How to Get Your Girlfriend's Dad to Trust You
How to Get Your Girlfriend's Dad to Trust You
Having a good relationship with your girlfriend’s dad makes things way easier for everyone involved. However, earning his trust can feel like a real struggle sometimes, especially if your girlfriend’s dad is overprotective. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to win over even the most skeptical of fathers. Below we’ll walk you through some concrete things you can do the next time you see your girlfriend’s dad to make a good impression and show him that you’re trustworthy.

Learn about her dad before you meet him.

Talk to your girlfriend about what her dad likes to do. Knowing about his personality and interests can help make interactions with him easier. For instance, what does he do for work? What does he like to do for fun? What’s his general temperament like? Was your girlfriend’s dad nice to her significant others in the past? If her dad is a laid back guy with a good sense of humor, you might want to think about some G-rated jokes you can tell when you're around him. On the other hand, if he's a serious, grumpy, or even hostile man, you'll want to prepare yourself for this so you aren't taken aback if he's unpleasant to you. Find out about his interests and values. This can help you find things to talk to him about, especially if you can find things you have in common with him. This can be as deep as his political or religious beliefs or as simple as being a fan of some sport, hobby, or TV show.

Dress in a business casual outfit.

You want to look non-threatening and clean cut. Some slacks and a button down is a classic combination that works almost anywhere. Make sure your clothes are clean, and leave any graphic tees with dirty jokes on them at home. If you have any doubts about your outfit, ask your girlfriend. She can let you know whether or not the look is appropriate.

Bring a gift.

A small gift can really set you off on the right foot. If you aren’t sure what to bring, a bottle of wine or some hard liquor is always appreciated. Show her dad that you respect him enough to bring something with you when you first meet him. Red wine is always a good choice for a dinner pairing.

Give her dad a firm handshake.

It’s all about first impressions. When you greet your girlfriend's father, give him a firm handshake and look him in the eye. This shows respect and friendliness, and it will start your relationship out on the right foot. You don’t want to squeeze his hand so hard that it hurts, but you also don’t want to give a weak, limp handshake. Aim for somewhere in the middle.

Be polite.

Show your girlfriend’s dad that you’re respectful and kind. Say “please,” “thank you,” and “excuse me” when you’re out and about. Do your best not to curse, and try to use good table manners when you’re eating. You should be polite to everyone around you, not just your girlfriend’s parents. Showing respect to waiters and strangers will let your girlfriend’s dad know that you’re kind to everyone, not just people you know.

Call him Sir or Mr.

At least until he says to call him something else. Showing him this sign of respect will start you off on the right foot and assure him that you’re a good guy. If he tells you that you can call him by his first name, feel free; otherwise, keep calling him Mr. [last name]. When he gets to know you more, he’ll probably let you call him by his first name.

Act confident.

Even if you’re feeling nervous, try to fake it until you make it. Look him in the eye when you talk, stand up straight, and avoid fidgeting. You’ll seem more trustworthy, and you’ll be able to make a deeper connection with him, too. Showing nervousness can sometimes suggest you are hiding something. At the same time, don't be overconfident or showy. This can also be off-putting to people or suggest you aren't genuine. Talk about the things you've accomplished in your career and personal life. Showing your girlfriend's parents that you're independent will help them feel that you're able to stand on your own two feet, and you're with their daughter for the right reasons.

Talk about positive things.

Bring up stuff you like and feel good about. Avoid bringing up negative subjects or stuff you want to complain about. Involve your girlfriend in the conversation, and talk about things the two of you enjoy doing together, like hiking, riding bikes, or exercising. Talk about things you like about school, work, or hobbies. Most people prefer talking to people who are positive, so try not to gripe or complain. When you talk about your girlfriend, don't be critical of her in any way. Speak of her highly, but genuinely, and don't be afraid to express what it is in particular that you like about her.

Tone down the PDA.

You can be affectionate with your girlfriend, but not overly so. Your girlfriend's dad should be able to see that you have genuine affection for his daughter, but you also have to be careful not to do anything that might make him feel uncomfortable. It’s fine to open doors for her, pull out a chair for her, or hold her hand. Don't get sexual in front of your girlfriend's dad, though. No groping, tongue kissing, or anything along those lines.

Respect your girlfriend’s dad’s rules.

He’ll trust you more if you show him you respect him. For instance, if he asks you to bring her home at a certain time, make sure you do so. If you stay over at his house and he wants you two to sleep in separate rooms, do so without complaint. The more you follow his rules, the more he will trust you. Try not to push back or question anything he says, especially if you and your girlfriend are still minors. What he says goes.

Only drink a little bit if you’re offered alcohol.

Getting tipsy won’t help your girlfriend’s dad trust you. Even if there’s plenty of alcohol to go around, keep your consumption to a minimum. If you’re constantly drinking like a fish around him, your girlfriend’s dad might think you have a problem. A stiff drink can be soothing for the nerves. It’s totally fine to sip on a glass of wine during dinner, but avoid taking shots of the hard stuff.

Offer to help clean up.

If you had dinner together, it’s a polite thing to do. Grab the dishware off the table and bring it to the kitchen. If you’re really feeling generous, you could even wash some dishes! It will show your girlfriend’s dad that you’re dependable and therefore trustworthy. You could also offer assistance before the meal. See if her parents need help setting the table or dishing out food before you sit down to eat.

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