How to Use a VHS Tape
How to Use a VHS Tape
VHS was made in 1975 and was designed for and used by the public, There was a war going on between VHS vs. Betamax, and VHS emerged as one of the most popular ways to watch a video. If you want to use a VHS tape then here is how to use it. Note: VHS stands for Video Home System.

Buy or borrow a VHS tape. If you want to buy a VHS tape, there are some stores like movie rental shops that sell VHS tapes along with DVD's. If you want to borrow (rent) one, then you might go to Blockbuster, Hollywood Video, or Video Joe, or some kind of video store near you. Check for stores who have the feature of renting a VHS tape.

To play a VHS tape, you must have a VHS player, then, if there is a cover on the VHS tape, you must get the tape out of the cover. There are also movies or television episodes that are recorded on VHS by employees of companies. Just put the VHS tape in the player and it will play automatically, unless you stop it by using the buttons on the VHS player.

There are five VHS player commands. The commands are executed by pressing buttons that are on the front of the player. There is Play, which plays the movie; Rewind, for going backwards in the movie; Fast Forward, to go further into the movie; Stop, to make the movie stop; and Eject, to take the VHS tape out of the player.

If you would like to record a show on your VHS tape, you can record it by simply putting a blank VHS tape into the player and pressing "Record". That way, you won't miss a show or an episode of your favorite shows.

If you rent a VHS tape, return it on time. That way you won't get charged a late fee because it is overdue. This will become very expensive, so return it on the due date. If you have your own VHS tape, it's not rented, it's paid for already.

If you want to know the time length for a video, there is always a time on the back of the cover that the video comes in. It will say "approx." (Which is short for, approximately.) For an example: Approx. 50 minutes, so that way you will know the length of the VHS movie from beginning to end.

Check for a rating. If you are a kid, some VHS movies are scary or violent depending on the movie. Don't watch "Hostel", "The Exorcism of Emily Rose", or anything of that nature. Don't watch movies that are rated R or NC-17, or PG-13 unless your parent's give you permission to watch PG-13 movies, or more violent. If it says "Not Rated", then it is a kid's television series or movie video tape.

Always read the FBI Warning. All video tapes feature this FBI warning. It is always the same reason in an FBI warning, so be careful. Don't copy a video tape without the permission of the copyright owner or the authorized personnel.

There are previews on video tapes. VHS tapes don't always have previews but instead they show logos, and sometimes there are commercials. Previews are for people who want to watch a new movie that they like or get impressed with.

Enjoy it! Some day people will love VHS tapes rather than DVD's because DVD's will get scratched or damaged, or dirty or something. VHS tapes are much better.

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