How to Get Leads in Plays and Musicals
How to Get Leads in Plays and Musicals
These are simple steps on how to get a lead or a supporting role in a play or musical. This could be your moment to shine but you'll need a good balance of motivation, talent and dedication to have a chance at getting the lead roles.

Psyching Yourself Up

Be certain that you actually want the role. Ask yourself: "Do I really want to be in this show? Will I be able to dedicate the time needed for it?" If you get into the show, you will have to give up a lot of your personal time. Moreover, dropping out is simply not an option, as you'll be letting down the rest of the cast. Be absolutely certain this is the right choice for you at this point in time.

Build up your self confidence. You won't be able to get a lead or supporting role if you don't have self confidence. To build up your self confidence, recognize your flaws and insecurities and learn to love them because they are a part of you. Start feeling good about yourself. A good actor/actress only needs to please herself/himself. Use positive self-talk before the audition to keep yourself in a productive and upbeat headspace.

Preparing for the Audition

Become familiar with the play/musical you are planning to try out for. If there's a movie based on it, watch it. If there's a soundtrack, listen to it. Read the book it's based on too, if applicable. Know what the characters are all about and know which one of the lead characters you want to play. Go online, and look for scripts, you can even watch a little bit on Youtube, if you find the play or musical.

Work on having a strong presence. As soon as you walk into the first audition, you've already started your audition. Practice demonstrating good posture and volunteer in exercises. Beyoncé Knowles Beyoncé Knowles, Singer & Businesswoman Be confident in your abilities. "Your self-worth is determined by you. You don't have to depend on someone telling you who you are. Do what you were born to do. You just have to trust yourself."

Be familiar with the details, well in advance of the audition. You will need to know when and where the audition will be taking place. Sometimes nerves can do funny things to you and cause you to get lost, so also know exactly how to get to the place where the audition is being held.

Practice your audition piece. You may be able to choose one yourself but normally it's a set piece, maybe an extract from the script.

At the Audition

Be punctual. On the day of the audition, be on time or perhaps even 10 minutes early. If waiting near other people auditioning bothers you, at least be at the building and find your own quiet corner away from the others.

Warm up. Before you sing your audition piece, warm up your vocal chords.

Don't sing bad songs! If you're asked to sing any random song for the audition, don't sing overused songs. The director has probably listened to these songs all day and if you sing it too, they'll probably skip over you. Also never sing a song in the play! That's basically audition suicide. It just shows you are really desperate for the character who sings that songs role.

Try to stand out in the crowd. Speak loudly and clearly, the director needs to know how loud you can be. You're never too loud in theatre. Also walk in with the attitude of your character you would like to play. If you are auditioning for the villain you can walk in with a mysterious look.

Dress the part. Suggest the character you want to play in your dress (i.e. if you were trying out for Sharpay in High School Musical: Live on Stage you might want to wear bright pink.) This helps the director(s) see you as that character. But don't overdo it! Full costumes are usually not appropriate for auditions. Also, too much may give you a slight reputation of being desperate or needy.

Digest the script as best you can in the time allotted. Most acting auditions are cold readings. So when given a scene to audition with, look it over until you almost have it memorized. If you're doing a scene with another person, talk to them to help your chemistry on stage. Take the script pages you have to read out of the script, if possible, so that your body is given more freedom to act. When reading, hold the pages away from your face, so your words don't get blocked out by having something in front of your face. Don't forget to look at the person you are reading with. Get into the character you are reading. Whilst others are auditioning make sure you are reading your audition piece. Look at the people auditioning and see what people like and what they don't like so much.

Be respectful, polite and considerate. If you are seen distracting others or being disrespectful, the directors won't want you in their production. Directors look for things off stage too, if you're quiet in your seat, how you react to certain things, and lots more, so be on your best behavior.

Try to show confidence rather than nerves. No matter how nervous you are, never show it. The director wants someone who is not afraid to be big and out going in front of an audience that can act.

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