How to Tell the Difference Between Subtle, Subtly and Subtlety
How to Tell the Difference Between Subtle, Subtly and Subtlety
Although the spellings are similar, the meanings of the three words have subtle differences. It will be easier to remember which word to use if you memorize some example sentences, or if you compare them to other words spelling in similar ways.

Use subtle as an adjective. The word "subtle" describes a noun that is difficult to notice or understand. Here are a few example sentences: The dresses are all wonderful, but their colours have subtle differences between them. My mother's warning glance was a subtle hint that I should change the topic. The painting looks drab at first, but there is a subtle beauty in the pattern of brushstrokes. Memory aid:Remember that "subtle" is the adjective by recalling that "subtle" and "adjective" both end in e.

Use subtly as an adverb. An adverb typically modifies a verb or adjective. If something happens "subtly," the action the verb refers to may be difficult to notice, or require skill to interpret. An adjective modified by "subtly" refers to a quality that is restrained, toned down, or hard to notice. I began clearing dishes off the table, subtly informing my guests that it was time to leave. We were just going out to buy groceries, but the clear sky and bright stars made the walk subtly romantic. Memory aid:"-ly" is a common way to turn an adjective into an adverb. It's also common to drop the final "e" from adjectives that end in -ble: think of "invisibly" or "fashionably".

Use subtlety as a noun. Subtlety is the state of being subtle. Use it in phrases like "with subtlety," "demonstrate subtlety," or anywhere else a noun is required. My loud, energetic English teacher is not exactly known for her subtlety. We had to write with great subtlety to get past the censors, hiding our true meaning inside references and wordplay. Memory aid:"-ty" is a suffix that turns some adjectives into nouns. Think of "agility" or "safety".

Practice. Practice writing the words out in different sentences, especially to make sure that you get the spellings correct. If you're not sure you've used one of these words correctly, identify the part of speech: Does the word describe a noun in the sentence? Then use the adjective, subtle. Does the word modify an adjective or verb? Then use the adverb, subtly. Is it impossible to remove the word without getting an incomplete sentence? Then use the noun, subtlety. To improve your English read daily.

You can read books, articles, comic books, magazines, and news on various topics. Write a journal and practice writing essays.

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