AIIMS Doctor and His 9-Month Pregnant Wife Test Positive for Coronavirus, Both in Isolation
AIIMS Doctor and His 9-Month Pregnant Wife Test Positive for Coronavirus, Both in Isolation
Sources say his wife, who is nine-month pregnant, has also tested positive for the novel coronavirus and has been isolated.

New Delhi: A senior resident doctor of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Delhi has tested positive for COVID-19, official sources confirmed on Thursday.

Sources say his wife, who is nine-month pregnant, has also tested positive for the novel coronavirus and has been isolated.

The doctor from the Physiology Department has been admitted to the new private ward of the hospital, official sources said, adding contact-tracing is being done and those identified are being screened and advised home-quarantine accordingly.

The source of the infection is yet to be ascertained, but official sources said the doctor does not have any foreign travel history.

A senior CRPF doctor, working as the chief medical officer at a Delhi-based hospital of the force, has tested positive for COVID-19, officials said on Thursday. They said the doctor has been admitted to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Haryana's Jhajjar.

Two resident doctors of the Centre-run Safdarjung Hospital in Delhi have also tested positive for COVID-19. Besides, two doctors of Delhi government-run hospitals who have also tested positive for the coronavirus infection.

One of the Safdarjung Hospital doctors, who is part of the team treating COVID-19 patients at the hospital, is believed to have contracted the disease during the course of duty, the sources had said on Wednesday.

The other medico, a female resident doctor who is a third-year post-graduate student of Biochemistry Department, had recently travelled abroad, they had said.

Both of them showed symptoms of COVID-19 and their test results came out positive three days ago. They are now undergoing treatment at the isolation ward of Safdarjung Hospital.

"All doctors and staff who had come in contact with them have been tested and so far nobody else has been found positive for coronavirus infection," said sources.

At Sardar Patel Hospital and Delhi State Cancer Institute (DSCI) too, a doctor each has tested positive for the coronavirus infection, the sources had said.

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