How to Get Out of Power Armor in Fallout 4 (PC, Xbox & PlayStation)
How to Get Out of Power Armor in Fallout 4 (PC, Xbox & PlayStation)
You’re getting into the exciting and dangerous post-apocalyptic world of Fallout 4, traversing the land in a set of power armor—but how do you get out of it so you can explore on foot again? We can tell you everything you need to know. Exiting a set of power armor is fairly straightforward; press and hold the A button on Xbox, the X button on Playstation, or the E button on PC. Read on for a complete overview of exiting and storing power armor in Fallout 4, including tips on what to do if you get stuck!
Exiting Power Armor in Fallout 4: Quick Guide

How to Exit Power Armor in Fallout 4

Press and hold down the correct button for your platform. The input to leave a suit of power armor varies by the platform you’re playing on—PC, Xbox, or PlayStation. Luckily, it’s easy to do! When you’re ready, simply hold down one of the following buttons until your character begins to exit the armor: Xbox: Press and hold A PlayStation: Press and hold X PC: Press and hold E on your keyboard If you’re playing on the PC and customize your controls, press and hold whatever button you selected for the armor instead. To re-enter your power armor, press the same button while standing behind the suit. You don’t need to hold down the button while entering!

Getting Out of Power Armor If You’re Stuck

Position yourself in an open, empty area if possible. If you’re trying to get out of your power armor and it’s not working, first, make sure there’s enough room behind the suit for your character to step out of it. In a tight space, the animation for getting out of the power armor might malfunction or not work.

Try fast-traveling to a different location or re-starting the game. If a bug or glitch prevents you from exiting the armor, open the map on your Pip-Boy and fast-travel to any location. Then, try to exit again. Fast-traveling won’t drain your fusion core, and it may force the game to refresh and enable you to successfully get out of the armor. If that doesn’t work, try re-starting the game. Save your game and close Fallout 4, then reopen it and load your save. Hopefully, you’ll start with a clean slate and be able to exit the armor.

Upgrade your armor at a Power Armor Station. Upgrading your armor at a Power Armor Station forces your character to leave the armor, thus correcting whatever glitch got you stuck in the first place. Approach a Power Armor Station and press “Craft” to hang your armor. From there, your character will get out of the suit, and you’ll be taken to the crafting menu. One of the above methods should fix the issue—but If absolutely nothing else works, re-installing Fallout 4 may do the trick as a last resort.

How to Get Companions to Exit Power Armor

Talk to your companions and command them to exit the power armor. If one of your companions is wearing a suit of power armor and you want them to get out of it, simply select the “Talk” dialogue option. From there, the “Relationship” option will be replaced with “Exit Power Armor”; select that option, and they’ll immediately leave the armor. The only exception is Paladin Danse, who always wears his own suit of power armor and can’t be forced to leave it or be assigned to a different suit.

Where can you safely store power armor?

Store your armor at a Power Armor Station in a secure settlement. You can technically leave your power armor anywhere, but choosing a safe, easy-to-reach location is most convenient—like one of your settlements. Choose a settlement that’s well-defended, too, to ensure your power armor doesn’t get stolen or fall into enemy hands if the settlement gets overrun. It’s also a good idea to remove the fusion core from your armor before leaving it somewhere; that way, nobody else can use it while it’s just sitting there. Even if you leave your power armor in a settlement, it’s possible for NPCs to jump inside if the armor has a fusion core. For example, one Fallout 4 merchant, Trashcan Carla, is notorious for getting into working power armor suits during settlement attacks (and then staying in the armor after).

Why do you need to exit power armor?

You may need to conserve or replace your armor’s fusion core. Power armor runs on fusion cores in Fallout 4. If your current fusion core runs out of energy, the armor will walk slowly, over-encumber you, and be unable to use V.A.T.S.—so you may want to spend limited amounts of time in your armor to conserve its fusion core, or get out every so often to replace the old core with a fresh one. You also can’t use workbenches while wearing power armor, so if you want to craft items, you’ll need to get out of your armor first. Although power armor is super useful in battles (or while navigating the Glowing Sea), it’s often easier to explore on foot as well!

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