How to Prepare for a Basketball Game
How to Prepare for a Basketball Game
With any kind of competition, proper preparation is the key to success! As a basketball player, you spend a lot of time practicing with your team to prepare for games, but you may be wondering what you can do on your own, too. To help you out, we've put together this list of useful tips and tricks you can try out to prepare for your next big game.

Eat a high-carb meal 2 hours before the game.

Basketball requires a lot of energy, which carbs provide. Eat a pre-game meal that’s high in carbs, such as pasta with sauce. Make sure to eat 2 hours ahead of the game so you have time to digest the meal. Once you find a pre-game meal you like, you can stick to eating that before every game to develop your pre-game routine. For example, you might decide to only eat spaghetti before games. Particularly healthy carb options include whole-grains and legumes. Avoid things like refined sugars and heavily processed foods, which are high in calories and unhealthy fats and don’t provide a lot of nutrition.

Drink lots of water before and during the game.

Athletes have to stay hydrated to perform well. During a basketball game, your body sweats a lot, which decreases its store of water rapidly. Drink water consistently the day and night before a game and during the day leading up to the game. A good rule of thumb is to divide your body weight in half and drink at least 1 oz (30 mL) of water per 1 lb (0.45 kg) of body weight every day. During practice or a game, try to drink 7-10 oz (207-296 mL) of water for every 10-20 minutes of active gameplay.

Jog and stretch to warm up your muscles.

This gets your blood pumping and helps prevent injuries. Find a space to jog and stretch in an auxiliary gym or in the hallway outside the locker room. Jog for 5 to 10 minutes at a slow pace so you only break a little sweat, then do some stretching after your muscles are loose from the jog. This portion of the warm-up may be done as a team or independently. Try a wall lat stretch: Stand 2 to 3 feet in front of a wall. Place your hands on the wall and lean forward. Step your right foot approximately 1 foot away from the wall and drop your head between your hands. Bring your right foot forward and pick up your head. Repeat on the left side. Do a hamstring rocker: Stand with your legs in a split stance (one foot in front of the other). Bend forwards and place one hand on each side of the front foot. Straighten your front leg as you lift up your hips. Bend your front leg as you drive your hips towards the ground. Repeat 10 times on each leg.

Do shooting and ball-handling drills on the court.

A pre-game drill routine locks you in for the game. Start close to the basket and take some shots to get a feel for the basket and the backboard, then work your way out and take shots from further away. Do some ball handling drills to get a feel for the basketball. Your coach and assistant coaches probably have a pre-game routine that they like their players to do. Listen to any instructions from them regarding this.

Get to the gym at least 45 minutes before the game.

This gives you plenty of time to get dressed and warm up. Make travel arrangements in advance and make sure you know how to get to the gym and how long it takes. Check in with your coach when you arrive to let them know you’re there. Arriving early gives you plenty of time to get dressed as well as be part of the team meeting and discuss the game plan with your coach and team.

Take some deep breaths to clear your mind.

Mental preparation is just as important as physical preparation. Try to relax and push negative thoughts or worries out of your mind before the game. When your mind's at ease, your body is less tense. Focus on the task at hand and visualize success. You can use meditation to clear your mind of negative or stressful thoughts. Before a game, find a quiet place to sit. Close your eyes and focus on breathing in and out for 10 to 20 minutes. As thoughts come into your head, acknowledge them and then let them pass.

Remind yourself that it’s normal to feel nervous.

Nervousness is just anticipation for an exciting game. After all, if you weren't nervous or weren't excited to be on the court, that would mean you didn't care! Try not to overthink the upcoming game and let go of any fear of failure. Don’t worry about making every shot or playing a perfect game — even NBA players make mistakes. If you’re nervous the night before a game, try distracting yourself by watching a movie or reading a good book.

Listen to some upbeat music.

Music can help psych you up for the game. Use any downtime you have after you arrive and before you warm up to listen to a song or playlist that gets you pumped. Find a place to sit or stand, put your headphones in, pump the volume, and get in your zone! If music doesn’t get you psyched, you can do anything else that helps you get in the zone. For example, maybe watching basketball highlights on YouTube inspires you.

Get at least 8 hours of sleep the night before.

You need a full night's rest to compete at peak form. Give yourself a bedtime the night before the game and stick to it. Set an alarm for the next morning to avoid oversleeping. Stop using electronics like your phone, computer, and TV at least 30 minutes before you go to bed. If you have a big test or assignment for school, start studying for it or working on it earlier in the week so you're not up late the night before a game. If you have chores and other responsibilities at home, complete them early so you can get to sleep on time.

Pack your basketball bag the night before.

This gets it out of the way and ensures you don’t forget anything. Before you go to bed, gather and pack everything you need for the basketball game. Pack your basketball uniform, warm-ups, shoes, and socks. Include any undergarments, braces, and sports pads you may need for the game in the bag. Other things to pack include a water bottle and a sports drink or snack to have after the game.

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