Biden to visit Pak | Don't flay Pak without proof: Mulford
Biden to visit Pak | Don't flay Pak without proof: Mulford
The details of his visit are being kept under wraps for security reasons.

New Delhi: US Vice President-elect Joe Biden will be visiting Pakistan late on Friday. He is on a mission to Southwest Asia this week, leading a bipartisan Congressional delegation, but may not visit India.

The details of his visit were being kept under wraps by his office for security reasons but Biden revealed that his trip would also include travel to Iraq, Afghanistan.

Although, Biden's aide made it clear that his trip is not official, assumptions are being made that it is a fact finding tour.

Speaking to Congressional reporters after taking oath as a Senator for the seventh time, Biden revealed that he would travel to Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan but made no reference to India as an itinerary for his upcoming visit.

"This will be my God-knows-how-many trips, I guess my tenth or eleventh trip into Iraq and I don't know how many times in Afghanistan and Pakistan," Biden was quoted as saying by Politico, which is known for its extensive coverage of US Congress.

Politico said Biden revealed the key stops of his upcoming foreign trip without even being asked.

Biden would be leading the Congressional delegation in the capacity as the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, just days before he takes office alongside Barack Obama on January 20.

He would be accompanied by Senator John Kerry, the former Democratic Presidential candidate and the incoming Chairman of the powerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee.(With PTI inputs)

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