In Andhra Pradesh, Devotees Throng To This Temple For The Darshan Of Naga Devatha
In Andhra Pradesh, Devotees Throng To This Temple For The Darshan Of Naga Devatha
The devotees also believe that if you perform the puja ceremony at the Nagula Putta with utmost devotion, Naga Devatha will give his darshan.

The Sri Samba Sadashiva Temple, situated in Pamur village within the Komarolu Mandal of Prakasam district, Andhra Pradesh, stands as a testament to India’s rich cultural and religious heritage. Devoted to Lord Shiva, this temple holds a unique significance for its devotees, particularly those who staunchly believe in the presence of Nagula Swamy or Naga Devatha (Snake God) in the nagula putta (snake pit) within the temple premises.

According to local reports from Telugu Local 18, followers firmly hold the belief that by performing puja ceremonies with utmost devotion at the Nagula Putta, they can receive the divine darshan of Naga Devatha. The temple’s sacred snake pit is a place where devotees offer prayers to seek the fulfilment of their wishes, and many claim to have witnessed the manifestation of Naga Devatha during their visits.

Constructed approximately 30 years ago near the Kadapa-Guntur road in Pamurupalle village, the Sri Samba Sadashiva Temple was a collaborative effort of devotees, transcending caste and religion, who contributed financially to its establishment. Noteworthy features of the temple include naturally blooming Amla (Indian Gooseberry) and Bilva (Aegle Marmelos Correa) trees, considered dear to Lord Parameshwara by believers.

The temple’s allure extends beyond its architectural and natural elements to encompass the revered Nagula Putta, tastefully adorned by the temple priest, as showcased in the Local 18 report. The temple authorities have covered the snake pit with a vessel supported by three chains, creating a visually appealing sacred space. Additionally, an idol of Nandi, the bull, symbolizing Lord Shiva’s animal form and his dedicated worshiper, adds to the spiritual ambience of the temple.

Residents of Pamur village express a deep sense of gratitude and blessing for having the Sri Samba Sadashiva Temple in their vicinity, considering it a majestic presence that enriches their lives.

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