What Is Quantum Healing and How Does It Work?
What Is Quantum Healing and How Does It Work?
If you’re interested in mindfulness, meditation, and other forms of energy healing and harnessing, then you may have heard of a practice called quantum healing. Quantum healing combines concepts from quantum mechanics, psychology, physics, and more to create a practice that seeks to improve mental and physical well-being through shifting one’s thoughts, mindsets, and energies. Read below for the complete guide to this controversial but widely-used alternative medicine. Plus, we’ve interviewed energy healer and hypnotherapist Karuna Jain for some expert tips on increasing positive and calming energies.
Quantum Healing: At a Glance

What is quantum healing?

Quantum healing is an alternative medicine focused on the balancing of energy. Quantum healing (like quantum physics) seeks to understand the relationship between energy and frequency. According to quantum physics, everything in the universe is made of energy, and your interactions with that energy are what shape your present and future reality. Consequently, quantum healing posits that our thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes affect the way that we experience illness and health. Some followers and practitioners of quantum healing even believe that illness may serve as a spiritual lesson that teaches us something about ourselves and the world. Quantum healing practitioners use holistic tools like meditation and Ayurveda to try to shift your energy and support healing through mindful intention. Eventually, according to the theory of quantum healing, you’ll be able to shift your energy on your own with enough practice and focus. Crucially, however, quantum healing is not intended as a replacement for mainstream medicine. Instead, it’s used to try and discover the root causes of what makes us sick and take steps to prevent illness from reoccurring. The term “quantum healing” was coined by Dr. Deepak Chopra in 1989 with his book Quantum Healing: Exploring the Frontiers of Mind/Body Medicine, which was followed up by the bestselling Ageless Body, Timeless Mind in 1993.

Important Concepts to Know in Quantum Healing

Qi Pronounced as “chee,” Qi is the life force or energy that’s believed to flow through all living things. Qi is thought to flow through “meridians,” which are pathways thought to exist in your body and the body of any living thing. When these pathways are blocked, the flow of Qi is disrupted, which may lead to physical, emotional, and spiritual issues. Quantum healing practices like acupuncture, qigong, and tai chi are all used to help develop and control one’s Qi flow. Qi is also a key element in traditional Chinese medicine.

Prana Prana, like Qi, is another type of life force that’s believed to flow through all living things. Similar to how Qi is said to flow through your body’s meridians, prana is thought to flow through channels known as “nadis.” However, prana is more closely connected to breath and respiratory work. If prana is flowing smoothly, then it may promote your overall health and sense of balance. Pranayama breathing exercises, asana (yoga poses), and meditation are all practices believed to promote the flow of prana.

Law of Attraction The Law of Attraction is a spiritual belief that our thoughts attract positive or negative experiences into our lives. For instance, according to the Law of Attraction, focusing on positive thoughts and emotions may attract positive outcomes and experiences into your life. Conversely, focusing on negative feelings and possibilities may increase the likelihood that negative things will happen to you. In quantum healing, practitioners of the Law of Attraction may encourage you to focus on gratitude and optimism to allow for more joyful experiences and energies to flow to you. As Jain explains, “if you’re holding a lot of negativity in your life already and your cup is full of that, then you need some healing to be done to help you empty that cup.” “So, Jain continues, an energy healer can teach you how to “empty some of your caps…so you can then add fresh tea into that cup and enjoy that cup of tea. You have to learn to empty it. So you need some proper tools so you can learn to empty your energy fields” of negativity.

Benefits of Quantum Healing

The main potential benefit of quantum healing is to re-balance the body. While there’s no scientific evidence to show the effects of quantum healing, practitioners believe that this process restores the underlying energetic imbalances in your body. By addressing these imbalances, quantum healing may have the power to reduce stress and anxiety, improve mental clarity, and enhance focus. You may also experience a greater sense of vitality, energy, and mental awareness when practicing quantum healing. Some people also believe that quantum healing can directly improve your physical health, including strengthening your immune response and preventing disease.

Is quantum healing real or a pseudoscience?

There is no scientific evidence to show that quantum healing is real. Quantum healing is considered a pseudoscience by most researchers and professional physicists. These experts typically argue that quantum healing is based on an erroneous understanding of how physics works. On the other hand, proponents of quantum healing might argue that there are many anecdotal accounts of alternative medicines being used over the centuries to heal and help people. However, these results could stem from the placebo effect. Additionally, supporters point to the fact that quantum healing can’t be seen with the naked eye, so it isn’t easy to scientifically prove that it exists and truly works. Scientific experts also argue that quantum healing can be dangerous, since some people with serious physical or mental health issues may turn to alternative medicines when they really need conventional medical help. However, even quantum healing professionals advise using their services as a complement to visiting a certified doctor. Recently, a 2023 study found that developments in quantum technology and an increased understanding of quantum mechanics may help scientists learn more about diseases and develop better treatments. While this research doesn’t back quantum healing, per se, it does indicate that there is value in the intersection between quantum physics and medicine.

How to Get Started with Quantum Healing

Read about quantum healing to gain a full understanding of the practice. Before delving into the practice of quantum healing, make sure that you’re completely informed on the history of this alternative medicine and what it involves. Some of the most highly recommended books and workbooks on quantum healing and other types of energy healing include: Quantum Healing by Deepak Chopra. Rated 4.7 stars on Amazon, eBook available. The Healing Self by Deepak Chopra and Rudolph E. Tanzi. Rated 4.5 stars on Amazon, eBook available. Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field by Barbara Ann Brennan. Rated 4.7 stars on Amazon, eBook available. The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy by Caroline Myss. Rated 4.8 stars on Amazon, eBook available. The Complete Handbook of Quantum Healing: An A-Z Self-Healing Guide for Over 100 Common Ailments by Deanna M. Minich. Rated 4.6 stars on Amazon, eBook available.

Reach out to a professional quantum healing practitioner. The best way to experience quantum healing is to get in touch with a qualified, reputable, and experienced healer. These professionals have a deep knowledge of quantum healing and claim an understanding of how to safely harness and transform your energies. Search for a certified practitioner online through the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique website or ask members of your community if they have a healer that they recommend. A quantum healing session can look and feel different depending on your energies and the practices of the healer. One of the most common approaches to quantum healing is an in-person hypnosis session. During the session, the quantum healer may attempt to connect you with your “Higher Self,” subconscious, past lives, and more.

Practice quantum healing on your own with mindfulness activities. While it’s recommended to visit a certified practitioner for advanced quantum healing, you can try to access some of the supposed benefits on your own. Try stress-reduction techniques like deep breathing or yoga. Practice mindfulness techniques like meditation and visualization. Throughout these activities, focus your mind on the energies and outcomes that you want to achieve. For example, meditation helps to shift your energy by “focusing you in on one thought,” explains Jain. “Then, your subconscious mind has time to start bringing you from the sympathetic mode to the parasympathetic mode of your nervous system, calming you down. Then you start feeling happier when you're calm and relaxed and you can look at life with more happiness and joy.”

Teach yourself self-hypnosis to further develop your quantum healing skills. Hypnosis is one of the most popular forms of quantum healing, so why not try self-hypnosis? Make yourself as comfortable as possible before beginning. Then, come up with positive affirmations about the desired outcome of your hypnosis. Meditate to relax your mind while taking deep breaths and releasing the tension in your body. Visualize yourself entering a trance—imagine yourself descending a staircase with 10 steps, but the fifth step onward is submerged in water. As you take each step, count the number of that stair. Imagine the feel of the step and the water on your feet and body. Once you feel fully situated in your trance (aka, you’re at the bottom of the staircase), recite your affirmation as many times as desired. Finally, ascend the staircase to exit your hypnotic state. Open your eyes once you feel ready.

Visit a certified, traditional doctor alongside your quantum healing. While some people claim that quantum healing has helped cure serious illnesses like cancer and clinical depression, it’s not a replacement for mainstream medicine. Use quantum healing as a tool to improve your overall well-being, if desired, but continue with any traditional medical treatments that are necessary for your health.

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