The Spiritual Meaning of a Karmic Soulmate & 13 Signs You're with Them
The Spiritual Meaning of a Karmic Soulmate & 13 Signs You're with Them
Occasionally, you meet people in your life who you have an instant connection with—the energy is electric, the attraction is off the charts, and it’s like you’ve known them forever. But could they be one of your great, karmic soulmates? Whether you’re wondering if you met your karmic soulmate or you simply want to know what this mystical bond is all about, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll go over all the signs of a karmic soulmate, what the stages of this complicated, passionate relationship are like, and what its spiritual purpose is.
Things You Should Know
  • A karmic soulmate is a soul you met and interacted with in one of your past lives. They help you resolve your karma and grow as a person.
  • When you meet a karmic soulmate, the connection is often instant, intense, and familiar. The relationship can be passionate and addicting.
  • Later, a karmic soulmate might make you feel insecure and codependent. The relationship can grow toxic with constant fights, breakups, and makeups.

What is a karmic soulmate?

A karmic soulmate is a soul connection who teaches you lessons. Your karmic soulmate is believed to be a soul who you connected with in one of your past lives. Their soul is deeply intertwined with yours because you're carrying shared karma into each new lifetime. So, when they come into your life, they help you resolve your karma and grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. A karmic soulmate typically teaches you about what love is, what it isn’t, and reveals important truths about yourself. A relationship with your karmic soulmate is often temporary but challenging, intense, and tumultuous. Because a karmic soulmate is thought to be a soul you’ve met in a past life, you can have multiple karmic soulmates. Karma is the belief that all of your actions have good and bad consequences. These consequences follow you throughout your lifetimes.

Signs You’re with Your Karmic Soulmate

You feel an instant, intense connection with your partner. When you meet your karmic soulmate, it might feel like you’ve known them your whole life. The way they talk, think, and move might feel familiar, but you can’t put your finger on why. They are like the mirror image of your soul, with a magnetism that keeps pulling you to them. During your first meeting, you might feel a tingling sensation throughout your body or have a gut feeling that your life will change.

The relationship feels destined. Everything about being with your karmic soulmate feels easy at first. You are immediately comfortable with them and might open up about things you’ve never told anyone else. The familiarity you feel is unexplainable, so it just seems like you two are meant to be.

You are addicted to your partner. Sparks fly every time you and your karmic soulmate are together. The physical, emotional, and mental attraction is off the charts and like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. Everything you do together is full of passion and intense, electrifying energy. In many karmic relationships, the passion and addiction start to fizzle out as the relationship goes on.

You disregard your partner’s flaws. The passionate, destiny-like nature of a karmic relationship can cause you to overlook your soulmate’s bad behavior. You want to hold onto their perfect image to stay blissful and happy in the relationship. For example, if your partner gets jealous, you might feel like you’re to blame instead of talking through the issue head-on. Ignoring your partner’s faults can be a sign that the cracks in the relationship are starting to show.

You form a codependent relationship. The addictive qualities of a karmic relationship can become all-consuming as time goes on. You might find yourself worrying about always pleasing your partner. Your self-worth can get wrapped up in the relationship, so making decisions or completing everyday tasks might feel impossible without their help. Karmic relationships typically also lack boundaries, which can lead to you overextending yourself and sacrificing your own needs. Because karmic soulmates teach you lessons, interpret this as a sign to practice self-love to feel fulfilled and confident in future relationships.

Something feels off in the relationship. While you feel intensely connected with your karmic soulmate, you might sense that it doesn’t feel quite right. You might feel like something’s warning you to stay away, but because everything seems perfect about your partner, you can’t quite pinpoint what’s bothering you. Developing your intuition is an important lesson in your karmic relationship journey. Listen to your gut when something doesn’t feel right and bring it up to your partner to talk it through.

The relationship is full of drama and arguments. Being in a relationship with your karmic soulmate is like getting stuck on a rollercoaster: you cycle from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows. As your souls mingle, both of your past lives’ karma demands to be dealt with. This translates to constant bickering and fights. To handle arguments in a productive, healthy way, take turns communicating your feelings about the issue. Then, listen to your partner’s point of view. If the argument gets heated, take a short break to calm down. Pay attention to what you and your partner fight about. The arguments you have might be the lessons your souls need to learn. For example, if you fight with your partner about their in-laws coming over unannounced, your lesson might be about learning how to set boundaries.

The relationship is on again, off again. A karmic relationship is often unstable and unpredictable. You and your partner might call it quits during a fight, get back together a few days later, and then repeat the cycle over again. However, you keep fighting about the same things, so the core issues never get addressed. Repeatedly breaking up and making up can be a sign that you and your karmic soulmate haven’t learned your lessons. Reflect on what you’re really fighting about to grow, develop, and break the cycle. Arguments about where you’re going and who you’re talking to might stem from your partner’s jealousy, helping you realize that a true, loving partner will trust and respect you.

There’s a lot of miscommunication. Over time, it starts to feel like you and your partner aren’t on the same page. You might misconstrue their words, find hidden meanings where there aren’t any, and say things you don’t mean. When issues do come up, they might snowball and explode into bigger arguments because you and your partner aren’t communicating well. To communicate better, use “I” statements like, “I feel upset when you ignore me,” to make your feelings clear and prevent your partner from feeling defensive.

You feel insecure. The powerful connection you and your partner’s souls share can bring out your worst fears. Even if you know your thoughts are irrational, little things might make you feel like your partner is going to abandon you or like they’re not fully committed to you. For example, you might feel a stab of jealousy so intense when you see them laughing with someone else that you’re convinced they’re going to leave you. The obsession and addiction you have for your partner can also cause you to act irrationally, like going through your partner’s phone without their permission. Sharing your fears is scary, but this might be a karmic lesson to be more vulnerable. Opening up about your feelings helps you connect deeper with your partner and build a solid foundation of love and trust.

Your partner brings out your dark side. Your karmic soulmate is your mirror, reflecting back to you all your wonderful strengths and your worst qualities. While this can feel uncomfortable and challenging, it has a purpose. Facing your negative behaviors can reveal the lessons you’re supposed to learn. Instead of shying away from what your soulmate reveals, practice self-acceptance. Recognize that your flaws are a part of you, but don’t make you unworthy of love and compassion.

Your partner is controlling. With time, your karmic soulmate might seem like they’re pulling your strings to make you do what they want. They might tell you what you can wear, where you can go, and who you can talk to. Instead of feeling like an equal in the relationship, you might feel helpless and even more dependent on them. Know that you do not deserve to be with a controlling, manipulative partner. This is often a sign that you’re dating a toxic, unhealthy person. Take this as a karmic wake-up call to recognize the signs of a healthy relationship, break off the relationship with your karmic soulmate, and regain your power and happiness.

The relationship doesn’t last. Ultimately, most karmic relationships grow stagnant or even toxic and must come to an end. While it can feel impossible to let go of the intense connection, recognize that true love does not make you feel insecure, unhappy, or unfulfilled. The challenges you face with your karmic soulmate are to help you grow and once you start making changes, it’s time to move on. Getting out of a relationship is tough, so go easy on yourself. Talk to your friends and family for support and enjoy your favorite comforts.

Karmic Relationship Stages

You meet your soulmate and have an instant, intense connection. Whether you bump into your karmic soulmate on the street or introduce yourself to them at a party, the chemistry and electricity are immediate. As soon as you lock eyes, you know you were meant to meet them.

You enter the honeymoon period, full of passion and growth. As you and your karmic soulmate get to know each other, you excitedly realize that you are mirrors of one another. You share similar dreams, passions, and most importantly, reflect each other’s strengths and weaknesses. This period is full of introspection and growth. Seeing the strengths and weaknesses in each other helps you and your karmic soulmate develop.

Conflicts arise and the relationship grows turbulent. Eventually, reality sets in and your karmic soulmate’s flaws and negative behaviors come to light. You might have arguments about their jealousy and controllingness, break up, then get back together to do it all again. The cyclical nature of the fights can lead to you feeling insecure or dependent on the relationship. During this stage is where your souls dredge up your past lives’ karma. The fights you have typically reflect the lessons you need to learn to resolve your karma.

You recognize the relationship is unhealthy. After experiencing the tumultuous ups and downs of the relationship, you’re able to self-reflect and realize it’s toxic. At this stage, you might ask how best to navigate the rest of the relationship. Is there still something to learn from your karmic soulmate? Or is the relationship no longer serving you? Journal about all of the lessons you’ve learned to gain clarity about what your karmic soulmate is teaching you. This can help you determine whether to pursue the relationship further. Practicing grounding exercise like meditation and yoga can also help you gain clarity about the lessons you’ve learned and the relationship.

You decide to end the karmic relationship. Deciding to end the relationship is an incredibly difficult decision, but you now recognize that it wasn’t meant to last. You contain all of the lessons and knowledge you were meant to learn, so there’s no use sticking around in an unhealthy, toxic relationship. Your next step is to continue your growth, be your best self, and meet the love of your life. Be clear, firm, and honest when you end the relationship so your partner doesn’t think they can change your mind. Give yourself time to grieve the relationship. Let yourself feel all of your emotions and then immerse yourself in a new hobby. When you’re feeling ready, practice gratitude for the relationship. Recognize how it helped you resolve your karmic imbalance and develop into a better person. Reader Poll: We asked 281 wikiHow readers who've ended karmic relationships, and 52% of them agreed that they felt sad because they still loved their partner despite the challenges. [Take Poll] So it’s okay if it takes a little while to heal and move on.

Purpose of a Karmic Soulmate

A karmic soulmate helps you learn and grow as a person. Being in a karmic relationship is full of obstacles, but they’re not for nothing. Your karmic soulmate shows you the areas in your life that you need to work on and pushes you to challenge yourself and grow into the best version of you.

Karmic relationships can help heal past traumas. The karma you carry from lifetime to lifetime can develop into problems and negative cycles you struggle with in your present lifetime. Being with your karmic soulmate gives you the space to confront them head-on without fear and judgment.

A karmic soulmate can help you on your life journey. Meeting your karmic soulmate often feels like destiny, and it might be a part of a greater cosmic plan all along. Both you and your karmic soulmate have problems to work through that you can only do together. Resolving your karmic imbalances and growing into better people furthers you along your life path.

Differences Between Karmic Soulmates, Soulmates, and Twin Flames

Soulmates are two souls with a deep, profound connection. A soulmate is someone who understands you like no other. Unlike karmic relationships, a soulmate can be romantic or platonic. While they also help you grow into your best self, soulmate relationships typically develop over time and are more joyful, kind, and caring. Like karmic soulmates, you can have many soulmates in your lifetime. Some of them might even be animals! When you meet your soulmate, you might feel a sense of belonging and harmony. If you do argue, the conflicts are typically quick and undramatic.

Twin flames share a single soul and a passionate, true love. Unlike karmic relationships and soulmates, there’s only one twin flame for you in your lifetime. Twin flames are believed to share the same soul, so they spend their lives searching for their other half. When you meet your twin flame, the connection is fiery, magnetic, and all-consuming. Your twin flame challenges you to grow into the best version of yourself. They are incredibly supportive and nurturing, unlike karmic soulmates.

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