How to Give People Roles When They Join on Discord
How to Give People Roles When They Join on Discord
Do you want people to assign their own roles when they join your server? If you're the admin or mod for a large server, you may not have time to manually assign certain permissions to individual users. This process can be automated using a bot such as MEE6 or Carlbot. If you don't want to use a bot, you can still manually create and assign roles. Here's how to give people roles when they join on Discord using your computer or mobile device.
Auto-Assigning Roles in Discord

Using Carlbot Bot

Create the roles. Before you can auto-assign roles in Discord, you must create them first. Once all your roles are created, you can add a bot to auto-assign new members a role when they join your server.

Add Carlbot to your server. Make sure you have the proper permissions to do so. Go to in a web browser. Click Log in with Discord. Enter your Discord login information. Select your server. Click Continue. Make sure all permissions are checked off. Click Authorize. Verify the Captcha if necessary. Select your server icon to be redirected to the Carlbot web dashboard.

Click Autoroles. This is in the left panel, under Moderation.

Click the "Autoroles" drop-down menu. You'll see a list of all your server's roles.

Select a role. This is the role that will be applied to all new members.

Click Save. This is the blue button.

Create a reaction role (optional). If you want users to self-assign their own roles by clicking an emoji, you'll need to use the reaction role settings instead. Do the following: Return to the dashboard. Click Reaction roles under Utility. Click Create new reaction role. Leave the Mode as Post embed. Click the channel drop-down menu to select a channel where you want the post. Click Show embed builder. Enter the directions in the Content box, such as which emojis correspond to which role. Click Add emoji to select an emoji, and then click the drop-down menu to select the corresponding role. Repeat for all remaining roles. Click Create.

Using MEE6 Bot

Create the roles. Before you can auto-assign roles in Discord, you must create them first. Once all your roles are created, you can add a bot to auto-assign new members a role when they join your server.

Add MEE6 to your server. Make sure you have the proper permissions to do so. Go to in a web browser. Click Add to Discord. Log into your Discord account if prompted. Select your server. Click Continue. Make sure all permissions are checked off. Click Authorize. Verify the Captcha if necessary. You should be redirected to the MEE6 homepage.

Click Welcome & Goodbye. This is in the left sidebar of the MEE6 homepage, under Server Management. A pop-up menu will open.

Click Yes. This will open a new page.

Toggle on "Give a role to new users". This is the third option.

Click + and select a role. This is the role that will be given to every new user. If the bot is having trouble, make sure it has the proper permissions and that its role is listed above other roles.

Assigning Roles Manually

Navigate to the server's settings. Select your server, click or tap the server's name, and then select Server Settings (desktop) or Settings (mobile).

Select Roles. On desktop, this is in the left panel. On mobile, this is near the bottom.

Select a role. You'll see this listed based on hierarchy.

Select Manage Members. On mobile, this will just be Members.

Select Add Members. A pop-up menu will open.

Select the member(s) you want to assign the role. You should see a check by their username.

Click Add. The user(s) will be assigned the role.

What are roles in Discord?

Roles give different permissions to different users in a server. If you manage a public server, you may not want new members to have the same permissions as your moderators or members who have been there for longer. In this case, you can customize a role's permissions to limit what they can or can't do within the server.

Role Examples

Server owner. This role has all and absolute permission over all server settings. This role should only be given to one person or kept with the server creator, since administrators have permission to delete the entire server.

Administrator. In some cases, the server and administrator have the same role. However, if the server owner chooses not to engage too much in their server, they can assign administrators to help watch over the server in their absence.

Moderators. Since administrators can't be online 24/7, moderators are usually appointed to help keep servers tame and functioning smoothly. They may not have the same permissions as administrators, but they may have permission to mute or ban certain members if needed.

Members. These are regular users and will most likely make up most of the server. Members should have the bare permissions to post in text channels, join voice channels, and participate in other server features.

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