How to Grow Your Masseter Muscle
How to Grow Your Masseter Muscle
The masseter muscle is one of the most important muscles in your body, but most people don’t pay much attention to it. It’s a big muscle right next to where your jaws meet. When you bite or chew, you can feel it moving your lower jaw. It naturally grows stronger when you use it, but there are a few simple exercises you can do for additional training. Regular exercise can help you achieve a tighter jawline with a stronger masseter muscle.

Building a Strengthening Routine

Open your mouth in a yawn for a simple way to stretch your muscles. Open your mouth so wide that you’re able to just fit 3 fingers inside. Then, close your mouth again. Move slowly to get the most out of the movement. The more you’re able to use your masseter muscle, the stronger it will get, and this is one of the easiest ways to stay active. To perform the exercise, plan on doing at least 6 repetitions 6 times a day. If you’re able to, try doing 3 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions each. Another way to do this by placing your fingers on your cheeks where your upper and lower jaws meet. Hold your tongue against the roof of your mouth while opening and closing your mouth.

Clench your jaw to use your masseter more frequently. Open your jaw wide, then slowly close it again. Take your time to feel your jaw muscles stretching and tightening again. The more you use your jaw, the stronger your masseter will become. As you get used to doing the exercise, hold your mouth closed for longer, such as for 30 seconds, then 40 seconds, and so on. Be careful not to grind your teeth together. You also shouldn’t close your mouth too quickly. It’s better to do the exercise in a controlled motion to avoid strain. To add more resistance to your workout, purchase a jaw workout device. To use it, you put it in your mouth and bite down on it. You will have to use more force than you would when clenching, but it will make your jaw even stronger.

Press against your jaw with your fist for resistance training. To do this very simple exercise, stand or sit up straight with your chin level with the floor. Open your mouth about 1 in (2.5 cm) wide, then push your fist up against the bottom of your jaw. Hold it there for at least 5 seconds before releasing. As your muscles get stronger, hold your mouth open for longer. Try to do at least 3 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions. When you’re first starting out, you might only be able to do something like 6 sets of 6 repetitions spaced throughout the day. When you push against your chin, you should be able to feel your masseter tighten near your cheeks. If you don’t feel it tense up, make sure your mouth isn’t open too far.

Cluck your tongue to focus only on your masseter. Close your mouth so your teeth are barely apart. Make sure your jaw is relaxed. Then, raise your tongue to the roof of your mouth without moving anything else. Cluck like a chicken. It’s a very simple exercise you can do anywhere and it’s guaranteed to get your masseter moving. Try doing at least 6 sets of 6 repetitions. For more effect, go through at least 3 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions. Since the exercise is so simple, you can easily do more if you have the energy. The most important part of this exercise is keeping the rest of your mouth still while you cluck with your tongue. Your masseter controls the movement, and you will most likely be able to feel it straining.

Try tongue twisters to force your muscles to contract. Position your tongue against the roof of your mouth, right behind your teeth. Then, press your tongue firmly against the roof of your mouth to engage your masseter muscle. Finish by humming or making a sound that causes your mouth to vibrate. Hum for about 2 to 3 seconds before relaxing your tongue. Complete the exercise through 3 sets of 15 repetitions each. The humming will activate and work out several different muscles along your jawline. This is a pretty simple, safe exercise that you can do anywhere. For comfort, try doing it while sitting cross-legged on the floor with your arms on your knees.

Make vowel sounds to work the sides of your muscles. Open your mouth as wide as you can, then say the letter “O.” Next, say the letter “E.” That is the entire exercise—it really is that simple, but your masseter muscle will get pretty worn out by doing it. Use it to move your jaw and build muscle strength in a unique way compared to most other exercises. Complete the exercise by doing 3 sets of 15 repetitions each. Try the exercise with other vowels as well. If you’re a singer, it’s a good way to warm up your voice while also loosening your jaw.

Roll your tongue back for a relaxing muscle stretch. Close your mouth so your teeth are just touching. Then, curl your tongue back as far as it can go while pressing it against the roof of your mouth. Hold your tongue there and slowly open your mouth. Open it as far as you can without moving your tongue, then hold that position for at least 5 seconds. Set aside 5 minutes for the exercise and go through the motion as many times as possible. Try doing it twice a day. The best time to do the exercise is when you’re relaxed, such as in the morning or at night. You can also use it to open or close jaw muscle workouts.

Using Neck Exercises

Do neck curl ups to build your front neck muscles. Lay flat on the ground with your hands folded on your stomach. Keep your tongue pressed against the roof of your mouth. Pull your chin down toward your chest, but make sure your head doesn’t come off the ground. Then, lift your head about 2 in (5.1 cm) off the ground. Start off by doing 3 sets of 10 repetitions each. You can do more as your jaw gets stronger. Take your time when doing this exercise. At first, your jaw will be a little tight since it doesn’t usually get exercised this way. You could strain your neck by trying to do too much.

Try collar bone backups to improve your lower jaw muscles. Stand up straight, holding your head level with the floor. Start the exercise by moving your head straight back by at least 2 in (5.1 cm). Hold your mouth closed to put some tension on your masseter muscle. When you feel the muscles around your throat get tight, stop and move your head forward again. Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions at first. As your jaw gets stronger, hold your head still after moving it back. Try to hold it for more than 30 seconds in that position. This exercise can also be done while you’re sitting or even laying on the ground. You could do it when you’re sitting around at work, for instance, without it being too noticeable. For safety, always keep your back and neck straight with your ears directly over your shoulders. Hold your head so your chin is level with the ground.

Flex your neck muscles to activate your jaw. First, stand up straight while holding your head up. Place your hands behind your neck, interlocking your fingers. Then, slowly nod your head forward, tucking your chin as close to your chest as you can. When you have gone as far as you can go, lift your head back up. Start with 6 sets of 6 repetitions throughout the day. As your jaw gets stronger, try doing 3 or more sets of 10 to 15 repetitions. This exercise works very well when paired with collar bone backups. You won’t be targeting your masseter directly, but it still gets activated when you bring your chin forward.

Perform face chin ups to help raise your jaw muscles. Sit on the ground or in a chair with your mouth closed. To begin, push your lower jaw forward while raising your upper lip at the same time. Next, hold your mouth in that position for 10 to 15 seconds before releasing. You will be able to feel your masseter muscle engaging in a way it doesn’t usually get to do every day. Perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions for this exercise. As you practice it, you can add on more repetitions, but it tends to tire out your masseter pretty quickly. When you first practice the exercise, try it while sitting on the floor. Cross your legs out in front of you with your arms resting on your knees. It can be more comfortable than doing it while sitting on a chair.

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