How to Move on After a Break Up
How to Move on After a Break Up
Sometimes you know a break up is coming and you do all you can to avoid it, and other times you are caught completely off guard by your significant other deciding to leave the relationship without any input from you. Whichever way your break up goes, a relationship's end can be crushing emotionally, psychologically and socially. Move on after a break up by focusing on yourself, cutting all ties with your ex and looking for things to do that will keep you from brooding or slipping into a depression.

Focus on Yourself

Allow yourself to have mixed feelings. Even if the relationship was unhealthy, you need time to grieve. Accept and acknowledge feeling sad, angry, confused, frustrated and relieved.

Take some time for self-reflection. Sometimes, people change when they are in relationships. Figure out what you like best about yourself as a single person and focus on making that part shine.

Stay physically healthy. You do not want your break up to send you spiraling into bad habits such as drinking, binge eating or obsessive exercise. Take care of yourself by eating healthy food, getting enough sleep and working out when you can, even if that means just taking a walk.

Rally your support network. If your break up means you lose some mutual friends, that's okay. Talk to your good friends, family members and others who will stand by you during this difficult time.

Talk to a therapist. Some people are better able to identify their feelings and get over the break up fast with the help of a mental health professional. Reader Poll: We asked 275 wikiHow readers who've been through a breakup, and only 6% of them agreed that the best way to cope is by getting professional help. [Take Poll] While in many cases you can handle a breakup on your own, if you’re struggling, never hesitate to seek professional help.

Cut Ties with the Ex

Try not to call, text, message or follow your ex. This will be uncomfortable for the both of you and it will not help you move on after your break up. Make it clear to your ex that you wish to put some distance between the two of you. Sometimes, former partners think they can stay friends. While this might be possible down the road, the weeks and months immediately following your break up are not good times to keep in touch.

Discontinue talking or getting together with your ex's family members. If Sunday brunch with your ex-girlfriend's mom was on your schedule permanently, you will have to cancel and fill that time slot with something else.

Stop romanticizing the relationship. It is over, so it was not the perfect fairy tale you might be imagining now.

Delete him or her from all your social networking contacts. If you really want to move on, you cannot be Facebook friends.

Stay Busy

Seek the company of old friends. You may have let some relationships fall to the side while you were in love, but those friends have not forgotten you. Go out and have fun with people you like.

Discover new interests. Learning something new is a great way to take the sting out of a break up. Take cooking classes, learn a new language, start exploring photography or plant a garden.

Consider dating again. People are ready at different times. Some are ready to jump back into the dating pool and others are hesitant. Let everyone know you are ready to date again. This will inspire introductions, blind dates and other potential set-ups. You can also think about online dating. Make new friends if you are not comfortable dating just yet. Friendships can develop into something more romantic down the road.

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