As Protests Swell Against Agriculture Laws, Section of Haryana Farmers Lends Support to Centre
As Protests Swell Against Agriculture Laws, Section of Haryana Farmers Lends Support to Centre
The supporting farmers’ group from Haryana claimed that they do not oppose any amendments and they wanted all the laws to be enforced.

As thousands of farmers threatened to intensify protests and called for a ‘Bharat Band’ against the new agri laws, a group of farmers from Haryana has decided to lend support to these laws.

Farmers representing Har Kisan, an organization of 116 farmer-owned agri enterprises known as farmer producer organisations, met the agriculture minister Narendra Singh Tomar and asked for a separate meeting with him with more members of their organisation.

Extending support to the laws, the organisation appealed to the minister not to repeal the legislation, Hindustan Times reported. Ever since the protest began, this is for the first time when a section of farmers has come out in support of the laws.

The supporting farmers’ group from Haryana claimed that they do not oppose any amendments and they wanted all the laws to be enforced. “We want MSP to continue, we also want the mandi system to continue but we also want more marketing options that these new laws will create,” Satpal Singh, one of the signatories of a memorandum submitted by the delegation to the farm minister told HT.

Meanwhile, the protests entered Day 13 on Tuesday, and the farmer unions have called for Bharat Bandh, which is supported by farmers nationwide and most of the opposition parties. To keep the situation in control, the Delhi Police have beefed up security at all border points and made arrangements to maintain law and order across the city, including market places.

Farmer leaders have said emergency services will be exempted and appealed to their affiliates to not force anyone to join the shutdown. Protesting farmers will block key roads and occupy toll plazas during their ‘chakka jam’ protest from 11 am to 3 pm.

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