AIMA MAT September 2019 Admit Card for CBT Exam to Release Shortly at
AIMA MAT September 2019 Admit Card for CBT Exam to Release Shortly at
The AIMA MAT September 2019 Admit Card will be released for Computer-Based Examination (CBT), which will be conducted on September 14 (Saturday).

AIMA MAT September 2019 Admit Card | The All India Management Association (AIMA) will release the admit card for Management Aptitude Test (MAT) 2019 on its official website on Tuesday. The AIMA MAT September 2019 Admit Card will be released for Computer-Based Examination (CBT), which is scheduled to take place on Saturday, September 14, 2019. All the interested candidates can download their AIMA MAT 2019 Admit Card from the official website of AIMA at

All the candidates who are set to appear for AIMA MAT September 2019 CBT Exam would need a scanned copy of their photograph and signature in JPG or JPEG format. In addition, all the documents containing educational qualification should also be kept handy.

The AIMA MAT CBT will be held on September 14 and AIMA MAT PBT will be held on September 21, 2019. The admit card for the paper-based test will be released on September 17, 2019.

AIMA MAT September admit card 2019: Here’s How to download

Step 1: Visit the official website of AIMA MAT at

Step 2: Click on the link that reads ‘MAT September 2019’ Admit Card

Step 3: You will be redirected to a new page

Step 4: On the log-in page, sign-in with the required credentials and click on ‘submit’ button

Step 5: Your AIMA MAT September admit card 2019 will appear on the screen

Step 7: Download it and take out a printout for future reference.

It is to be noted that MAT is an entrance exam for national and international B-schools. On qualifying this, candidates can seek admission in MBA and allied programmes.

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