How to Reset Sleep Cycle
How to Reset Sleep Cycle
Most people have a constant sleep cycle, which they may not think about until it gets disrupted. Sleep is regulated within your body by your daily circadian rhythm. There are many different components that contribute to this, including your genes, hormones, nerves, and body temperature.[1]
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Your sleep pattern can be disturbed because of an all-nighter, jet lag, insomnia, or changing work or school schedules. When your sleep cycle is disrupted, it can make it harder to get enough sleep at night to function during the day. We’ll walk you through tips to reset your sleep schedule so you can get back to sleeping normally every night.

Resetting a Cycle by Changing Behavior

Leave yourself enough time. Your sleep cycle should include the right amount of sleep each night. This usually changes if your sleep cycle gets off. If you are a teenager, you need about nine to 10 hours of sleep a night. If you are an adult, you should get seven to nine hours a night. If you don't have this much time a night, you should think about changing your priorities to where you can get the recommended amount of sleep each night. If you don't your productivity and overall health will suffer. This might mean fewer commitments — you may have to say no to late night dinners with your friends, or moving your schedule around, like switching your super early workout at the gym to after work. You may also want to talk to your partner if you are overloaded with obligations at home — splitting up the work can lessen your load so you both get to sleep on time.

Start slowly. If you are trying to reset your sleep schedule to a different time, you need to start small and slowly. Starting from your current bedtime and wake up time, shift the time by 15 minutes. This will allow you to change it slowly, which will make it easier to do over time. For example, if you used to go to bed at 11:30 pm and get up at 7:30 am but now have to get up at 6:30 am because of a new job, start going to bed at 11:15 pm and getting up at 7:15 am. After a night or two of this new schedule, shift it another 15 minutes, repeating until you reach your new sleep times. If you need to shift your schedule quicker than this or change it by a large amount, you can shift your sleep time by 30 minutes.

Be consistent. One of the most important factors in resetting your sleep schedule back to what it once was is to be consistent with your bedtime and wake up time. If you are consistent, your body is more likely to pick your typical sleep cycle back up. During the week or so it will take to reset your sleep cycle, try not to sleep in, even on the weekends. The more consistent you are with your schedule during this time, the faster your sleep cycle will reset. If you want to sleep in during your reset, only allow yourself an extra hour of sleep one night per week. After your sleep cycle is reset, you can sleep in about two hours during the weekend.

Take naps sparingly. While you are trying to reset your sleep schedule, try to avoid taking naps. This will confuse your sleep cycle and make it harder to return to the schedule you had before it was disrupted. If you are too tired, or if you work in a job where you need to be extremely alert, you can take naps; however, do so sparingly so your sleep cycle won't keep getting disrupted and it will take longer to reset it.

Use melatonin supplements. If you are having a hard time adjusting to your new sleep cycle, you may be able to use melatonin supplements to help reset your sleep cycle. The dosage you need may vary, depending on how much you naturally produce. Adults should start with two tenths of a milligram and increase as needed, up to 5 milligrams. Children should start with an even smaller dose — consult your doctor first. Only use melatonin while you are trying to reset your sleep cycle. It should not be used except for a short period of time. Do not use if you are pregnant or nursing. If you don't want to take a supplement, try a glass of cherry juice about two hours before bed. Studies have shown that cherry juice can increase melatonin levels. Also try taking a hot bath or hot shower. There have been some studies that suggest your melatonin levels may be increased after a hot bath. This activity can also help you relax as well.

Reset your internal food clock. A recent study was done that suggests that you can reset your sleep cycle overnight by shifting the time that you eat. Your body naturally thinks it is time to be awake when you eat first thing in the morning. In order to fool your body into changing this cycle, avoid eating for 12 to 16 hours before you want to get up. For example, if you need to get up at 6 am, avoid eating after 2 pm (16 hours) to 6 pm (12 hours) the day before. Once you wake up the next morning, eat a big, healthy breakfast to kick start your system into being awake. If you have any medical problems, ask your doctor before going this long without food.

Try herbs. There are many different herbs that can help you sleep better. These may be helpful if you find it hard to adjust to your new sleep cycle. Herbs such as chamomile, lemon balm, and valerian root can be taken in supplements or as a tea to help you get to sleep, which in turn will help your reset your sleep cycle. Always talk to your doctor before using herbal remedies.

Resetting a Cycle by Changing Your Environment

Improve your sleep hygiene. If none of these methods are working for you, you may need to improve your sleep hygiene in order to reset your sleep cycle. This means you should make the activities surrounding sleep and your bedtime and wake-up time consistent and relaxing. Try only doing bed-related activities in your bed. This means you should avoid working or watching TV in your bed. Make your room, bed, and bed clothes comfortable every night. Avoid exercise too close to bed and never drink caffeine or alcohol within a few hours of sleeping.

Choose relaxing activities. If you are having a hard time adjusting back to your old bedtime because you aren't tired, try relaxing activities before bed. This can include listening to relaxing music, watching a calm movie, or doing some gentle stretches. The more relaxed you are, the more likely you will be able to go to sleep at your old bedtime.

Keep your bedroom dark and cool at night. When you are trying to change your sleep schedule, it can be hard to make yourself sleepy earlier. To help, make your bedroom and the room you spend the few hours before bed in darker as your bedtime approaches. This will help increase the production of the sleep hormone melatonin, which is produced when you are in the dark. In addition, turn the thermostat down to around 67–68 °F (19–20 °C). You can do this by using light blocking curtains if it stays light later in your area or if there are street lights outside your window. This is also helpful if you need to sleep past when it gets light outside. If you have a dimmer switch on your lights, try making the room progressively darker as you approach your bedtime. If you are really having a hard time, try wearing sunglasses so your eyes adjust to the darkness and to get you used to switching to sleeping mode.

Fool your body. If your new sleep cycle requires you to get up before it is light outside, the transition may be harder to make. If you are having a hard time waking up, turn on as many lights as you can in your room and house. This will decrease the production of melatonin, which will help wake you up.

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