What Superpower Would Each Zodiac Sign Have?
What Superpower Would Each Zodiac Sign Have?
Are you dying to know what superpower you’d have based on your zodiac sun sign? Superpowers, sadly, aren’t real—but it’s fun to imagine that each sign might have a special power if they existed. According to astrology, if the zodiac had supernatural powers, they’d be based on the signs’ actual personality traits (like Aries’ passion or Cancer’s intuition), along with their ruling planets and elements. We’ll tell you what superpowers each zodiac sign would manifest if they could, plus what their real-life “power” is!This article is based off an interview with our professional vedic astrologer, Tara Divina. Check out the full interview here.


Aries would specialize in fire manipulation. Aries is a fire sign ruled by Mars, the planet of action: they’re energetic, impulsive, and sometimes volatile. Aries’ aggressive nature makes them incredibly passionate but also gives them the tendency to lash out when they’re angry. If Aries had a superpower, they’d use fire manipulation to channel their boundless energy and vent their explosive anger. Real-Life Power: Passion. Aries may not be able to control fire in reality, but they have a fierce inner fire—everything they do is done with passion! It gives them the drive and energy to chase their dreams no matter what.


Taurus would have the ability to time travel. Taurus is an extremely methodical, down-to-earth sign. They move at their own pace, and absolutely nothing can make them budge when they’ve found a comfortable rhythm. That’s why time travel and manipulation would be Taurus’ main superpower; they have an impeccable internal clock and manage their time extremely well compared to other zodiac signs. Real-Life Power: Endurance. Taurus is an extremely thick-skinned sign; they can weather just about any storm and have an uncanny ability to persevere through any challenge. In a world with superpowers, Taurus might also have the gift of atmokinesis, or weather manipulation. Their connection to the planet (as an earth sign) could give them control over its atmosphere.


Gemini would be a master shapeshifter. Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, Gemini is the ultimate social butterfly and social chameleon. They also tend to be very dual-minded. They can change their outward personality to fit any given situation at the drop of a hat. With Gemini’s quick thinking and natural adaptability, they’d have the ability to shapeshift if they had powers, altering their appearance to look like absolutely anyone! Real-Life Power: Flexibility. Gemini is a mutable sign, which means they can adapt to anything. Gemini can roll with the punches and effortlessly work their way into any group of people, making them exceptionally flexible.


Cancer’s power would be divination or healing. As a water sign ruled by the Moon, the planet of inner feelings and the subconscious mind, Cancer is an extremely insightful and spiritual sign. They have an innate sense of other people’s thoughts and emotions, which is why divination (psychic abilities and the ability to predict the future) would be Cancer’s ultimate power. Because Cancer is a very nurturing sign, they could also have healing abilities. Real-Life Power: Intuition. Cancer’s extraordinary emotional awareness makes it easy for them to detect changes in other people’s moods, and they tend to rely on intuition over rational judgment.


Leo would have the ability to control animals, morph into them, or glow. If Leo had powers, they’d stem from the naturally commanding presence that accompanies Leo wherever they go. Leo’s gift for leadership would give them the ability to lead and control animals. Because Leo is ruled by the Sun, the planet of ego and self, Leo might also have the ability to glow brightly, spreading sunlight wherever they go. Real-Life Power: Leadership. Because they’re ruled by the Sun, Leo tends to have a magnetic personality that draws people in. They’re commanding, compelling, and love to be the center of attention. Alternatively, Leo’s superpower might be the ability to morph into animals—specifically the majestic lion, which represents the Leo zodiac sign.


Virgo would excel at healing and purification. Virgo is the humanitarian earth sign; they love to help people and they’re often very handy. That’s why healing and purification would be their superpower; they’re adept at putting things back together and love giving advice to other people (since they tend to think they know best). If they could, Virgo would act as a healer and “fixer” for the loved ones in their life. Real-Life Power: Selflessness. Virgo’s ruling planet is Mercury, the planet of communication, and Virgo rules the sixth house (an aspect of life that involves duty and service). Thus, Virgo is naturally driven by the need to serve and care for others.


Libra’s power would be telekinesis. If Libra had superpowers, their sharp intellect would give them telekinesis, the psychic ability to influence a physical object without directly interacting with it. As an air sign, Libra is a quick thinker and loves understanding how things work—from inanimate objects to the human mind. Therefore, Libra’s smarts and focus might result in telekinetic powers. Real-Life Power: Communication. Libra is able to uncover all sides of a situation and see the bigger picture when talking to others. This is because the Libra sign represents justice and equality—and since they’re ruled by Venus (the planet of beauty), they have natural charm and charisma.


Scorpio would possess the powers of mind control or clairvoyance. Scorpios have a strong desire for power and authority, which is why they’d have the psychic power of mind control (if powers were real). As a water sign, Scorpio’s intuition and emotional awareness would make their ability to get into other people’s heads all the more powerful. Alternatively, that intuition might grant them clairvoyance (psychic insight and foresight). Real-Life Power: Willpower. Mental fortitude comes naturally to Scorpio; they’re bold, strong-willed, and highly resilient. Once they set their sights on a goal, they always accomplish it!


Sagittarius would be capable of teleportation or flight. Curious and free-spirited Sagittarius is always on the move, which is why they’d be able to fly or teleport (disappear and reappear somewhere else at will) if they had powers. Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of abundance and expansion, Sagittarius wants nothing more than to expand their horizons and see as much of the world as possible. Real-Life Power: Optimism. There’s no keeping a Sagittarius down in the dumps! As an enthusiastic fire sign, Sagittarius always looks on the bright side and knows exactly how to cheer up friends and loved ones.


Capricorn would be able to turn invisible at will. Capricorn is the zodiac’s overachieving earth sign. They have an incredible work ethic and endless ambition, but that drive to succeed can leave them feeling pretty drained sometimes. That’s why Capricorn would have the ability to turn invisible if they had superpowers; it’d be their way of taking a step back and getting some breathing room when life and work became overwhelming. Real-Life Power: Ambition. Ruled by Saturn, the planet of responsibility and determination, Capricorn knows where they want to go in life and won’t stop working until they get there. Capricorn loves being in charge (especially in their professional lives) and often gravitates toward positions of power.


Aquarius would have the power of super intelligence or flight. As an air sign ruled by Uranus, the planet of innovation, freedom, and surprising events, Aquarius is all about thinking outside the box. They’re very smart—which is why superhuman intelligence would be an ideal power for them. Alternatively, since Aquarius values their freedom so dearly, the power of flight would allow them to drift away whenever they felt too boxed in. Real-Life Power: Rebelliousness. Aquarius is the rebel of the zodiac, always full of new, innovative ideas. They also tend to be gifted with technology and dream of using it to improve society as a whole.


Pisces would have illusion magic or the power of astral projection. Ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreams and creativity, Pisces is an extremely spiritual and imaginative water sign. Pisces’ innate creativity would lend itself wonderfully to illusion magic, and their love of everything spiritual and supernatural would give them the ability to astral project their consciousness (have an out-of-body experience at will). Real-Life Power: Creativity. Though they can’t cast beautiful illusion spells in reality, Pisces still has the power of creativity at their fingertips. They have a vivid imagination and tend to love artistic pursuits, like drawing and painting.

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