How to Repair a Cricket Bat
How to Repair a Cricket Bat
Cricket is an intense game that’s popular in many countries in the world. The game is played on a field where a bowler bowls a ball to the player at bat, and these bats often get broken or cracked during gameplay. Depending on the problem, it is possible to repair some cricket bat problems, such as cracks, but once a crack appears, it will continue to get worse, and eventually the bat will have to be replaced. However, if you are going to repair a crack, it’s important that you do it as soon as possible.[1]
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Repairing a Cricket Bat

Repair toe cracks. Most cricket bat cracks can be repaired with glue and repair tape or twine, plus some sandpaper and oil. First of all, locate the crack and fill it completely with glue, such as wood glue or superglue. Remove any excess glue and allow it to dry for 12 to 24 hours. After that: Sand the area down with a sandpaper between 100 and 220. Oil the repaired area with raw linseed oil Bind the area with bat tape or twine. If you use twine, soak the twine with glue as you wrap the bat.

Repair cracks in the face or edge. To repair these types of cracks, follow the same initial steps as you would for toe cracks. Once you have filled the crack with glue, cover the bat with two pieces of wood (one on either side) and clamp it in place while the glue dries. Once the glue has dried, follow the same steps for sanding, oiling, and taping. If you don’t have a clamp to use, cut up strips from an old bat grip and use those as elastics to clamp the bat as the glue dries.

Reattach the handle. Sometimes the handle on a cricket bat can fall out of the body, and this can be reattached with glue. Cover the handle with wood glue and reinsert it into the body of the bat. Use a rubber mallet to tap the handle into place. Remove any excess glue. Tape or clamp the bat to hold the handle firmly in place and allow the glue to cure for at least 48 hours. For added support, insert wood screws into the body and through the handle to keep the handle in place.

Maintaining Your Bat

Replace the rubber handle. As soon as you notice wear or cracking on the rubber handle, replace it right away. After you gently roll the new grip on, tape it with bat tape.

Keep the bat dry and cool. Store your bat somewhere that’s not too hot and never wet or damp. Never store your bat in a hot car or any other hot area, as it can warp the wood. If the bat ever gets wet, dry it with a cloth and store it somewhere cool to dry. When it has dried, apply a thin layer of oil.

Replace the anti-scuff sheet. At the end of each season, remove the anti-scuff sheet. Apply a layer of oil and let it sit for 24 hours. Then, apply a second coat of oil and let it rest for a week. Sand it down and repeat the oiling process. Apply a new ant-scuff sheet.

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