How to Prepare the Guest Bedroom
How to Prepare the Guest Bedroom
When having house guests, it is important to make them feel welcome. Spending some time preparing for their arrival will allow you to enjoy their company once they arrive. Ensure the bedroom and bathroom are clean and allow space for the guests’ items. Share details of your home and schedule so your guests know what to expect.

Cleaning the Room and Bathroom

Make space for your guests. Put away any clutter and remove personal items from the room. You may also want to clear out a drawer and/or clean out the closet. Be sure to leave some empty hangers for guests too. The space should feel open and inviting.

Clean the room. Start by dusting the room. Vacuum or sweep and mop the floor. Also, be sure to clean any mirrors as your guests will surely want to see if they look as good as your room makes them feel! Be mindful of any strong scents or odors in the space as well. Your guests may not appreciate the jasmine air freshener you love so much. Open the windows and air out the space if needed.

Prepare the bed. Take off the old sheets and make up the bed with fresh, clean ones. Tuck in any corners and make sure the comforter is straight and neat. Pile up the pillows and turn down the sheets to create an inviting place to curl up. Lightweight sheets such as cotton or satin are great for warmer months, while flannel or jersey sheets are better for colder months. Matching sheets and a comforter with a gender-neutral design would be best.

Clean the bathroom. Clean the mirrors, counters, sink, toilet, shower/tub, and floor. Make sure there is soap, a clean hand towel, and ample toilet paper. If guests are staying more than a night, empty a drawer or clear a space on the counter for their toiletries. It is also a good idea to make sure there is a plunger visible to prevent guests from having to ask.

Ensure everything works. Check the electrical outlets and electronics, and put fresh batteries in the TV remote. Replace burnt-out light bulbs, ensure the clock is accurate, and check that the blinds or shades, and doors, will close properly. You should also do a quick sweep for any hazards, like a loose rug that could cause your guests to trip.

Preparing Items for Your Guests

Set out practical items. Lay out an extra blanket or two in case your guests get chilly, and a fan in case they are too warm. You’ll want your guests to have clean towels as well as tissues and a wastebasket. Provide an alarm clock but be sure the alarm is turned off! You could include a reading lamp along with a few magazines or books as well.

Provide drinks and snacks. At the very least, provide a clean glass for your guests. If you want to go the extra mile, consider putting a few water bottles in an ice bucket on a tray on the bedside table. You could also add a few snacks; individual bags of chips or crackers, fresh fruit such as apples or bananas; or even foil-wrapped chocolates or cookies would be delightful.

Add a few simple luxuries. By adding a few thoughtful items you can make your guests feel more comfortable during their stay. Fresh flowers are a nice touch, as would be a robe and/or slippers.

Leave a note. Don't make your guests ask or guess where to find basic items like a hairdryer or iron. If you can't leave things out in plain view, leave a simple note in the bedroom explaining where each item is kept and any instructions they may need to know. This is especially helpful if there is a TV in the guest bedroom with either a tricky remote or different channels than the guest is familiar with.

Communicating with Your Guests

Be mindful of your guests’ specific needs. If your guests include children, put out a few toys, games, or stuffed animals. You may also want to install a nightlight. If your guests have difficulty getting around, don’t put them on the third floor. Offer a first-level guest room that’s easily accessible, if you are able.

Ask about your guests’ schedule. Discuss ahead of time when your guests will arrive and depart. You can save yourself a lot of hassle by knowing their plans; it’d be a shame to plan an extravagant dinner for the next night only to find out they are leaving in the afternoon.

Share your own schedule. If you tend to sleep late or need to be up and out in the morning, let your guests know before you head to bed. This will help if you need to coordinate using a single bathroom and early risers will appreciate knowing whether or not they should wait for you for breakfast, and if not, where they can find something to eat and how they can get a cup of coffee or tea.

Learn your guests’ food preferences. If someone is a vegetarian or vegan, you’ll want to know ahead of time. Be sure to ask about any allergies or dietary restrictions before your guests arrive so you can stock your kitchen accordingly. This goes for beverages as well.

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