Spiritual & Cultural Meanings of Red Tiger’s Eye
Strength and courage The red tiger’s eye encourages boldness. It symbolizes mental, physical, and emotional strength and helps you find the courage to face your fears and stand up for yourself. This crystal can help you become the best version of yourself. The ancient Egyptians believed the red tiger’s eye was created when the sun god Ra’s third eye fell to earth and became a gemstone. The Egyptians, especially pharaohs, wore the stone as jewelry to channel Ra’s energy and achieve material success, strength, and creativity. In India, red tiger’s eye symbolizes the Hindu goddess Durga, who represents strength, protection, and courage. This connection likely stems from the fact that she’s often depicted riding a tiger named Dawon. Worshippers wear or carry the red tiger’s eye to gain Durga’s protection and inspiration, as well as to receive luck and strength to overcome obstacles.
Protection The red tiger’s eye is a very powerful protective crystal. It deflects unwanted and negative energies and has historically been used as a talisman against curses. It represents both spiritual and physical protection. Ancient Roman soldiers often wore engraved tiger’s eye stones to battle. They believed the stone would protect them physically and promote bravery and fearlessness in combat. In some parts of Africa, the red tiger’s eye is believed to protect the wearer from all kinds of spiritual harm. This includes curses, negative influences, bad ideas, and general evil-doing.
Excitement and desire Because of its red color, this tiger’s eye sometimes symbolizes sexuality. It represents the excitement and lust that accompany romantic relationships, and some believe it even boosts sex drive. Because of its associations with passion and fiery energy, the red tiger’s eye is frequently associated with the zodiac sign Leo. Leos may benefit from an excitement and motivation boost from this stone.
Duality The red tiger’s eye combines the energy of the earth with the vibrational frequencies of the sun, which gives the stone a dualistic quality. This allows you to put things into perspective and understand situations from multiple points of view. Red tiger’s eye is also the birthstone for the zodiac sign Capricorn. This stone is said to help Capricorns in particular to see all sides of a situation and make wise judgements.
Luck and fortune Just as the red tiger’s eye deflects bad luck and ill intentions, it promotes good luck. Wearing or carrying a red tiger’s eye brings prosperity and positivity.
Red Tiger’s Eye Metaphysical Properties & Benefits
Red tiger’s eye can help you rediscover yourself. Many believe this stone channels the boldness of the tiger to help you build confidence and even alleviate depression. In turn, it may help you solve internal conflicts and get in touch with your inner self. Carrying or wearing red tiger’s eye is believed to help you put things into perspective so you can find out who you truly are. Similarly, many believe possessing a red tiger’s eye will help you heal from emotional wounds due to its protective properties. They say it dispels anxiety and encourages you to stop dwelling on the past and move on to a better future. Some claim that red tiger’s eye promotes self-care by encouraging you to put yourself first and removing and protecting you from the negative energy of day-to-day life. While many believers report that red tiger’s eye has metaphysical and emotional healing benefits, these claims are not backed by science. Never rely on crystals in place of official medical care.
Red tiger's eye can give you a boost of energy. Many believe this to be a particularly stimulating gemstone due to its connection with the sun’s vibrations. It may provide motivation and help you overcome fatigue and lethargy, so keep it on your person whenever you need a boost of energy. Some say this stone balances yin and yang as well as your personal energy. Because tiger’s eye possesses the energy of the earth, it may use those energies to help you stay grounded and prevent you from dedicating too much time to something that doesn’t benefit you.
Red tiger's eye could boost creativity. This stone is associated with passion and that often translates to creative passions, as well. By boosting these feelings, this stone may help open up mental and emotional blockages so you can focus on your art, writing, or other creative hobbies. Similarly, many claim red tiger’s eye can clear your mind and help you understand situations and solve problems objectively.
Red tiger’s eye may promote psychic ability. It raises your spiritual vibration and helps you stay grounded during spiritual activities like meditation. Meditating while holding a red tiger’s eye may help you open your third eye and tap into deeper levels of your subconscious, as the stone helps clear your mind.
Red Tiger’s Eye Physical and Healing Properties
Red tiger's eye may boost bone and muscle strength. Just as red tiger’s eye symbolizes emotional strength, it might improve physical strength, as well. Some suggest red tiger’s eye promotes healthy body tissue, which in turn encourages strength in the bones and muscles. It is even said to help heal broken bones, so wear one when you want to try to speed up recovery. Some people also suggest red tiger’s eye can help your body fall into healthy, natural rhythms and improve digestion.
Red tiger's eye could improve night vision and eye infections. Because of its name, many people believe the red tiger’s eye can improve eye health. Tigers have excellent night vision, so possessing a red tiger’s eye might help you see better in the dark. It may also speed up the recovery time of various eye infections and conditions if you place one over your eye.
It is believed to treat anemia. Because red is also the color of blood, some suggest owning this crystal can treat or improve blood conditions. It may soothe conditions like high blood pressure and relieve the effects of menstruation and menopause. Some say laying the crystal on your body (in this case, the heart) can be more effective. While many people believe crystals like red tiger’s eye have physical healing properties, these claims are not backed by science. Always seek professional medical assistance if you’re sick or have health conditions.
How to Use Red Tiger’s Eye
Hold it in your hands while meditating. Red tiger’s eye is said to help you clear your mind and ground yourself, so it can be especially useful when meditating. Hold a tumbled stone in your hand to soothe and relax your mind so you can get in touch with your spirituality.
Place it on your root chakra to clear blockages. Red tiger’s eye is associated with the root chakra located at the base of the spine. The root chakra is responsible for your sense of stability and allows you to feel firmly rooted in your life. Placing the crystal on this chakra is said to help clear blockages between the chakras and allow you to feel more connected to your true self. Many claim red tiger’s eye also positively impacts your solar plexus and sacral chakras, leading to a boost in confidence.
Keep it on your person for protection. Red tiger’s eye promotes both physical and spiritual protection. It is believed that if you carry it with you at all times, you’re less likely to come into physical harm and you’ll be protected from evil spirits and negativity. Many claim that red tiger’s eye is particularly valuable to the Scorpio zodiac sign, as it shields them from negativity and prevents pessimistic thoughts.
Keep it on or near your bed to increase libido. Because the color red is often associated with sexuality and desire, many suggest placing a red tiger’s eye under your pillow or mattress (or on your nightstand) to spice things up in the bedroom and keep your partner satisfied. Red tiger’s eye is also said to promote fertility and pregnancy.
Place it on your workstation to boost productivity. If you struggle to stay focused at work or have been experiencing a creativity block, a red tiger’s eye might be able to help. Keep a stone on your desk, in your office, or wherever you practice your creativity to boost your concentration.
Keep it in your wallet to encourage a steady income. Historically, red tiger’s eye has been associated with wealth and fortune. If you need some extra cash or are hoping to get a raise at work, put a red tiger’s eye in your purse or wallet and keep it there until the money starts flowing in.
Wear it with other crystals for additional benefits. When you wear or carry multiple crystals, many claim you get the benefits of each. Here are some common crystals to wear with your red tiger’s eye and what they support: Wear black obsidian with your red tiger’s eye to balance the root or base chakra. Pair black tourmaline with your tiger’s eye for a strong grounding combination. Red tiger’s eye and amethyst work well together to open your third eye. Pair it with jasper for strong restorative properties used to complete tasks. For love, try red tiger’s eye with clear quartz, smoky quartz, or rose quartz.
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