How to Make a Bowl (Pipe) out of Aluminum Foil
How to Make a Bowl (Pipe) out of Aluminum Foil
Aluminum foil pipes are commonly used for smoking marijuana or in emergency situations when another pipe is not available or affordable. However, these must be used with caution. Foil pipes are safe for only one or two uses. Over time, they can degrade and become hazardous to your health (though if the crater is small enough for vaping instead of smoking, high burning temperatures are avoided and relative safety achieved). If only using temporarily, however, they're a great item to have when you're in a pinch. If you want to learn how to make your own, just get started with Step 1 below.

Get a large square of foil. Take a 12" square piece of tin or aluminum foil (wording varies by region). This should be clean and not degraded by water contact. You will also want to keep it as smooth as possible.

Fold it in half. Fold the square of foil in half, being careful to keep the foil free of wrinkles and tears.

Fold it in half again. You will have a square, roughly 6" wide, that is 4 layers thick. The thickness will help keep the pipe from overheating and also make it strong enough so that it isn't crumpled the first time it's used.

Create a cone. Roll the square into a tube that is slightly flared at one end (like a very narrow cone). The narrow end will be the end you will smoke from. If you want to, use a pencil or barrel of a pen to roll the foil around at the point. This will keep the tube open and give you a nice round opening to smoke out of.

Find the beginning of the bowl. Measure 1" down from the wider end of the tube. This is the "bowl" end of the pipe.

Create the bowl. Using a credit card, make a sharp crease at the 1" mark and bend the end up to form the bowl. Be careful not to crumple the tube when you do this. Keeping the pencil in the tube can help.

Add the smokeable material. Insert smoking material of your choice into bowl. You may or may not way to add an aluminum filter before adding in the material. You can make a quick filter to hold the material in place by taking a very small square, poking hold in it with a needle, and then covering the entrance to the stem of the pipe with it.

Light it. Apply fire to it and suck out of the other end. Use it just like you'd use any other pipe but remember not to reuse it.

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