Zooted Definition
Zooted is internet slang for being heavily inebriated or high on drugs. Pronounced ZOO-did, this slangy adjective describes people who are drunk, stoned, or otherwise intoxicated. It’s unclear where exactly this word originates. Most likely, “zooted” comes from the British term “zoot,” which is slang for a marijuana cigarette or “joint.”
Using “Zooted” in a Sentence
Zooted is used in situations where people are drinking or getting high. Often, you’ll find the term “zooted” used at parties or small gatherings where attendees are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. It’s almost always used as an adjective to describe a person or as a verb in the phrase “to get zooted.” Here are some example phrases using “zooted” in context: “This party is getting crazy, that girl over there is so zooted.” “I think I could’ve skipped that last puff, I’m mad zooted right now.” “I can’t wait for the pre-game tonight! Are you prepared to get zooted?” “I’m getting zooted on this drink—Paul made it really strong!” “I stay zooted, all about that party life.”
More Slang Terms for “Drunk” or “Stoned”
Slang terms synonymous with “zooted” include “hammered” and “baked.” Just like “zooted,” “hammered” and “baked” are very popular terms used to describe someone who’s under the influence. However, “hammered” specifically applies to alcohol use and “baked” applies to marijuana use, while “zooted” can be used in either context. Other common slang terms with the same meaning as zooted include: Wasted: Under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs, i.e., “He looked kind of wasted.” Plastered: Very drunk, i.e., “I went out and got totally plastered.” Sloshed: Drunk, i.e., “I drank too much wine and got sloshed.” Blazed: Under the influence of a high dose of marijuana, i.e., “That joint got me blazed af.” Faded: Being moderately to extremely high, i.e., “She showed up last night so faded.” Geeked:Being very high or intoxicated, i.e., “That stuff they brought has me geeked.”
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