A welfare State for spinners, weavers
A welfare State for spinners, weavers
CHENNAI: One of the significant achievements of the AIADMK government during its first year was resolving the Tirupur dyeing units..

CHENNAI: One of the significant achievements of the AIADMK government during its first year was resolving the Tirupur dyeing units issue which was dragging on for a few decades. Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa took pro-active steps to end the impasse, bringing relief to lakhs of workers at these units.After many rounds of talks with the representatives of the dyeing units as well as the farmers of Noyyal ayacut, the Chief Minister announced a series of measures for re-opening the dyeing units, while protecting the interest of farmers.The CM ordered disbursal of Rs 200 crore interest-free loans to find a solution to the pollution problems. She held detailed discussions about the two methods for attaining zero effluent discharge - one developed by the Tamil Nadu Water Investment Corporation Limited and another method adopted in Gurajat based on nano-technology.Without wasting time, the CM deputed a team of top officials to Gujarat to get more information about nano technology used in dyeing units there. The CM also ordered payment of compensation of Rs 18.38 crores to the farmers affected by the effluents discharged from the dyeing units.Besides, pulpwood plantations have been raised in 1,000 acres of lands alongNoyyal river irrigation area which were polluted by the waters released by dyeing units. Since this scheme has received good response from the farmers, the government has decided to raise pulpwood plantations in 3,000 acres.  This would be implemented through contract farming method. The farmers who take part in the initiative would get Rs 4,000 as lease amount per annum for six years. Due to the pulpwood plantations, the nature of soil would be conducive for cultivation again in near future. Recently, the CM announced a slew of measures for weavers and sericulture farmers, which will improve their socio-economic position in the State.Making a Statement under Rule 110 in the State Assembly, the Chief Minister said farmers cultivating mulberry would get a grant of Rs 6,750 per acre from now on as against Rs 4,125 they were getting now. She said that by increasing the annual subsidy, the sericulture farmers would get a maximum grant of Rs 16,875 per hectare.

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