3 CRPF jawans killed in Kashmir blast
3 CRPF jawans killed in Kashmir blast
Three Central Reserve Police Force personnel were killed when a grenade exploded inside a camp in Kashmir.

Srinagar: Suspected Islamic militants attacked a paramilitary camp, a police post and an Army vehicle in Kashmir in an upsurge in violence on Friday, killing three government soldiers and wounding another 22, police said.

A grenade attack at the paramilitary camp killed at least two soldiers in Nihama, a village 45 miles south of Srinagar, Police chief S P Pani said.

Three soldiers are critically wounded in the blast were taken to a hospital, Pani added.

''We are verifying from where the grenade was lobbed,'' Prabhakar Tripathy, a spokesman for the Central Reserve Police Force said.

Also on Friday, suspected rebels fired at a police post at Sheeri, a village 45 miles north of Srinagar, killing one policeman and critically wounding another four, said a senior superintendent of police, Viplav Kumar.

No one claimed responsibility for the two attacks.

Hours earlier, militants triggered an improvised explosive device as an Army vehicle passed by in a high-security zone in Srinagar, said Sajjad Ahmed, a police officer. The 15 wounded soldiers were hospitalised, one in critical condition.

In a statement faxed to the local Kashmir News Service, Hizbul Mujahideen spokesman Ahsan Illahi claimed his group's responsibility for the attack.

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