How to Use Starting Blocks
How to Use Starting Blocks
This is the absolute best way to set up and properly use athletics starting blocks.

Setting Up the Blocks

Hold the unit in your hands.

Face the opposite way that you are going to run.

Put your heel on the inner edge of the start line.

Position the blocks firmly onto the track at your toe (the flat piece of metal on the tip of the main body).

Stamp on them to embed them into the track to prevent slipping.

Find your strong foot: it's the foot you kick a ball with. This is the foot that will drive you out of them (the one closest to the line).

Adjust the strong foot block angle using the spring loaded thing on the back so that it is at either it's lowest or second lowest incline (personal preference).

Adjust your weaker rear foot block angle so that it's either up to the highest incline, or second highest. It's personal choice.

Getting Into Position

Begin with the strong foot block: face away from the direction you're going to run. Put your heel on the line. Put your other heel against your toe. You should be two foot lengths out now. Place the block so the part of your spikes that have pins are resting flat on the tartan surface of the block. If you sit into your blocks at this stage, your knee of your front leg should just touch the line. Weak foot block: do the same, only instead of two feet out you are going 3 feet (0.9 m) out from the line.Use Starting Blocks Step 9Bullet1.jpg

Know how to sit into the blocks properly. Your toes should not touch the ground- they should be well up the blocks. Make contact with the complete block with your foot for maximum power transfer. At the "on your marks", you should be in a kneeling position, with your hands shoulder width apart, on the tips of your fingers just behind the line. Use Starting Blocks Step 10Bullet1.jpg

Lock your elbows straight until you hear the gun. This will help your arms leave the blocks as fast as possible. Twist your arms outwards so your palms and elbows are facing outwards. Then twist only your hands back so your palm is now facing inwards. Your elbows should still be facing outwards.

Lean forwards and shift most of your weight onto your hands, and be sure not to bend your back too much, as you want a straight line through your body at all times to maximize energy transfer.


Listen for "Set." When you hear it, raise your backside as far as you comfortably can, while still remaining "coiled", while inhaling sharply. Hold your breath in anticipation, and when you hear the gun, forcibly exhale as you explode off the blocks. You should be aiming for long, powerful strides rather than quick, short ones.

On your first stride, swing your arm straight back, extend your other arm right over your head in an exaggerated fashion, and make sure your lead knee comes right up as far as you can. This will ensure a long, powerful first stride.

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