How to Know if Your Crush Likes You Back (for Guys)
How to Know if Your Crush Likes You Back (for Guys)
You're crushing on someone and wanting to ask them out, but there's one problem: you're not sure if they like you back. Fortunately, there are all kinds of signs you can look for to figure out if someone is into you. To help you out, we've rounded up the best ways to know for sure if your crush likes you too. Use the tips below to find out how your crush really feels.

Talking Together

Start the conversation. Start with something simple like, "Hey, how was your weekend?" or if it's nearer the end of the week, "Hey, got anything planned for this weekend?". Always remember to say their name whenever you can. People love that. If they like you, they'll keep the conversation going by asking you questions about your weekend- and you'll get into their life. If they just mumble something like, "It was fine" and then go back to what they were doing, they're probably not interested.

Talk to them as much as possible. A lot of people think that if they talk to their crush a lot then their crush will think they're pathetic, or clingy, but that's just not true. People love it when you hang out with them and actually try to talk about all sorts of topics.

Listen carefully at all times. Try to relate to what they say, but don't try to be someone you're not. Don't daydream while they are talking, they'll hate that and find it a turn off.

Do the smile test. If you look at them and they're already looking back at you, smile at them. Many girls and some guys like it when the other person makes the first move. Hold the eye contact just for a second, then smile at them. If they like you, they'll smile back. If they don't like you, they'll give you a weird look or turn away. Smile with your eyes and make sure you have white teeth and a nice breath. Don't use the smile test unless you know each other. Don't try this with a crush who doesn't know you.

Being a Friend First

Become friends with your crush. This is vital before continuing on with the next steps. You can only keep testing their interest if you are good friends. So, become good friends!

Get to know about what kind of music your crush likes, their favorite TV show, their favorite celebrity, etc. Find out all that you can about stuff like that. If they like you, this will turn into a conversation because they'll ask you what your interests are too. If they don't like you, it will sound more like an interview. It sounds creepy if you're just sitting there asking them all these questions and they're responding with one-word answers. If this is the case, stop the conversation and give your crush some space.

Using Touch to Observe Their Reactions

Try the hug test. Go up to your crush and offer them a hug for no apparent reason. Make sure you hug them gently, not like you might with one of your guy friends. Put your hands on their upper back (if your crush is a girl or trans guy, steer clear of their bra!) and slowly rub your hand in up-and-down or circular motions. If they're interested, they'll hug you back. Notice whether their chin is resting on your shoulder. If it is, there's some chemistry there. Rest your chin on their shoulder too, and bow your head a little bit so it looks like you're looking at the ground. If they don't hug you back or they refuse the hug in the first place, they're likely not interested. But some people just don't like hugs, so don't jump to conclusions.

Try to hold their hand. If you're lucky enough to sit together in a class, attempt to hold your crush's hand. But this has to be done very carefully. Make sure their hand is off the table and resting on their seat. If they're right-handed, sit on the left side of them. If they're left-handed, sit on the right side of them. Slowly move your hand towards them and gently touch their wrist. They may jump a little at first; remember, this person may like you. If they do, try to stay holding hands for the remainder of the lesson.

Play with their hair. If your crush has a strand of hair in their face, gently tuck it behind their ear (for long hair) or brush it out of the way (for short hair). If they're interested, they'll likely smile. If they're not interested, they'll likely move away.

Do not flirt with other people to see what their reaction is. If your crush does like you back, seeing you flirt with another person will just make them feel stupid. They won't know you're doing it to see what their reaction is- they'll think you're doing it because you have a crush on the person you're flirting with.

Observing Their Reactions Toward You

Notice whether they try to touch you. If you reach something out for them to take, see if they gently touch your hand before they take it. This may be a sign of their eagerness to get closer to you. Beware: It could just mean they bumped you by accident.

Notice them playing with their hair, rubbing their lips, looking at their nails, or fiddling with their fingers. These are all possible signs that they're nervous and may mean that they're interested in you.

Notice whether they makes eye contact while talking to you. If not, it could mean your crush is nervous, or just doesn't make eye contact, or doesn't like you.

Notice some typical responses from a person who might fancy you. These include: Blushing, complimenting you often, giggling, making excuses to hang around you, teasing you, staring but looking away quickly when caught, hugging you and whispering to friends when you walk by.

What's your reaction?


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