"Baby is due in March" : Konkana
"Baby is due in March" : Konkana
The actress admits that she is on a break currently till next year and gets talking about her upcoming films 'Mirch' and 'Iti Mrinalini'

Konkana Sen Sharma has been in news recently for her wedding with beau Ranvir Shorey and her pregnancy. Konkana says, “I am on a break till next year and expecting my baby to arrive in March.” She adds, “But I do have two movies releasing this year – Mirch and Iti Mrinalini.”

Mirch is directed by Vinay Shukla and is set to release on December 10. About her role in the movie Konkana says, “The movie consists of four short stories. I feature in two and Raima Sen in the other two. All the stories revolve around a struggling film-maker named Arun. He makes a film and his producer rejects it, suggesting that he needs to make a film that is spicy and has some sex.” She adds, “All the four stories in the film are thematically linked as they are about women who take charge of their sexual destiny. The film is funny and very tongue-in-cheek. I play the characters of a Rajasthani queen married to a much older man played by Prem Chopra. She is sexually unsatisfied so she seduces other younger men. In the other story I play a modern day woman from a lower-middle class family.”

Konkana claims that the characters that she plays in this movie are quite different from the roles that she has played in her earlier films. She explains, “In most of my movies I have played all ‘good girl’ roles. But my characters in this movie are a little wicked and I enjoyed that.”

Another movie that Konkana will be seen in, this year is her mother Aparna Sen’s movie – Iti Mrinalini. Konkana says, “My mother and I play the same character in the film. She plays the role of an old actress who has been a leading actress in her younger days and remembers those glorious days. I play the younger actress.” She adds, “It is always a pleasure working with mom and I think she has given me the best roles to play, till date.”

Not many actresses are willing to do films that are meant for a ‘niche’ audience. How does Konkana choose her films? She replies, “I simply like to do films wherein I have a good role, something substantial to do. I try not to get too involved with the box office results. As an actor I just can act in the film and can not do anything beyond that. But I always hope that all my films do well at the box office,” she says.

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