jump in head-first as a cast member at Disneyland!”

Ask your friends for advice. If you know anyone who has ever worked at Disneyland, ask them for advice. It's okay if you don't know any employees--you can ask your friends and family for general interview advice. You can also post on Disney forums--lots of cast members are happy to answer interview questions!

Choose neat, conservative clothing. Disney is a family-friendly company with high standards, so you'll need to show them you can dress the part. If you are applying for an upper-level job, wear a business suit. If you are applying for a customer service job, you can wear dress slacks, a dress shirt, or a knee-length plain dress. Wear conservative colors like gray, navy blue, or beige. Make sure your interview clothes are fit you, and that they're clean and ironed! Don’t wear costumes, Disney t-shirts, or hats for your interview. It's still a job interview, even if it's at Disneyland!

Cover any tattoos or piercings. Disney employees can't have visible tattoos or facial piercings. Take out your piercings before you go, and make sure your interview outfit covers your tattoos! If you have a tattoo that can't be covered by clothes, cover it with makeup.

Arrive early. Showing up late to an interview can ruin your chances. If you can’t arrive five or ten minutes early, be sure to be there on time. Don’t show up too early. You shouldn’t check in for your interview more than fifteen minutes before its start time. Plan your route ahead of time. Be sure to include time for parking and finding the interview room!

Answer questions confidently and enthusiastically. Interview questions can be tough, but at a lot of places your attitude is more important than your actual answer. Be confident and enthusiastic, even if you don’t know the answer to a question. For example, if they ask you why you don’t have open availability, smile and say “I’d love to be here all the time! I’m in school until May, but after that I’ll be able to change my availability to something that works well for all of us!”

Thank your interviewer. At the end of your interview, smile, look your interviewer in the eye, and shake their hand. Thank them for taking the time to interview you, and tell them you hope to hear from them very soon. You can also send a thank you email if you have the interviewer’s direct email address. Don’t write a thank you note. It may not arrive until after a decision has been made. Don’t send a gift, even if it’s just food. This can put the interviewer in an awkward position.

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