What Flaws Do Virgos Have (and Can They Overcome Them)?
What Flaws Do Virgos Have (and Can They Overcome Them)?
Stable and grounded Virgo has many positive traits that make them fantastic people to have in your life. That said, Virgo, just like every other zodiac sign, also has negative traits, which we'll explain in-depth in our comprehensive list below. Learning about these traits can help you get to know the Virgo in your life, and if you're a Virgo yourself, this list may help you gain valuable insight about yourself. Read on for a guide to common Virgo weaknesses, along with our advice on how to overcome them.


Virgos have a knack for finding faults in almost everything. Hard-working Virgo has high expectations, and their analytical mind is always evaluating the world around them. Flaws are easy to find when you’re looking for them, and Virgo is always paying attention. Virgos also aren’t shy about communicating their criticisms; they don't mean to hurt your feelings, but their words can sting. Virgos hold themselves to the same high standards and tend to be very hard on themselves. Still, this trait often alienates other people and can make it hard for Virgo to develop lasting friendships. If you're a Virgo who wants to be less critical, work on pausing for a moment to think before you speak. Consider how your words will affect the other person, and then try to express yourself using positive language.


Virgos are quick to judge anyone who falls short of their high standards. This goes hand-in-hand with their tendency to be overcritical—once Virgo detects a flaw, they make a snap judgement about that person or thing. And once a Virgo makes a decision about something, it’s very hard to change their minds! You essentially have one shot to impress a Virgo before they decide what you’re all about. Because of this trait, Virgo tends to miss out on a lot of good opportunities and relationships. It also affects their ability to make new friends since being judgemental quickly turns people off—no one wants to be judged. If you're a Virgo who wants to be less judgemental, work on catching yourself in the moment and putting yourself in the other person's shoes. Even if you can't relate, remember that they could have personal things going on in their lives that are affecting their behavior—it's impossible to know what someone is dealing with privately, so try to give people the benefit of the doubt once in a while.


Virgos aren’t satisfied until every detail is absolutely perfect. To say this sign pays attention to detail is an understatement—they go over everything with a fine-tooth comb. Being thorough is a good thing, especially at work, but perfectionism usually ends up being detrimental to their well-being. Virgo has a hard time letting things go, even after deeming them perfect, and this obsession creates a lot of stress for them. Being a perfectionist in a relationship is even more difficult because human beings aren’t perfect, and no relationship is perfect, either. Virgos, do your best to forgive yourself when things don't go exactly your way. Flaws and mistakes are inevitable for everyone. You tend to see in black and white—either something is perfect, or it's a failure. Try to remind yourself that there's a middle ground, and it's totally okay to fall short of perfect sometimes.


Mentally, Virgo spends a lot time rationalizing and debating. Virgo’s nimble mind never stops—ever. This sign is known for being highly intelligent (which is a great quality) but overthinking every minute detail of their lives often does more harm than good. Virgos won’t make any moves until they’ve worked out every possible outcome and weighed the pros and cons, and they often talk themselves out of doing things after thinking about them in circles. Spontaneity is definitely not one of Virgos strong suits. Virgo, work on focusing on the big picture rather than zeroing in on minute details. Simple mindfulness techniques can help you live in the moment (rather than worrying about the past or future)—one easy exercise is to use all of your senses to experience what's happening to you right now. Think about what you can see, hear, smell, taste, and feel around you to bring yourself back into the present moment.


This sign’s demanding nature makes them want to take charge. Meticulous Virgo doesn’t trust anyone else to get the job done, so they tend to take the reins in most situations. They typically try to avoid situations where they can’t be in control since they’re never comfortable taking a backseat. Virgos want to oversee and micro-manage everything in their lives, and this can be a tough problem for them to overcome at work and in their relationships. Virgo is a mutable sign, which means they adapt to change quickly and are great at multi-tasking. This plays a big role in why Virgos tend to bite off more than they can chew and juggle multiple projects simultaneously. Virgo, if your goal is be less controlling in your daily life, try to step back and let others take the reins sometimes. You don't have to handle everything yourself—work on trusting other people (especially your friends and loved ones) to help you get things done sometimes.


A Virgo’s rational mind needs to see proof before believing in anything. It makes sense that Virgos, who value rational thought and problem-solving, question everything around them. As an earth sign, Virgo is extremely grounded and practical, so they always choose thought over emotion. There’s nothing wrong with that, per se, but Virgo’s questioning approach to everything borders on cynical, and this sign can be rather pessimistic, too. Virgo, it can be tough to take a leap of faith, but try to do it once in a while with things that really matter. For example, if you're in a long distance relationship and your partner tells you that they love you, your mind might immediately question that since you two aren't physically together all the time. It is possible to really love someone, though, even if you don't see each other often.


Virgos are worrywarts who function in a constant state of stress. Since Virgos are perfectionists, they can’t help but fret about things going wrong. They usually prepare themselves for the worst-case scenario in every situation, and they are always racking their brains for little details they’ve missed or mistakes they’ve made. Virgos usually appear calm on the outside, but internally, they’re on high alert. If you're a Virgo who's struggling to deal with anxiety, taking slow, deep breaths can help calm you down in the moment. Lifestyle changes like making sure you're getting 7-9 hours of sleep each night and exercising regularly can have a major impact on how your body handles stress, as well.


Virgos are finicky and can be difficult to satisfy. On top of that, they’re also prone to nagging and complaining. And since Virgos are very vocal when they’re unhappy about something, they’re capable of creating some pretty negative energy around themselves. Virgos can also be negative about their health—they're the type of hypochondriac who diagnoses themselves with an exotic illness after extensively researching their symptoms on the internet. Virgo, when you find yourself being fussy and negative about little details, take a deep breath and try to zoom out so you're looking at the big picture. Work on focusing on the big picture positives you see and let the little details go.


Virgos are usually reserved and emotionally distant. This sign is ruled by Mercury, which is the planet that governs analytical skills, communication, and body language. Virgos are highly logical and stay in their head a lot, so they don’t have a lot of time or patience for emotional matters—and that comes across loud and clear in the way they carry themselves. Deep down, Virgos are caring and warm, but you wouldn’t know that just by looking at them. In relationships, Virgos are emotional at first, but they quickly revert back to their default setting—stoicism. Virgo is an earth sign, which means they naturally crave warmth and closeness, but their tendency to overthink gets in the way. If you're a Virgo in a relationship, try to prioritize sharing your feelings with your partner. It might be a bit uncomfortable, but you've got this and it's totally fine to start small. For example, an easy way to instantly feel more connected is to tell your partner about your day—the good, the bad, and everything in between. Make it a point to ask how their day was, too, and give them genuine compliments regularly.

Passive aggressive

Virgos will do just about anything to avoid confrontation. Despite their penchant for nagging and complaining, Virgos are extremely uncomfortable with any kind of direct conflict. Since they also struggle with showing emotion, they have a tendency to repress their thoughts and feelings, which eventually turns into resentment and passive aggressive behavior. This can create a lot of tension in their relationships, and they tend to push people away instead of being be upfront about the issues. If you're a Virgo in a relationship, try to keep tabs on how you're feeling emotionally and work on sharing those emotions with your partner as you're feeling them. Occasional conflicts are totally normal (and even healthy) for couples, so don't shy away from them. Even if what you need to say is difficult, you'll feel so much better after getting it out in the open instead of repressing it.

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