How to Prevent Becoming a Victim of Crime
How to Prevent Becoming a Victim of Crime
Crime is a pandemic that is fast taking over the world. With the recession in the world's economy; fraud, corruption, theft, falsehood and violent crime is rampant. In realizing that hurt people hurt others, one should understand that the chances of one becoming a victim of crime is no longer a mere possibility, but a reality. The purpose of this article is to advise people on how to close up some of the loopholes in their private lives that may enable potential criminals the opportunity to penetrate. It is not the intent of this article to raise fear among its readers, but it is to rather serve as a practical preventative survival method.

Keep life in perspective. One can elevate one thing (often an unimportant thing) over what matters in life in no time. This could be money, a relationship, an asset, a job or a person. Conduct a priority check on a regular basis to ensure you have life in perspective and that nothing that you value has become out of sync in relation to the rest of life. This could place you at a risk of becoming a victim of crime. Potential criminals often study their victims and view areas where the victim is highly emotionally invested as a possible weak link for penetration. Think rationally. Participating in crimes may have short term gains, but has long term consequences. When out in public, conduct yourself in a logical manner. Avoid any form of bad behavior, such as stealing, promoting campus violence, or starting political riots. Such behaviors will add blemishes to your record which may negatively impact you in the future.

Protect your vulnerability. Vulnerability is beneficial as it keeps you connected with your 'humanness'. In current society, vulnerability should be run through a sieve of wisdom before being expressed. The reasons for this suggestion ties in with the point mentioned above.

Carefully chose the company you keep. Unfortunately, the seemingly most innocent person can turn out to be the most vicious when provoked. This is therefore not a foolproof method, but one should keep a smaller circle of close friends whose actions and lifestyle you have observed in a variety of circumstances as opposed to exposing yourself to a large community of people without applying good judgement.

Avoid allowing strangers into your home or closed living space. Communes and buddy-living are fast becoming a thing of the past. Bachelor apartments are in for those who prefer to go solo and families are even fast reducing their living space. This simple living concept is supported by those encouraging the prevention of crime. The reason for suggesting this is that you can easily invite a vicious criminal into your home or onto your property without being aware of it. Don't pick up strangers and invite them into your home. Don't easily go home with strangers either.

Spend a little extra money on home security. This depends on the area you live in. Some areas are more prone to crime than others and therefore this needs to be placed into perspective. Comply with your insurance company's minimum security requirements. Insurance companies have a large database of losses per area that are made available to them. The better companies make security suggestions to their clients based on loss history specific to the area they reside in. Although not foolproof, precautionary measures are recommended for a reason. Try to have a little more security fitted than your neighbours. The reason for this is their house may seem more attractive to an opportunist potential thief or armed robber.

Be cautious with dangerous objects in your home. Although a vicious murder can be committed with an item like a garden spade, one should be careful and responsible when it comes to your living environment. Keeping dangerous objects, like firearms safely locked away according to the legislation of your country when not in use.

Don't be careless with valuables. Keep valuables like expensive jewellery under lock and key when not in use. Do not enter dangerous neighborhoods when you have valuables on your person. This will make you a better target for crime. Try to blend in with other people, and don't draw unnecessary attention to yourself.

Be skeptical of your home-assistants. Some countries promote having maids, home-assistants, au-pairs etc. Try to use a reputable agency to locate these people. Check their credentials and references. Many thefts and armed robberies, once investigated, point straight to the home-assistant.

Take advantage of neighbourhood watch. Some countries have neighbourhood watches or resort to protecting their communities by fencing off certain residential streets and appointing a guard to man a boom gate entrance point for these areas. All these things are not fool-proof, but serve as deterrents. Thieves will often rather bother the suburb next door that doesn't have these little inconveniences.

Avoid walking alone at night or in potentially unsafe areas. In some countries, this is still safe, but in most, this is viewed as a high risk and due precaution should be exercised. There is an element of safety in numbers. If you must walk at night, do so with a few friends or family members. It will make you less of a target.

Break routine as much as possible. Suspecting criminals watch for routine in a potential victim's lifestyle. The more information they have about the victim, the better. Try to not arrive at home or leave for work at exactly the same time every day. Put some variation into your schedule, such as taking a different route to your home or work, or leaving at different times.

Build a reputation of integrity. Ensure you keep your life clean and pure at all times. Live above reproach. This way, nobody will be able to blackmail you, be successful in bribing you to protect information or correctly point fingers of blame at you. Guard your heart, and your reputation.

Avoid false senses of security. Going into crowded areas does not necessarily mean that you are immune from thieves and robbers. Even when security cameras and other deterrents are there, there will always be people that will take any opportunity to cause harm. Be aware of surroundings at all times, even in familiar places.

Don't easily entrust your personal possessions to another. Don't leave your assets at a person's home if you can avoid it. Keep your necessities to yourself and don't showcase them.

Be aware of petty theft opportunities. The basics like holding tightly on to your handbag in public places, being aware of potential pickpockets, not flashing cash in public or not leaving your cellphone or handbag on the car seat next to you or in public view whilst driving always apply.

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